Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 606

Yang Yansi\'s reaction was faster than the bodyguard outside the pavilion, and the man who suddenly appeared outside the pavilion was really strange. There was no sign at all before, just like appearing out of thin air.

"General Yang, I heard you\'ve had a hard time recently."

The visitor was not stopped by the bodyguard. On the contrary, the bodyguard bowed slightly towards him, which was regarded as a salute, and then retreated far away to guard. The big and small affairs in the pavilion are handled by Yang Yansi himself. They are not needed for the time being.

"Ha ha, it\'s funny for Wang Ye. But it\'s all expected. Now it\'s handled."

The man whom Yang Yansi called the LORD had gray hair and scars on his face. On his forehead, it seemed that he had been burned. The whole person doesn\'t seem to know his age. It\'s OK to say 70 or 80 or 40 or 50. The most strange thing is that the man\'s two eyes, one without white eyes, are all black, the other without benevolence, are all white, and look a little seeping.

"Handled it? Yang Xiusheng\'s pulse cutter is not ordinary. How did you hide it from him?"

"I just borrowed a life. It\'s strange that Yang Xiusheng was too confident. He didn\'t check my soul repeatedly and asked me to hide a wisp. When he came back, he used his life to fight and the pulse cutting prohibition was transferred. Although it was very troublesome and consumed a lot, it was safe.

Not enough to go upon what I have seen in my maple red mountain, what I can do is to call it a puppet and ask him to report anything. So everything is going well now.

Yang Yansi said as he picked up the chilled wine pot on the side, filled it for the other party, and said with a smile, "this is immortal wine. I only have two jars. Today, I\'ll divide these wine and vegetables."

"Hahaha, although I\'m average drinker, I\'ll accompany you once if I can\'t get drunk with this jar of wine." then he picked up the wine bowl in front of him, touched Yang Yansi, and drank it in one gulp. The sour taste of the spicy liquor through his throat made both of them breathe a mouthful of wine.

I drank two bowls in a row.

"Unfortunately, although wine is good, it is not my good. Just like this world, it is difficult to have the best of both worlds."

Yang Yansi, who was sitting opposite, could not understand what he said.

"My Lord, something happened suddenly. It was five years before the official launch, but no one expected that the group of false evil cults had problems and exposed their feet. Then Xuanqing Wei Shunteng touched melon all the way to the military headquarters. Finally, he had to launch in advance, so he had to follow the trend..."

The other party waved his hand, interrupted Yang Yansi\'s explanation, got up, picked up the wine jar and filled it for Yang Yansi, smiled and said, "as I said just now, things are difficult to be perfect, and accidents are inevitable. General Yang doesn\'t have to take it to heart. But things behind this can never go wrong again."

"Lord, don\'t worry. The later things have been planned for decades. Every vein has been latent early. Now it\'s just step by step. There will be no more mistakes."

They touched another bowl together. Then he picked up the chopsticks on the table and began to eat.

Out of politeness, Yang Yansi introduced these simple home-made dishes. He made several of them, and he planted vegetables himself. Therefore, the mat looks simple, but it won\'t be neglected at all.

"I\'ve known you for so long. What I admire most is your cooking. It\'s no worse than those chefs I\'ve eaten. Often these dishes show their level. To be honest, this meal is the most delicious meal in many days."

"What does the Lord mean?" Yang Yansi didn\'t believe that the other party would be short of food.

"Hehe, what else can we do? Money can\'t buy it. Originally, the dead city was supplied by Jingjiu Dynasty. Now there is a war in the south, and the rice noodles can barely be maintained. The price is soaring, but the non-staple food of poultry meat is sharply reduced. Even in the big restaurant, it\'s rare to eat a meal of streaky pork."

After cultivating yuan Dan, your appetite will drop a lot, not to mention climbing the xuanhai. Generally speaking, there will be no problem if you don\'t eat or drink for half a month. Eating and drinking on time is just to keep your habits or satisfy your cravings.

However, Yang Yansi didn\'t believe that the man opposite would have the idea of "greedy". I\'m afraid he had a word at will.

Sure enough, Yang Yansi answered, and then the other party said, "now the Jingjiu Dynasty has tightened all its strategies, from needles and thread to baggage and equipment. Even the supply and demand of the dead city have been reduced. It shows its determination. Are you sure that the previous plan will go smoothly?"

Yang Yansi was not surprised. The other party\'s character is suspicious, and it matters a lot, involving the lives of many people, including Yang Yansi and the other party. No matter how careful and cautious, it is reasonable and not wrong.

"My Lord, now the Jingjiu Dynasty has tightened the outflow of foreign goods in an all-round way. It is true that it is caused by the war in the south. This is because the first front line of this war against Nanman has been stretched from buhuoguan to the original line from Jianchuan to Huzhu.

Such a long supply line itself will devour a large amount of materials, and the rest will eventually fall on the front line after being consumed in layers. If it were not for the abundant storage of internal wind and rain in Jingjiu Dynasty over the past 40 years, this supply line alone would bring down the household.

Now it\'s just the initial stage. It\'s just to tighten the outflow of materials. Next, if the war is delayed for more than half a year, more than 30% of the official warehouses in Jingjiu Dynasty will be emptied. At that time, it\'s not just the outflow of materials. Strict quotas will be adopted internally. Just like the last great war, all kinds of materials will be allocated according to the population of the city.

Lord, think about it. Once the internal tightening starts, how much power is it in the local area? Even if it is only in wartime, can it determine the living situation of how many people in a big city?

Subdivision can also be related to the hats of local officials. Whoever can feed the people under his rule is a good official, on the contrary, he is incompetent. Isn\'t this "good and bad" under the control of the "austerity" strategy?

If such a great power comes at ordinary times, the emperor will delegate it to Zuo Xiang yamen according to the usual practice. But now both inside and outside are special. Such a good test will not be simply handed over to Zuo Xiang yamen according to the emperor\'s temperament. The possibility of other arrangements is at least 80%. "

With six achievements, he can roll up his sleeves and do it. Besides, Yang Yansi is 80% sure.

Seeing that the other party didn\'t speak, Yang Yansi continued: "as long as the emperor takes out this power, there will be competition. According to the emperor\'s habit, this power will be directly thrown to the weakest one, which has reached a balance, and then sit on the wall and wait for the result.

In order to avoid suspicion, xuanqingwei must pretend to be deaf and dumb. It\'s OK for civil servants to play tricks, but they can completely ignore what they do. In this way, there will be a black blind area under the light in the imperial city and even in the country and the dynasty, and then our opportunity will come. "