Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 609

Just after the court meeting, Bai Changqing walked out of the palace with a cold face, and then took his carriage, put down the curtain and went home all the way. I\'m upset today. I can\'t see the official documents. Go home and have a rest.

In the carriage, Bai Changqing obviously felt that the busy junhou street was much quieter than before. Lift the corner of the driving curtain and you can see the restaurants, tea houses and other places outside. The door can drop birds. It has not been prosperous in the past.

In other words, most of the restaurants and tea houses in the upper half of junhou Street are fed by the princes in the temple. Others will not spend much more money on tea and drinking than other places for ostentation and elegance. Only the princes who are superior in everything in the temple like this tone.

Of course, including Bai Changqing, they don\'t have to pay for coming to these places. Some people lined up and asked them to come here.

Recently, this trend has been suppressed by the clouds of war. Even the people who like to come out most try to avoid suspicion, so as not to touch the mold.

Bai Changqing hasn\'t been out drinking or drinking tea with his colleagues for a long time. Generally, he either goes to the court or goes on a job. He doesn\'t want to go anywhere and stays at home the rest of the time. Now he is a famous Gu family in the court.

If someone else, such as Bai Changqing, likes to stay at home and no longer socialize, he must be ridiculed and said that he is afraid of the inside. But Bai Changqing, no one dares to say.

He is the Minister of the household department, and he is more than 70 years old. How dare ordinary people sneer at him? And Bai Changqing doesn\'t care.

On the contrary, now that the situation is bad, Bai Changqing is still happy to be regarded as "caring for his family" or "afraid of his family", which saves him from trying to push away those private invitations.

Who are these people? At this time, Bai Changqing still wants to pull him in line. Bai Changqing is a little cold in his heart. In particular, the previous hints given to him by Zuo Xiang Ye Lansheng made him tremble at the bottom of his heart and felt that he should have made plans for many things.

Bai Changqing\'s house is in the west of the imperial city. It is a newly bought house, which is much larger than the previous one.

As soon as Bai Changqing entered the door, he saw a pair of Sister Flowers trotting towards him with a smile on their faces. Suddenly, the coldness on their faces turned into a smile, and he spread out his arms to hold the sister flowers in his arms.

This kind of behavior without "manners" can not be seen in other homes, let alone in the body of a housewife. "Modesty" is what a hostess in a high door and red wall should look like. But it won\'t work at Bai Changqing\'s house. At least it won\'t work after he married the Xu sisters.

The age gap of more than 50 years old makes Bai Changqing more tolerant and even "doting" when looking at the Xu sisters. He, who is used to seeing the wind and the moon, also happens to like the intelligence and brilliance of the Xu sisters. Even if he is naive, he likes it tightly, because these are the things he once had but have long passed away.

"Master! It\'s so early to come back today! Shall I cook for you today?"

"Sir, I\'ve sewed you a regular dress. Will you try it later?"

The chattering is very lively. The people around are used to it. It\'s no wonder. They stand in the distance with their heads down, smiles but different thoughts. It\'s inconvenient to get close.

"Hehe, OK, wait for me to wash, then try my clothes, and then eat, okay?"

"Uh huh!" the two women smiled and took Bai Changqing\'s arm and went all the way to the backyard bedroom. As close as a young newlyweds.

However, Bai Changqing\'s gray hair is dazzling.

After dinner, Bai Changqing changed into a new uniform. After chatting with the two women for a while, Bai Changqing entered the study. He needs to take a good look at what happened at today\'s meeting.

Now the situation in the temple is becoming more and more unpredictable. Bai Changqing lamented the rise of the army and the exhaustion of civil servants, but unlike many civil servants, he was actually able to accept the current situation. In Bai Changqing\'s view, factional disputes are only limited to the premise that there will be no external threat within the country and the DPRK. If such a war is ignited now, you have to take it easy, and factions cannot be superior to the national war.

This does not conflict with Bai Changqing\'s previous strong advocacy of "peace talks". "Peace talks" is his political appeal, but now if the appeal fails, we can\'t play tricks. If the emperor wins and the army wins, we should follow the winner. This is called "we can afford to lose and let go". So now the undercurrent in the temple makes Bai Changqing secretly frightened, and even a cold sweat on his back.

Why? Because many key figures in the civil service group, including Ye Lansheng, are still in private, do not admit the loss of their right to speak, and have an idea that makes Bai Changqing jumpy: if the war ahead is not going well, or the war damage is great, then they have the opportunity to stand up and accuse the army of wasting the lives of the national treasury and officers, and strive for peace talks again, so as to regain the right to speak.

Even in order to achieve this goal, ye Lansheng hinted to Bai Changqing several times that he would put some pressure on the army on money and food, and even "relax appropriately" on ordnance. How does Bai Changqing respond to these words? How dare you answer?

At this court meeting, the emperor had made clear the strategy of tightening the collection of money and grain, and asked the Ministry of household to collect grain and put it into storage at the end of October.

It would be easy to do just that. Although Bai Changqing has not experienced the overall planning work during the war, the Ministry of household has detailed documents. He can find out various strategies of the Ministry of household in recent wars, synthesize them, and then think about some details to get through. Moreover, Bai Changqing had borrowed these letters long ago and looked through them. Today, his family\'s study also brought some rubbings back to ponder carefully. He was prepared.

But the more prepared he was, the more tangled he was. Once the tight policy is implemented, if the war is not over in a few months, it will begin to release food to the cities in the form of quotas. Bai Changqing, an extremely sensitive errand with great hidden power, doesn\'t want it.

However, Bai Changqing is sure that more people will come to him for a private "tea party" or "a few drinks at home".

Bai Changqing didn\'t care about this invisible power, but regarded it as a beast to avoid. Many people wanted to take it. Although Bai Changqing has not considered thoroughly, he also knows seven or eight points. The only problem is that Bai Changqing doesn\'t know who he can throw it to. Will the emperor let him throw it out. Or, does he need to discuss this matter with Zuo Xiang Ye Lansheng?

Thinking of Ye Lansheng, Bai Changqing frowned deeply. I didn\'t think before. Now some of Ye Lansheng\'s actions are more and more disagreeable to Bai Changqing, and even feel very inappropriate. Moreover, with the failure of the last counterattack led by Ye Lansheng, the discourse power of the civil service group fell sharply, and ye Lansheng\'s prestige in the civil service was not as good as before.

Now that the situation is changing, Bai Changqing feels that she should have her own plan instead of blindly following Ye Lansheng.