Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 605

The storm on the front line and the undercurrent on the temple could not affect a small Zhuangzi in the south suburb of the imperial city.

There are more than 60 households in this village. They all work honestly. It seems that they are all farmers. But if you go in for a walk, you will find that the people here have a fierce strength. And there are many men with missing arms and legs, but these faces are completely devoid of the gloom of physical deformity. They should smile and stare.

People around Zhuangzi call it "Wuzhuang", because all the residents in Zhuangzi are men who retired from the army and settled here. And there lived a very big official in Zhuangzi. It seems that the surname is Yang, but the specific size of the officials is not clear to the people in the countryside. Anyway, it is much larger than those officials in the Yamen.

The well-informed people in the imperial city know that this "Wuzhuang" is unusual, because the farmers in this Zhuang are all elite retired from the army. Many have honourable titles and are rich, but they are content with farming in the field in order to guard one person.

In the middle of Zhuangzi, there is the only courtyard with courtyard wall. The big stones in the mountains are broken and piled up. It looks very solid and large, but it doesn\'t have the red paint door of ordinary rich families, and it looks ordinary.

Almost all the servants in the yard are men, and they are strong and powerful, even those who clean up the flower beds or do chores. If there are people who understand practice here, they will know that these people are all monks, and their accomplishments are not low.

There is a small field in the backyard, about half an mu, on which several vegetables are planted, and it seems that the rise is very good, and some can be harvested.

An old farmer like man was carrying a dung bucket to fertilize some vegetables in the field that still owed some heat. There were three people standing on the side. One was waiting with herbal tea, and the other two were wearing short knives around their waists. They should be Gongwei, and their momentum was very strong.

When the old man was busy, he collected a basket of vegetables in the vegetable field that could be collected. These vegetables had been fat for several days and it was time to eat.

On the side, a bodyguard scooped water from the nearby water tank to wash the old man\'s hands. After that, another person quickly handed over herbal tea, and the remaining one enthusiastically slapped a fan.

"Yesterday I asked you to go to butcher Zhang to cut some meat. Did you cut it?" the old man sat down on the small stool, drank a few mouthfuls of herbal tea and asked.

"My Lord, I\'ve cut it in the morning as you ordered. I killed it this morning. The meat is very fresh. There are four hooves and ten kilograms of good streaky pork. The pig ears have also been brought back to you."

"OK! Take the pig\'s feet and ears to the back kitchen for stewing. Put the streaky pork and I\'ll deal with it later. By the way, take the immortal brew in the cellar to the ice now."

"OK, sir. But there are only two jars of immortal brew. Do you want to take some Wuliangye to the ice?"

"Wuliangye? Forget it. That\'s enough for you to drink and play. It\'s not enough for guests. The man\'s drinking capacity is also average and not good at wine. Two jars are enough. By the way, go to the town and cut a roast chicken to drink."

"Good Lord."

One man took the order and left. The remaining two with knives guarded behind the old man.

After drinking a cup of tea, the old man said, "what about the wood?"

"My Lord, everything is normal. I added medicine as usual this morning, and all the gold needles were checked. Everything is normal." the bodyguard answered firmly. They do it by themselves every day, and they won\'t make mistakes.

"Very good. Go and have a look. It should be used in a few days." the old man got up from the stool and walked to the front row of rooms with his back hands. Two bodyguards followed, and one helped the old man take the dishes he had just received.

After walking a long way, he pushed the door in. There were two bodyguards in the door. When he saw the old man coming in, he bowed together. The old man waved his hand and said, "open the door."

After that, they took out a key and closed it with the two keys of the two bodyguards around the old man into two pairs of Gemini keys. Finally, they inserted the key hole in a dark box and twisted it at the same time. A dark door opened. A section of stairs down could be seen in the door.

A guard at the entrance touched the wall at the entrance of the stairs, as if he had twisted some machine, and then a beam of low light was lit on both sides of the stairs.

The old man walked down with his hands on his back, followed by two bodyguards behind him. During this period, there were two corners in the stairs, which were screened by array. The two bodyguards took out their waist token and opened the secret method. It can be seen that their waistband style is the style of the military guard, but there is a feather relief like a sword on the back.

This is... Yu Wei\'s waist token.

Yu Wei and Xuanqing Wei have the same Pro Wei nature as the chief officials. There is even a saying of "elite among elite" in the military headquarters. Generally speaking, they only follow the incumbent military ministry minister.

In this way, the identity of the old man who walked in the front was ready to come out. It was Yang Xiusheng, who had been told by the emperor to seal his accomplishments by means of vein cutting, and was framed into an empty shell. Yang Yansi, Minister of the Ministry of war and general of the state of Zhu.

After Yang Yansi entered the tunnel, his old temperament began to change. In a few moments, he changed from old and decadent to energetic. Even with white hair, it was difficult to press the word "old and weak" on Yang Yansi at this time, which was different from when he was abroad.

Almost ten feet down, and then to the door of a long corridor, there are stone chambers, each of which is locked by an array.

Two bodyguards opened one of the stone rooms, and Yang Yansi went in with his hands on his back.

The stone chamber is not big. It is only three feet square. There is nothing else, but there is a man standing in the middle, like a statue. The slightly undulating chest and abdomen indicates that the man is alive. The man is well dressed, including all accessories. He has a jade pendant on his waist, which is inlaid with gold and a small and exquisite gold sword.

But the man\'s head was pierced with more than ten gold needles. I don\'t know how deep it was, but it was only four or five inches long.

The old man... No, it should be Yang Yansi who carried his hands around the man in the middle of the stone chamber, carefully looked at each gold needle on the head, then put his hand against the man\'s vest, and seemed to cross into the other party\'s body to explore the situation. It took a while to stop.

"The man\'s body is a little weak. Give him some delicious pills. As well as the soothing medicine, we must master the weight and never go wrong." although we are very relieved of our two bodyguards, Yang Yansi still couldn\'t help telling him again and again.

Then, after confirming that the man had no problem for the time being, Yang Yansi came out of the underground secret room and turned to the back kitchen. He was going to cook and cook a few dishes for dinner today.

As the sun set and night fell, Yang Yansi\'s dishes had already been prepared. They were heated in a warm basin, with two jars of iced wine on the side. The mat is also simple. It is located in the pavilion next to the vegetable garden in the backyard, with three meat and three vegetables.

"You\'re here?"

Suddenly, Yang Yansi looked out of the pavilion with a smile. A tall and thin figure didn\'t know when to arrive in the backyard, less than ten feet from the pavilion.