Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 603

Jianchuan, Yushi military station.

The original gray stone wall is now dark and broken, and many places have collapsed. It can only be roughly estimated that the wall should be nearly four feet high before.

It is said to be a military station, but it is actually a large fortification that creates a stone castle.

According to Wu Kai\'s experience in Tanshi and haixiatun army for many years, it usually takes half a year to complete this kind of fortification, and it also requires a lot of labor and enough high-quality stones. Obviously, the fish and stone army station does not have the foundation to build fortifications of this scale, but it has been built, which is due to the help of magic.

Although he didn\'t see it with his own eyes, Wu Kai firmly believes that the fish and stone army station can be built in a short time. There must be friars with advanced cultivation and good at the five elements local art with the help of several such masters.

But now the Yushi military station must be overhauled.

Wu Kai arrived at the military station yesterday. The previous encounter was the day before yesterday. After joining hands, Li Shen, who was copied from the bread, wiped out the barbarians trapped in the encounter, Wu Kai repaired on the spot according to the order. After that, I witnessed the attack and defense counterattack of Yushi military station from a distance.

It was not until dawn that the battlefield entered the formal cleaning stage. Burying and clearing.

Wu Kai left eight people alive and handed them over to General Li Shen. Since then, he has been dealing with the follow-up of casualties with the adjutant, recording and reporting the credit of everyone in the camp.

The former rhombic array is a relatively compact battle array integrating attack and defense. The advantage is that it can replace the chaotic contact of the whole army with point-to-surface contact. This leads to great differences in the intensity experienced by soldiers in different positions in the same battle.

For example, the innermost crossbow man. They also opened their bows three times, let alone dangerous. Even the barbarians met when cleaning up the battlefield. The same is true for the back row gunmen and sword and shield soldiers. They are not even as good as the long handed crossbow men.

The gunmen in the front row realized the intensity of the war. That\'s really fighting for your life. The casualties were basically the first three or four rows.

In this way, there will be a difference in the calculation of credit. According to the rules, those who died in the war are awarded two meritorious deeds, which are included in the previous meritorious deeds and converted to their families at that time. The rest will be counted according to the merit of killing the enemy, and one person will get a turn. The rest who did not kill the enemy can only get the collective credit of the whole battalion, which is generally a reward without merit.

Therefore, when it comes to killing the enemy, the front-line army can quickly accumulate meritorious deeds in theory, because on the one hand, their strength is much higher than that of ordinary soldiers, and on the other hand, they often appear in the key position of the battle array in the form of "blades" and can make frequent contact with the enemy.

But in theory, in fact, the casualty rate of soldiers with accomplishments is much higher than that of ordinary soldiers. After all, only a few people earn enough merit and pay it back.

In the final analysis, the benefit is directly proportional to the risk, which can also work in the army.

After Wu Kai finished everything, he didn\'t receive the order to enter the military station for repair until yesterday afternoon. The rest of Li Shen\'s department had entered the military station before Wu Kai.

It\'s not that Li can is deliberately alienating Wu Kai, but that the previous attack and defense war of Yushi military station has been very fierce. There is not enough free space and space in the military station to accept new soldiers. The rest of General Li\'s troops entered the military station in advance because they participated in the offensive and defensive war. They also helped clean up after the war.

Recalling that he failed to fully participate in the attack and defense war of Yushi military station, Wu Kai still couldn\'t help but feel a pity. Because the encounter he experienced was only a small part of this battle.

Wu Kai listened to the brief introduction of the whole battle when he went to General Li Shen\'s residence to discuss business this morning.

It was a barbarian partial army that broke through the front-line fortifications in Jianchuan that attacked the military station, with a number of almost 7000 people. At that time, there were only less than 2000 soldiers stationed in the Yushi military station, half of whom were still auxiliary soldiers in charge of loading, unloading and transporting supplies. The remaining half are wounded soldiers who have just retired from the front line. And more than ten monks from Jingying mansion who have just arrived here to reinforce the front line.

Except for those who were seriously injured and could not move, there were only 1400 people available in the Yushi military station, and they had to face an enemy seven times their own.

When Wu Kai first heard that the Yushi military station was attacked, he was a little unbelievable. He walked around the station yesterday and today. The broken parapet, the blood everywhere, and even the residual limbs that were not cleaned up all showed how tragic the war was here at that time.

It is hard to imagine that such a tragic scene would be left by a group of auxiliary soldiers and the wounded. They are facing barbarians! And it\'s still an absolute disadvantage in quantity. Even the only parapet that can be relied on collapsed badly... This... Wu Kai tightened his fist at that time. He somehow understood why he didn\'t see many auxiliary soldiers and wounded after entering the military station.

In the words of General Li Shen, "the garrison bit the enemy to the death, fought to the last minute, even lit the peripheral houses and paved the ground with fire to burn with the enemy. Fortunately, our army arrived and saved some."

Wu Kai has not seen any of the more than ten monks in Jingying mansion. Later, curious, I asked the master who was around him in the battle array and didn\'t reassign him for the time being. I got three words: they were all dead.

"The new order is to let us stay in Yushi military station temporarily to take charge of the temporary reconstruction task here, mainly some basic sorting and cleaning. After three days, auxiliary soldiers will come to replace us. Then the army will continue to go east to replace an integrated army on the front line.

Wu Kai. "

"My subordinates are here!"

"Your previous encounter in front of the fish and stone soldier station was very good, and the military commander was very satisfied with you. The rest of the journey was dominated by the same rocky beach, so it was still up to your department to fill the current left front. In addition, I will make up for the shortage of 100 people, of which 50 are monks. Remember not to go wrong."

Wu Kai arched his hand, and a fire in his heart made his chest hot and dry. The opportunity he had been waiting for for for many years finally appeared. At present, it seems that he has seized the small tail of this opportunity. After that, as long as he climbs up with the trend, he will have the hope to put the word "handsome" on the flag. Of course, this is Wu Kai\'s dream and wild hope.

"My subordinates will not lose face to adults!"

In the next three days, Wu Kai arranged to help clean the Yushi military station. The bodies of the barbarians were burned clean. For our own people, if we can spell it, we will spell it. If we can\'t spell it, we will be buried in a big pit. People in the old Jing dynasty still want to settle down.

The tombs are not small. There is a large area on the left of the access road of the military station, which can be seen by everyone entering and leaving the Yushi military station.

Wu Kai paid a special tribute before leaving. In addition to the adjutant, there was also the familiar Jingying house expert. Now Wu Kai knows each other\'s name, Ding Shan.

It is said that among the more than ten monks of Jingying mansion who died in Yushi military station, there is a younger martial brother of Dingshan, who is also in this grave now.