Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 601

Can a friar with five levels of Qi refining state bear the eighty army staff? Generally speaking, there is no problem. Even if you are blocked and can\'t reduce damage by relying on the real Qi shield, you can also rely on the flesh body much stronger than ordinary people to resist 80 times.

But what if the man who wields the stick is also a monk? It\'s estimated that you can be killed without 80 or 40 sticks.

Finally, the supervisor who jumped out to find fault and thought of a way to breathe died because "his constitution is too weak and he will lose his breath after fifty sticks".

In the big tent, all the people were smiling except the heads of the army supervisors who were gnashing their teeth.

The death of a supervisor is a great joy in the army. Although it\'s not good to applaud, it\'s not too much to laugh, is it?

So the generals here looked at Shen Hao more and more kindly.

Filled with righteous indignation, Liu Qingyue wanted to walk away, but he clenched his fists on his knees. Shengsheng endured not to lose his appearance in front of Zuo Yuliang and didn\'t want to give the other party a chance to blame.

The last time it was such an occasion for discussion in the army, Zuo Yuliang killed a supervisor on the grounds of "entering without singing his name". At that time, the supervisors were angry. Although they didn\'t dare to roar in front of Zuo Yuliang, they also hurt the letter of complaint, which brought the matter to the emperor, but they were finally pressed down. One of the key factors, this adult Liu also heard about, that is, the loss of the discourse power of the civil service group in the temple, and the increase of the discourse power of the military after the military peak.

The first time was angry, but now the second time is much calmer.

Just a hundred households supervising the army. If he had not served as the supervisor of the army, otherwise he would not even have the qualification to sit in on the military strategy discussion. What if he died, could he do to the commander of the great border army?

In addition, Liu Qingyue understood this time that the army was not ready to ask them to speak. Anyone caught with a handle is killed with a stick, which has been warned twice.

The most desperate thing for all supervisors is that they can\'t see the possibility of regrouping in a short time. As soon as the power of supervision changes, they basically strangle their necks.

Liu Qingyue didn\'t speak and recognized the plant. The generals in the army were in a better mood, and even dissipated the haze of the war a little.

The discussion continued until the beginning of the application in the afternoon. There was no rest or meal. To save time, I went back to my station to eat when I was hungry. The Chinese army did not arrange meals.

However, Shen Hao was left behind and made up lunch with Zuo Yuliang in the big account of the Chinese army.

Surprisingly, Zuo Yuliang\'s lunch was fruit, not meat pie or rice. Can you eat enough with this? Shen Hao was very suspicious, but on second thought, he remembered that Zuo Yuliang was also a master of the six levels of Yuan Dan realm. Eating may not be so important. Thinking of Nie Yun, the guy doesn\'t seem to eat much.

"Bang!" a large bowl of Sao Zi noodles was put in front of Shen Hao. It was not a problem to put one head in the bowl, and the strips in the bowl were also extremely thick. Each finger was about the width, and one mouthful could equal three or four ordinary fine noodles.

Shen Hao was not polite and began to plug it when he picked it up. Opposite Zuo Yuliang leaned back in his chair and ate fruit slowly.

When Shen Hao finished eating a bowl of noodles and the bodyguard took away the bowl in front of him, Zuo Yuliang began to speak.

"It\'s said that you like spicy food, so the people below put more spicy food, but it still tastes like you?"

"Thank you, marshal. This bowl of noodles is the most enjoyable meal for the junior officer these days." Shen Hao thanked with an arch hand. He really doesn\'t boast. It\'s really delicious. His craft is as good as Li Erfu, his cook.

"Just to your taste. Let\'s get down to business. Where did you learn about boiling water?" Zuo Yuliang was not used to beating around the bush.

Shen Hao was slightly stunned. He remembered what he had explained in public before, but Zuo Yuliang asked again and was ready to say it again, "there is an old porter in the lower Officer..."

But as soon as he said half a sentence, he was interrupted by Zuo Yuliang waving his hand: "these empty ones don\'t have to be taken out. Say something practical."

What an old porter, what to drink tea, what to have an idea. Zuo Yuliang doesn\'t believe a word of such words. I can tell that this is just an excuse for Shen Hao.

Feeling Zuo Yuliang\'s burning eyes, Shen Hao secretly pinched a cold sweat in his heart.

It\'s a little hasty. At that time, he was run by the dead supervisor and threw it out after finding a reasonable excuse. Now, thinking carefully, in fact, this excuse really can\'t stand scrutiny. People with a clear eye know it\'s a reason to pull it casually.

But Shen Hao didn\'t expect Zuo Yuliang to ask him face to face. Why did he ask the bottom?

"Why? Is it inconvenient to say? Still worried?" Zuo Yuliang added with great interest, casually chatting.

"Marshal, these are some tips that the enlightenment teacher of the lower official said in his spare time. First, there is no evidence, second, it is not systematic, and it sounds like nonsense, so the lower official didn\'t dare to tell the truth before."

There\'s no way. Shen Hao can\'t directly tell Zuo Yuliang that he is an excellent successor after nine-year compulsory education, so these little natural knowledge will be learned very early, right? So I had to make up another excuse to prevaricate.

The advantage of an excuse is that even if it is seen through after several times, others will face it and won\'t go further. Shen Hao also knows that the statement of "enlightenment teacher" is not very reliable as the previous statement of "old porter".

Fortunately, although Zuo Yuliang frowned, he was obviously not satisfied with Shen Hao\'s answer, but he did not further force Shen Hao. He just nodded and continued: "in addition to drinking boiled water, what else can effectively control the disease in the camp?"

Shen Hao doesn\'t understand why Zuo Yuliang suddenly asked him about it. Shouldn\'t you ask the doctor about this kind of thing?

However, Shen Hao also said: "in fact, the main words to prevent diseases in the camp are" love to be clean ". Take a bath frequently, drink boiled water and don\'t urinate everywhere. Generally speaking, it will be much better to do these three points. Coupled with the doctor\'s Decoction and poisoning of rats and insects, it is really not easy to catch diseases on a large scale unless there is an emergency."

Shen Hao can only simply say that he doesn\'t know how to prevent infectious diseases from appearing in the military camp, but it\'s always right to talk about hygiene and maintain the hygienic environment in the living area.

"Take a bath? It works, too?"

To Shen Hao\'s surprise, although he answered more perfunctorily, he did have limited knowledge, and even didn\'t want to talk deeply to avoid some trouble. But Zuo Yuliang sitting opposite seemed to listen very carefully.

"Yes, marshal, just like the beggars and vagrants on the street, who are dirty and covered with fleas. How many are in good health? Most of them are rotten diseases. The big reason is that they are bred by hiding dirt and dirt."

He was silent for a long time and seemed to be thinking about Shen Hao\'s words.

"That\'s reasonable! You have some knowledge in this respect." after a pause, Zuo Yuliang said again: "are you interested in hanging a real post in the army?"