Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 607

One person has a jar of wine. Although he doesn\'t have much alcohol, where are the accomplishments after all? It\'s not easy to get drunk.

Yang Yansi didn\'t mention it. This man was born in the army and had a strong cultivation in xuanhai. A jar of immortal brew didn\'t even qualify him to face. The man on the other side also has a red face and a heart, but he seems to talk more.

"Before coming, I thought you could make another breakthrough. But I didn\'t expect you were still trapped in xuanhai Yizhong, and you didn\'t seem to make much progress."

"Practice is like sailing against the current. The more I go upstream, the more turbulent the current is. My broken boat has worked hard to reach this position. It\'s impossible to row forward." Yang Yansi\'s words have been very broad. He was also oppressed and unwilling to live, but he has recognized the reality for many years. Moreover, his cultivation is first-class in the world. Can he really expect the legendary realm of detachment?

However, Yang Yansi also had to sigh: "your cultivation has improved a lot, my Lord. I saw you 33 years ago? At that time, you were just like me. Now you are above me, double?"

"Well, I just broke through last month. I\'ve been on this threshold for eight years. Hey, I said I would go further than you. Now it seems that I won?"

I haven\'t seen them for 33 years. After talking about things, they also have the meaning of looking back through drinking. Also recalling.

"Hahaha..." Yang Yansi laughed and said, "do you remember? At that time, I thought the advantage of entering the xuanhai realm before you could enter the second place before you, but now I still think I\'m not clear enough and overestimate myself."

The man on the other side also smiled for a while, but finally said, "no, no, no, you and I have almost the same talent. My mentor also said that your achievements in practice should be above me in the future. I have always been dissatisfied, but later I have to admit that my mentor saw it very accurately."

Yang Yansi said Hei hei twice. He didn\'t think so. He thought that the other party was still joking. They were both in the xuanhai realm. Who was more talented and who was more successful? Do you still use the old saying of turning over the mentor to distinguish?

Seeing Yang Yansi smiling without saying anything, the man continued: "do you really think I\'m kidding you? Hehe, you haven\'t seen me for so many years. Don\'t you think I\'ve become nauseous?"

"It\'s really ugly." Yang Yansi\'s words were more relaxed than before. They seemed to pull back the sense of familiarity by drinking.

A pair of absolutely penetrating eyes, coupled with the scars on the face, are definitely avoided by everyone walking in the street. Maybe they will report to the official that they are evil.

How can a normal person\'s eyes be so strange in black and white?

But Yang Yansi guessed that the change of eyes was mostly caused by the other party\'s practice of some kind of Dharma. And the Dharma is everyone\'s foundation. How can you show people at leisure? If others ask about it, it\'s inappropriate. After all, I haven\'t seen it for more than 30 years, and I have something important to face. Naturally, Yang Yansi turns a blind eye to it as a small matter.

"This is the price for my cultivation to break through to the xuanhai realm. You learned to" borrow life ", but I used" melt life ", which becomes like this when I melt too much. It\'s disabled, but these eyes also have some strange uses."

"Melting life?! that\'s taboo, Lord, you..."

"Those who want to achieve great things don\'t have to care about minor details. Moreover, now that I have succeeded, I not only entered the hopeless realm of xuanhai realm, but also broke the constraints of talent. Since then, my own Avenue has been born in my heart!"

Avenue? Born in my heart?

I don\'t know why when Yang Yansi heard each other\'s words, he felt some inexplicable feeling, but he didn\'t know what was wrong.

"Lord, is it easy to match the taboo skills? You, or... Hey!" I tried to persuade, but I couldn\'t persuade it in the end. If the other party has learned everything and has directly benefited from it, how can they go back? I\'m afraid it\'s too late to look back.

One more point neither of them mentioned. Since the so-called "melting life" is a taboo technique, what is the price? What is the price?

One doesn\'t want to say, the other doesn\'t dare to ask.

"It\'s just that your eyes usually..."

"It\'s not like this at ordinary times. If you cover it up, it won\'t be seen. By the way, here you are. The previous one should be useless again. It\'s new. I made it myself. It\'s farther than the ordinary one, and there are more attached messages. Keep it."

The man handed over a thousand mile note, which was only one circle larger than the ordinary thousand mile note, and the array lines on it were also significantly different.

"You learn everything quickly. At first I remember that you were the best in our group. Yang Xiusheng wanted to admit you to Fenghong villa. I thought he wanted to train you as his successor. Unfortunately, you didn\'t want to do that at that time."

"What a pity? Do you think it\'s a pity?"

Yang Yansi picked up the tea cup on the side and drank tea without answering.

The man on the other side snorted coldly and said, "I don\'t think it\'s a pity. Yang Xiusheng, a royal family member, was selected as the golden sword in charge of Fenghong villa from the previous generation. Fenghong villa has always been neutral. He seems to be paving the way for me when he wants to take me into the villa, but in fact he is going to break the road I should have been fighting for. Yang Xiusheng\'s ass was crooked from the beginning."

With that, the man took out a silver bottle from the storage bag. It looked like a wine pot, but after the plug was removed, Yang Yansi didn\'t smell any wine with his smell, but there was a strange sweet taste.

After pouring a big mouthful into the mouth of the bottle, he put away the bottle and didn\'t give Yang Yansi a chance to ask about curiosity. The man continued: "how\'s the boy recently?"

"It\'s not bad. He\'s smart, decisive and has a good cultivation talent. Everyone has a good view of him. But he encountered some trouble not long ago. Although he didn\'t do anything to him, he was a dark loss."

"Hehe, it\'s normal to suffer a loss. Suffering a loss is a long memory. As long as people are all right. Try to get rid of him before you start. I don\'t want to bring him in so early."

Yang Yansi nodded and said, "don\'t worry, I\'ve made a plan. At that time, the false evil Xiu will attract people away and will never drag him into this vortex. However, the boy has never been independent. Are you sure he will accept the fate you arranged for him?"

"Hehe, you say it\'s fate. Since it\'s fate, will he choose? When it falls on his head, he can\'t help it."

This conversation reached zizhengshi. Finally, the man left. Yang Yansi watched the other party disappear strangely in the night again. He secretly said: it\'s going to start at last.

Then Yang Yansi once again grew old from his high spirits to dusk. He bent slightly and went back to his room to have a rest.