Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 602

When Shen Hao came out of the big tent of the Chinese army, his face was still at a loss. He was a rising star in Xuanqing Wei. He was just arranged in the army to control the tentacles of the civil service group. How could he be liked by others?

"Our army still lacks a manager in charge of the miscellaneous affairs in the camp, which is mainly to prevent and control the possible diseases in the camp. Since you have some experience, you might as well take this job? Don\'t you say you\'re idle all day anyway?"

The military has no direct jurisdiction over the supervision. So when Shen Hao heard Zuo Yuliang\'s proposal, he was puzzled and didn\'t know how to answer. Remind Zuo Yuliang that he is appointing beyond his authority? Does the head of the military affairs department know? Want you to teach?

But Zuo Yuliang said later, "you can rest assured that this is not an appointment, but an entrustment. Well... You can understand it as" assistance ". It just needs to hang a position of" chore manager ". It doesn\'t matter if you haven\'t heard of this position, because this is what I just took."

Shen Hao admired the left Marshal\'s imagination. "Entrustment" and "assistance" have been made, and do you really intend to delegate power to him? You should know that "manager" was a general term for real power positions in the system of the old Jing Dynasty, which meant literally "everything can be managed".

However, Shen Hao didn\'t nod directly. Instead, he shirked that he was ordered by xuanqingwei. He really didn\'t dare to make decisions without authorization. Zuo Yuliang really didn\'t embarrass him. He put the topic aside and turned to talk with Shen Hao about disease prevention and control in the military camp. Finally, when I left, I suddenly said, "I\'ll talk to Lord Jiang about your suspension. Go back and wait for the news."

After returning to his camp, Shen Hao still didn\'t return. He couldn\'t figure out why Zuo Yuliang suddenly mentioned it. Does an idea of "drinking boiled water" impress Zuo Yuliang and want to entrust him with an important task? It\'s impossible.

However, Zuo Yuliang agreed to punish the eighty army staff of the supervisor on Shen Hao\'s side, which made Shen Hao unable to refuse Zuo Yuliang\'s "entrustment" proposal face-to-face, so he had to prevaricate with xuanqingwei. But look at Zuo Yuliang\'s confidence

That night, Shen Hao received an urgent order from Jiang Cheng to fully assist the yamen, the head of the southern military road bank, in dealing with the "chore manager" of the military camp.

Before long, Jiang Cheng\'s private letter arrived later in the evening. It directly helped Shen Hao solve his confusion: be careful. Now Zuo Yuliang and huge people are taking you as a temporary bridge to get close to each other. Think more about things and don\'t react in a hurry

The two copper bars before and after were all delivered through xuanqingwei. Specifically, they should be delivered through the intelligence channel of xuanqingwei in fengri City, otherwise they would not be so fast. In contrast, the transmission speed of the army is several times faster than before. It should be the transit transmission method of xuanqingwei using Qianli notes.

In the previous copper bar, Shen Hao was subordinate to the order given to him by the governor yamen of Jingxi Town, Shangfeng. That is to say, he is about to hang up the post of "chore manager" in the army in the form of "assistance". It is obviously impossible for Jiang Chengcheng to make this decision. It involves the intersection of the internal personnel of Xuanqing Wei and the military functions. The subordination and staffing issues are very complex and sensitive. Jiang Cheng will never dare to make this decision even if he is the governor\'s envoy and the direct commander of Shen Hao.

The latter is Jiang Cheng\'s private letter. The things in it are the dry goods that Shen Hao cares about most. It also solved his previous doubts about Zuo Yuliang\'s illogical behavior.

It turned out that he used Shen Hao as a temporary bridge.

It all makes sense to think so. At least Junwu and xuanqingwei are on the same side in the matter of targeting the civil service group. In addition, xuanqingwei is the emperor\'s iron core, and the military now indirectly falls into the emperor\'s hands because Yang Yansi is marginalized. Therefore, xuanqingwei and the military also belong to the same ship at present. Especially when both the emperor and the army were fighting, Xuanqing Wei was more friendly to the army.

A "chore manager" doesn\'t sound idle, but because the word "chore" is not so important, it\'s not a key position. Shen Hao didn\'t even have any points in his heart.

It\'s just right to deepen the relationship with xuanqingwei.

The next day, the order of the chief yamen of the military affairs Taoist firm arrived, along with a description of the terms of reference and a waist token with rough workmanship, which was obviously made now.

"Lord Shen, please take care of me today."

The speaker is a doctor, or the main position is a doctor, also a Dan division. He sent the order of the Chinese army. Shen Hao met this man in the big account before, so he was impressed. I remember this man\'s surname is Chen and his name is Chen Zifang. Cultivation is concentrated in seven aspects, but because of the dual identity of Dan master and doctor, he has a very unusual position in the army. And seems to be in charge of all medical affairs in the whole southern army.

Is this man a colleague after Shen Hao?

"Master Chen Dan is polite. I was also caught by Zuo Shuai. Now I have to rely on master Chen Dan to give me more advice." Shen Hao politely welcomed the other party to the account, and then poured a glass of water and handed it to him personally.

Chen Zifang\'s smiling appearance is very easy-going, and his face is kinder than many people. Smiling makes you feel like a spring breeze. This is very similar to a person Shen Hao knows: Pang ban, commander of xuanqingwei.

After receiving the water from Shen Hao, Chen Zifang took a sip and asked, "is this cool and white?"

"Yes, the drinking water in our camp is boiled and cooled, that is, it is cold and white."

"After a simple spot check yesterday, I knew the gap between drinking boiled water and raw water. There will certainly be more evidence in the future. At that time, if the disease of diarrhea in the army is effectively controlled, Lord Shen\'s work will definitely benefit the eyes and the future!"

This is a little big. Shen Hao doesn\'t dare to answer it. He hurriedly says, "don\'t dare."

"Today, Lord Shen was appointed as the" chore manager ". According to Zuo Shuai, you and I can complement each other and try to stop all possible hidden dangers in the camp. Do you have any plans?"

Shen Hao quickly waved his hand and said, "I\'m not afraid of master Chen Dan\'s jokes. I\'m a layman. I get a lot of errands. Although there are not many errands for the supervision envoy, I don\'t have much energy to make a decision. It\'s master Chen Dan who makes a decision. I count it as assistance."

Chen Zifang smiled and declined, saying that although Shen Hao was helping, it was right to be the "manager". After the two were polite, Chen Zifang smiled and responded to Shen Hao\'s opinion.

"In that case, can Lord Shen take the time to patrol all the camps with me, so as to understand the specific situation and make plans?"