Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 604

After leaving the yushibing station and continuing to the East, we arrived at the front line of the garrison in just one and a half days.

Because of the terrain, although the name of Jianchuan sounds like a dangerous place, in fact, on the contrary, there is no dangerous terrain here. We can only set up military strongholds and scattered Fortifications on the main path suitable for large-scale march, and strengthen all-weather patrols to prevent the barbarian army from rushing over.

This is very passive. In addition to competing with the barbarians in the field they are best at, they often miss some relatively scattered barbarians because of one thing and lose the other.

The more than 7000 barbarians who raided Yushi military station before spared the long way and crossed in batches by taking advantage of the war between the front-line array and the barbarians.

This situation is unique to Jianchuan. Because Baitou gorge and Huzhu, which are connected with Jianchuan and work together to become the first front to block the barbarians, have prominent and dangerous places to defend. As long as heavy troops hold the checkpoints still in the hands of Jingjiu Dynasty, it is still very difficult for the barbarians to get through.

This is why Jianchuan is in urgent need frequently, while huzhuyuan and Baitou gorge are as stable as Mount Tai. The barbarians also knew that Jianchuan was the key point for them to break through the blockade and the easiest point, so they kept attacking.

As the front left forward of the mixed army, Wu Kai arrived at the front-line post earlier than the central army, and chatted with a school captain at the post while waiting for repair.

However, the colonel was from Jingdong with a strong accent. Even if he spoke imperial Mandarin, Wu Kai frowned. Moreover, the captain took all the people from his hometown. They had no problem communicating with each other. Wu Kai could only listen to a general idea.

The captain meant that Jianchuan fought very hard, almost every day. A small fight a day and a big war three days. Even those who guard the checkpoint like them are often slaughtered by the barbarians who touch the pass. He also said that many people come in and few leave Jianchuan.

The words of strict investigation are somewhat frustrating. If recruits listen to them, they may feel afraid of war. However, Wu Kai is also a veteran. He knows the other party\'s old-fashioned look very well and knows that this is the captain\'s ridicule, so he doesn\'t take it seriously with the other party.

"Have you seen a big man who can fight?"

"Of course I have. It\'s like a wall, and its arms are thicker than my thighs. But I\'ve seen dead people dragged and burned like dead dogs."

"Elephant clan?"

"Well, the one with teeth!"

"Where did you meet?"

"At the gate of the stronghold, I dragged it back."

The tusks have always been an important concern in Wu Kai\'s heart. These guys with huge size and natural power are too dangerous on the battlefield. In particular, it is not too much to say that one is worth ten, even modest, for the tusks after reassembly.

What\'s more, the barbarians mainly cultivate their bodies by monks. The tusks, a race with superior physical body, are naturally the best in physical cultivation. At least the initial effect of cultivation is much higher than that of other races by 45%.

Several things add up and it\'s quite difficult to deal with. Because of its huge size and weight, it brings strong resistance. The same wounded people may die, while the tusks may dress up and even maintain a certain combat effectiveness.

In addition, the tusks run very fast... Once they rush

Wu Kai has been thinking about dealing with the tusk elephant family. He has no idea until he accidentally received the inspiration of a paving assistant when he helped clean the fish and stone army station. However, he has to verify whether it is useful. And he took hundreds of one handed shovels when he left the fishstone army station.

Here, when the central army came up from behind, Wu Kai took off his temporary job of exploring the left front and returned to General Li Shen\'s camp. Then he followed the army and waited outside a huge military stronghold.

This time, Wu Kai\'s mixed army replaced an integrated army, which was driven by soldiers of the Jingbei army after entering the border. The number is also 20000.

Wu Kai is an old man in the army. He has experienced this kind of thing many times. Generally speaking, the front-line soldiers stay too long or are tired for a long time, and the injuries are too large and need to be rotated. But how long has the Southern Army been up? So the first one can be ruled out, and the remaining two are not good news, but Wu Kai has been mentally prepared along the way.

Sure enough, the procedures were checked and handed over in turn. Wu Kai entered the stronghold with the army and carefully observed the integrated army they replaced. In addition to a large number of wounded members, Wu Kai, who left the stronghold, thought it might be less than 10000

On the same day, after the rotation was completed, military commander Yao Tianning convened middle and high-level generals to discuss again.

Yao Tianning asked someone to open an enlarged topographic map of Jianchuan area in the big tent, which marked all the terrain and important points in detail. Pointing to the map, he said to all the generals in the big tent, "from now on, the area from C-4 to D-7 will be our defense area. After the luggage is loaded, the first batch of garrison will have to go there. I\'ll talk about the specific strategy..."

Because the area from "C-4 to D-7" referred to by Yao Tianning is almost full of messy rocky beaches and small water areas, accompanied by some low hills. The terrain is very complex, which does not belong to the "main defense area" and belongs to the coordinated defense area.

But when Wu Kai saw the map, he subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said secretly: is this too big? Can you keep it?

Defending the field is not like guarding fortifications. Although there are 20000 people in the mixed army, the "C-4 to T-7" span a distance of 55 miles! And in the complex terrain, it is difficult to use the advantage of cavalry to cruise quickly. What if there is an enemy situation?

According to Yao Tianning\'s arrangement, 20000 people will be divided into three batches for rotation, that is, the actual deployment force of the defense area from "C-4 to D-7" is only more than 12000. Excluding the baggage camp, the number of combat personnel alone will be less than 10000.

The defense strategy adopted by Wu Kai brightened his eyes: fix several permanent points, and then the rest of the staff form a cruise patrol. After moving laterally to the next permanent point, replace the permanent staff, and the replaced people form a cruise patrol to the next point, repeatedly in a ring.

This can spare some repair time for the cruising staff, and can also achieve the purpose of continuous patrol and cruising.

But Wu Kai knew that once he really met the barbarians, this defense strategy would be easily interrupted, and then leaked to the rear. It is estimated that the experience of Yushi military station came from this.

Yao Tianning is divided into three rotations. The first batch is the Department of General Li Shen, the second batch is Yao Tianning\'s headquarters, and the last batch is the Department of the remaining general. Three batches are rotated. For the first time, the hands of two batches are replaced at the same time, and then one by one. At the same time, the first two batches of people have one batch of people who need another rotation. The Department of Li can will be this batch that needs one more rotation.