Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 611

Wang Jian has been following the progress of Blackwater recently, so he saw the news from the Xu sisters for the first time.

Since Lord Shen was transferred to the south, the daily affairs of the black flag camp in fengri city have been taken over by Wang Yiming, and Wang Jian, as a confidant, has taken over all aspects of the Blackwater plan alone.

In the past, big and small matters of the Blackwater plan needed Lord Shen\'s decision. Wang Jian did some relatively detailed or basic affairs, but now he can be called "taking the lead alone".

Other businesses will be more or less impacted when the war is booming, but the intelligence industry is just the opposite. The more volatile it is, the more it can avoid the constraints of the past and develop rapidly. This has the same commonality with the black market where business is becoming more and more popular.

Since the emperor determined the direction of the military affairs in the south, the news from all over the country has snowballed into the four parts. Fortunately, the document library has been built before. The massive information inflow and submission have not affected the overall operation. On the contrary, the supplement of many messages makes the document library of the four parts more accurate.

"My Lord, according to the intelligence analysis provided by the Xu sisters during this period, Bai Changqing is already planning the details of the future austerity strategy. This is consistent with the rumors uploaded from the temple. But considering Bai Changqing\'s track of action during this period, he should not have met anyone in private. It\'s unusual for him to stay at home except for going up and going up."

"What\'s unusual about this? People have been married for less than a year and kill two birds with one stone. Isn\'t it normal to like to go home? What\'s your conclusion?"

Wang Jian put down his intelligence profile. This is the seventh intelligence sent back by the Xu sisters. There are four file numbers on it to facilitate the formation of a timeline and then contact external information for integration and analysis.

"It has long been said that Bai Changqing is" afraid of the inside "in the temple and the upper class of the imperial city Many people are secretly talking about it. However, according to the information sent back by the Xu sisters, Bai Changqing is not afraid of his wife, and he has not become lazy or frustrated because he has married two young wives. He spends more time at home thinking about official business in his study. This is completely different from the outside view of Bai Changqing 。

According to the information reaction in the document library, generally speaking, whenever there is a major event in the court, the senior officials who stay in the imperial city will move frequently in private. They will not go to the past Street teahouses or restaurants. They will choose their own homes. There will not be many people to gather, and the number of people will be controlled between three and five. Even we judge that these senior officials are the ones who make the climate in many temples Put forward and gradually improved in these private meetings. "

Wang Jian\'s eyebrows wrinkled slightly after the analysis of his subordinates. He heard something.

These Xu sisters\' intelligence alone has no bright spot, but if you integrate other information received by Blackwater in the Imperial City, then you can read different things through targeted interpretation. Finally, combined with the character judgment of Bai Changqing in the four novels, we can deduce some things that are not shown in the intelligence.

"Go on."

"Yes, sir. According to our analysis, Bai Changqing deliberately allows others to think he is" afraid of the inside ", which can make him more successful when refusing invitations, and even directly help him block many invitations that are not so close. We are 70% sure of this."

In fact, the "70% assurance" put forward by the four films can be regarded as a certainty.

However, there are more than these things deduced from the four films, so the other party continued: "according to the wind direction in the temple, the civil servants are now weak, and there is no chance to think again. However, there are still many senior officials in the court gathered privately, among which ye Lansheng, the left phase, is the most active. However, Bai Changqing, who is in the same boat as ye Lansheng, has recently shown such" fear of his own family and family " It seems a little meaningful.

We believe that Bai Changqing is deliberately avoiding the leaders of the civil service group dominated by Ye Lansheng. "

This conclusion made Wang Jian\'s face more curious.

In the past, except for the military department, the other five of the six central government departments basically wore a pair of trousers, which is the main reason why the civil service group can bully the Army: the power is too big.

As the key to taking charge of the "money bag", the household department has always been one of the cores of the civil service group, and Bai Changqing is also an important figure in the civil service group.

On some occasions, Bai Changqing even attended as the right arm of Ye Lansheng, the left phase. The relationship between the two should be very close.

Now the four novels analyze that Bai Changqing is taking the initiative to distance himself from ye Lansheng. Why?

His subordinates continued: "Bai Changqing is more principled, which can be seen from his administration in the Ministry of household and his previous resume over the years. He is very good at factional fighting and has great luck. He is also a leader in civil service in cultivation. Moreover, his family has three generations of officials and contacts. He is a typical Shang * * English figure.

Such a person takes the initiative to distance himself from the powerful Zuo Xiang Ye Lansheng, and can even be seen as deliberately alienating the active senior officials in most civil service groups. Perhaps there is only one explanation for this: Bai Changqing feels the danger, is subconsciously away, and is safe in the mind of self-protection. "

"Danger? What does Bai Changqing feel that makes him so afraid that he even ignores the scene and wants to distance himself from ye Lansheng and others?"

"I don\'t know yet. But judging from Bai Changqing\'s means of" self pollution ", the danger he felt should still be only a sign, not actually appear. Otherwise, he wouldn\'t use" self pollution "to leave room for himself. We estimate that we can\'t see some clues until the Ministry of household\'s tight collection strategy for money and grain is released."

"So, do you think something big will happen to the money and grain strategy behind the household department?"

"Yes, sir. According to the screening of various strategies within the country and Dynasty during the barbarian wars, we all agree that the money and grain strategy of the Ministry of household in wartime is the most important and has the widest coverage. There will be waves every time. It is probably the same this time."

Wang Jian nodded, then left his signature on the approval submitted by the other party, and then said, "I can give you something, but your action must be fast, that\'s what you just said. The analysis and basis are attached. Can I give you two days?"

"Don\'t worry, sir. We only need one day and we will take out something to your satisfaction!"

"Very good. I\'ll wait for your news. Go and do something." Wang Jian handed over the approval document signed by himself. The latter took it with both hands and bowed away.

The one who left was a deacon of the magistrates\' department. He had no accomplishments and no martial arts. The only reasonable advantage was that he had been a bad teacher in the establishment of eight places and even a public school. He was full of bad water. Now he is in charge of the first position in the judge department.