Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 600

The monk\'s body is much stronger than ordinary people, not only in the borrowing of the power of heaven and earth, but also in his own physical strength. The strength, speed, strength and even life span of monks are much higher than ordinary people.

Therefore, monks rarely get sick. The higher their accomplishments are, the less common they are. When they enter the state of concentration, they can almost be called "no disease".

After all, there are only a few monks in the world. Ordinary talents are the absolute foundation and mainstream of the world, which can also be put into the army. The number of ordinary soldiers is hundreds of times that of monks.

Therefore, what the army fears most is not the murderous enemy with weapons, but the invisible disease. Ordinary soldiers often start a prairie fire when they get sick. At that time, they can drag themselves down without the enemy coming.

This is why the army is equipped with a large number of doctors and doctors have a high position in the army.

Diarrhea and abdominal pain have plagued military generals for many years. Over the years, doctors have summed up some experience and achieved some good results, such as drinking clean water, not urinating everywhere, and so on. However, it still failed to eliminate or effectively control common military diseases such as diarrhea and abdominal pain.

Now, a chief officer of the supervision envoy comes out, and then a set of statements about drinking water sounds incredible, but the results of random inspection make people have to pay attention to it.

"Lord Shen, what\'s the reason?"

"I don\'t know. I just have a porter. The old man likes drinking tea very much. It can be said that he doesn\'t like drinking tea. He used to be in the army. In his spare time, he boasted to me how good he drinks tea. He hasn\'t had diarrhea for many years, whether he eats well or bad, and that\'s why he drinks tea.

I also drink tea. It\'s delicious, but I don\'t believe that drinking tea can prevent diseases. I asked the doctor and said I haven\'t heard of the saying "drinking tea to treat diseases".

Later, the officer thought if it wasn\'t tea, was it something else that caused the old man never to have diarrhea? So he thought of the boiling water necessary for making tea.

When I joined the army this time, I was worried that the people under my command would get sick and drag down the army, so I ordered them to drink water within my ability. Unexpectedly, the effect was really good.

It\'s all luck. "

Shen Hao didn\'t sit down, but looked at the position where he was sitting in charge of the army and continued to laugh: "so, I drink boiled water just to prevent the soldiers from getting sick. Whether it works or not, this is really the starting point.

It\'s you, the overseer, who smoked sandalwood? Snow orchid? In the past, when playing in Hualou, many girls also liked this aroma. They said it was elegant. It seems that you didn\'t forget to learn from Hualou girls in the army. Shen admired it! "

Then he looked serious and bowed slightly towards the direction of the supervisor\'s gathering. He seemed to really admire each other, but he burst into laughter after a moment of silence around the generals.

Have fun! It\'s fun!

Although the generals and officials around do not hate the supervisor, they also have deep resentment. But because of being pressed by the other party\'s authority, and the mouth can\'t be said by the other party, many times they are so angry that they don\'t know how to vent. Now, I didn\'t expect that Lord Shen, who was the supervisor, helped me out.

Compare the overseers whose eyes are higher than the top to the girls in the flower building? The harm is huge and insulting.

I heard that Lord Shen is also a great writer. No wonder he doesn\'t even bring a dirty word. It\'s estimated that opening up can kill people?

"Shen Hao, you..."

"Presumptuous! Have you forgotten your dignity and inferiority? Do you dare to call my official name here?" Shen Hao was so angry that he directly covered the other party with a killing intention, and his right hand also held the wild goose ridge knife around his waist. But I held back. After all, Zuo Yuliang was too embarrassed to face him.

However, the killing accident of jiuzhong in Jushen realm and Shen Hao\'s extremely strong evil spirit. What will be the result of locking in a supervisor of Wuzhong in Qi refining realm after cultivation?

With a puff, the supervisor knelt down, his face pale and speechless.

"Ha ha ha..."

This kneeling is by no means less insulting than Shen Hao\'s analogy of those supervisors to the girls in the flower building. But the problem is that every word of Shen Hao is based on "reason", which is really hard to refute.

Didn\'t you just say that boiling water is "fine" or "untimely"? Now that the explanation is clear, you should have nothing to say? Then explain the reason why you give incense to your clothes. Isn\'t it also to prevent diarrhea or skin diseases?

Then, the rules in the military should be called official positions on formal occasions. The relationship between the upper and lower levels must be clear and clear. This is to spare no effort to sort out the command authority. If you dare not abide by them, you will be held accountable and served with military sticks. Shen Hao\'s question was already very "gentle".

"Lord Shen, have you gone too far?" someone stood up again. It was Liu Qingyue, the consular supervisor of the southern army. At this time, Liu Qingyue\'s face was also iron green, but he wisely didn\'t answer Shen Hao\'s two questions before. He knew he couldn\'t get well. Therefore, the topic is to accuse Shen Hao of bullying the small with the big, and want Shen Hao to stop.

"Too late?" Shen Hao smiled, but ignored Liu Qingyue. Instead, he turned to Zuo Yuliang sitting at the top and said, "commander, according to the rules of the army, you should give the military staff?"

"Indeed. But it depends on the severity of the violation. Lord Shen is an official of Xuanqing Wei and is best at asking questions. How many military sticks do you think should be given?"

Shen Hao\'s question is normal. Everyone here has to give Zuo Yuliang face, so he has to nod if he wants to "make a mountain out of a molehill". But Zuo Yuliang\'s reply is interesting. No wonder Zuo Yuliang was able to kill a supervisor who ignored the rules. It seems that he didn\'t want to bear that cowardly spirit for a long time.

"Commander Hui, this is an important occasion for the discussion of the Chinese army. The supervisor is so blind and has no rules in the army. It can be seen that he has never kept it in mind in ordinary days. Light punishment may not have a disciplinary effect. So the lower officer thinks it\'s better to pay more attention. Do you think the eighty army staff is appropriate?"

"Commander! It\'s impossible! You can\'t kill the eighty army staff if you go down. You can\'t just make a slip of the tongue..."

"Lord Liu\'s words are bad. This is punishment, not killing. Besides, there is no place without rules. The supervisor himself will break the rules if he ignores the rules. Maybe the supervisors are like this every day, but it\'s a big mistake in the army." Shen Hao would make it difficult for Zuo Yuliang to do it? The other side has helped him speak, and he will naturally help block back these small things.

While Shen Hao was talking, Zuo Yuliang waved and immediately someone came up and tied the supervisor who had just returned to God.

"Drag down and blame the eighty army staff."