Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 610

"Dong Dong Dong..." a crisp student called at the door of the study: "Sir, let\'s cook some soup for you?"

When Bai Changqing was in the study, no one dared to come in. Even the Xu sisters knocked at the door at most. They could only push the door in with permission.

He rubbed his swollen forehead. Bai Changqing leaned against the back of the chair and barely smiled on his face: "come in."

The sisters of the Xu family came, one before and one after, with a cute person carrying a small soup can, one holding a tray and a pair of dishes and chopsticks on it.

"Master, have a rest. I\'ve been cooking this soup all day. It\'s a nourishing prescription handed down from my family. Housekeeper Zhang said it\'s good, and the soup is still delicious. Have a try!"

Sister Xu Zhiyuan scooped out a bowl of soup from the jar. Sister Xu Zhidi carried the bowl to Bai Changqing with a smile.

Looking at his two sisters, Bai Changqing\'s gloom dissipated a lot. He used to think it was exaggerated, but now he knows it. Every time he looked at the two women\'s clear smiles, he would be full of energy.

I blew and drank. It\'s really good.

After drinking the soup, he picked up chopsticks and ate the ingredients in the soup. Seeing the two sisters happy, Bai Changqing stretched out the bowl and asked for another bowl. He knew very well that if he ate too much, it meant that they were good at their craft, which could make the two women happier than boasting.

These days, Bai Changqing was surprised that she had such a careful and gentle side. She had been with her first wife for decades, but she had never been so careful. Maybe people really change?

After two bowls of soup, the two women were indeed smiling. Xu Zhiyuan cleans up the dishes and chopsticks, while Xu Zhidi wants to be spoiled with Bai Changqing as usual. Finally, she retracts into Bai Changqing\'s arms as she wishes, like a clever kitten. Xu Zhiyuan went behind Bai Changqing and silently helped Bai Changqing massage her shoulders and back neck.

"If you\'re tired, take a rest? It\'s so late." Xu Zhiyuan couldn\'t bear her husband\'s fatigue. She hesitated and advised.

"Well, you go to bed first and I\'ll sit for a while."

Xu Zhiyuan stood behind Bai Changqing while talking, but her eyes quickly swept around the table, and her eyes flashed a change, but she returned to normal in a moment.

After pressing for a while, Xu Zhidi in her arms seemed to want to sleep. Bai Changqing couldn\'t bear the two women to stay with him in the study, so she asked them to go back to their room to have a rest and don\'t have to stay here. After the two women left, he picked up the desk again and continued to look through it. At the same time, he wrote some plans and ideas in his mind on an essay book beside him.

There is a word called "strange bedfellows", which can be used to describe Bai Changqing\'s romantic marriage between an old husband and a young wife. To be more precise, it was a unilateral "strange dream", which was pathetic for Bai Changqing.

Carrying the soup cans and dishes and chopsticks collected, the Xu sisters didn\'t need to send them to clean themselves. When they left the study, a servant immediately picked them up, while the two sisters chattered about how delicious Bai Changqing ate, and discussed whether to cook some other soup tomorrow?

Although the voice seemed sleepy along the way, I could hear that the two women were still very happy. People around also smiled knowingly and waited on them.

When everything was ready and it was late at night, the two women went to bed in loose robes and turned out the lights to sleep, and the next people could finally have a rest.

"Sister, do you see?"

"Well, I see."

Even in the dead of night, even in the bed of the bedroom, the two sisters are careful to say small words. Even when they write and communicate with their fingers on each other\'s palms instead of opening their mouth, even their hands are not seen under the thin quilt.

"What are those?"

"It\'s like the old documents of the Ministry of household, about the general strategy of grain distribution in wartime."

"Are these what the Ministry of household will do later? Is it useful news?"

"Of course. Lord Wang has come to the task. Let\'s pay attention to his every move. It\'s still the old rule. After he leaves tomorrow, we\'ll send the news back."

This kind of communication by writing with fingers and palms can only be done after special training. Most people can recognize one or two words. In this way, the paragraph by paragraph is not accurate.

"But sister, I think Lao Bai is very good to us. Won\'t we hurt him?"

"Very good? His offspring wanted to poison me and me before. If I wasn\'t smart, I\'m afraid our bodies would be rotten. Do you think he took revenge for you and me? It\'s just a ridge stick punishment. He didn\'t even get out of the house. Do you feel guilty about that?"

"I don\'t know. I think he\'s really good to us. Besides, it\'s his own son. Isn\'t it normal to be reluctant to kill him?"

"Zhidi, you won\'t be really emotional, will you?" Xu Zhiyuan was a little uneasy. She didn\'t expect her sister to suddenly say this.

"How can I! My sister is worried too much. I just can\'t bear it. I think Lao Bai is a good man."

Xu Zhiyuan was vigilant and warned: "if you are unstable, you should think about that person, his appearance and those eyes. You should understand what will happen if we move towards Bai Changqing. What is the tragedy of those who are tied to stone pillars? And you and my family..."

When her sister mentioned "the man" and "those eyes", Xu Zhidi\'s body shook unconsciously. She knew that her sister was talking about Lord Shen of xuanqingwei. Those cold eyes like poisonous snakes often appeared in her dreams, accompanied by repeated scenes of torture.

But when she came to the White House, Xu Zhidi seldom had such a nightmare. Now her sister mentioned it, she was in a cold sweat on her back.

Feeling her sister\'s fear, Xu Zhiyuan felt relieved, stretched out her hand to hold each other tightly, patted her back and comforted: "this is our life. We can live honestly according to the task, and maybe be free in the future. That person is trustworthy to his subordinates. I believe him. But if we have a mind we shouldn\'t have, we will die without a place to bury."

"Well, I know, sister. I won\'t think so again."

"It\'s good to know. In addition, these news are aimed at the household department, not at Lao Bai himself. Moreover, Lord Wang wants to take it as a reference and won\'t start on Lao Bai."

Finally, this sentence completely smoothed the pimple in Xu Zhidi\'s heart. The two sisters talked for a while before falling asleep. Bai Changqing, on the other hand, came back to lie down for a while before dawn. He was worried. He didn\'t bother to think about his young wife at all.

Early the next morning, after Bai Changqing went on a business trip, the two sisters said they wanted to soak in cold water. When no one was around, they took out the hidden thousand mile notes and passed on the things and general contents they saw in Bai Changqing\'s study yesterday. It uses the encryption method taught in the previous training. People who don\'t know the doorway here can\'t understand it.