Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 1181

At the time of Xu Zheng, Shen Hao went to the gate of the Imperial Palace and handed over his waist token to let people pass in. But unexpectedly, the forbidden army at the door didn\'t let him wait, but directly led him to sit in a sedan chair on the side, and then several strong eunuchs carried the sedan chair all the way.

Before Shen Hao asked questions, the forbidden army who followed the sedan chair first explained, "don\'t ask, Lord Shen. This is your Majesty\'s order."

Well, just follow it honestly.

Along the way, although Shen Hao didn\'t enter the palace several times, he still knew some roads. Looking out from the small corner raised by the sedan chair curtain, he found that the road he took now seemed different from that when he came several times before.

I wanted to ask, but I didn\'t ask. But the perception opened a lot, and the subconscious mind was a little more vigilant.

But soon Shen Hao found that he was too worried and a little too nervous. Because although I didn\'t choose the usual way to enter from the palace gate, I still went around to the Fu\'an palace behind the Wanmin palace. But this time I didn\'t go through the main gate, but through the side gate of Fu\'an palace. The eunuch who knew Shen Hao last time led the way.

"Your Majesty is in a bad mood today. Lord Shen, be careful."

"Well, thank you for reminding me."

This was a good marriage before, and now it has paid off. Although it is not very important, sometimes this seemingly irrelevant reminder can save lives.

When I saw the emperor again, I was wearing loose robes and clothes, and there was obvious water vapor on my body. I should have come out of the warm soup behind me. Seeing Shen Hao coming in to salute, he didn\'t speak. He waved his hand, pointed to a stool next to him, motioned Shen Hao to sit down and say.

This is the first time Shen Hao was given a seat when he met the emperor. Let alone some accidents. After all, with his rank, facing the saint alone is a blessing, not to mention being given a seat.

However, it can also be seen from the eyebrows that the emperor was indeed in a bad mood.

"I heard that you took the initiative to deal with Lv Liang?"

"Yes, your majesty."

"Very good."

Yang Shu saw Shen Hao sitting on the stool with a little ass, and he was more and more pleasing to his eyes. He just said to let Shen Hao operate the knife himself. Unexpectedly, the other party really started to send Lv Liang the last journey. Ordinary people can\'t wait to stay away from such dirty things.

What does that mean? In terms of completing the task, Shen Hao is very sincere and will never cut corners or think carefully. In Yang Shu\'s opinion, Shen Hao\'s attitude is simple and straightforward.

Straightforward? If Shen Hao knew that Yang Shu\'s evaluation of him would be this, he didn\'t know whether to cry or laugh.

"The power of the black flag camp really plays a role in your hands. This time, you found the Jingbei Qin family and Luliang, a dog who eats inside and outside. In addition, you have done a lot of work for the evil friars.

Tell me, what do you want? "

What\'s going on? It was a compliment at first, and then asked what reward you wanted? If I really intend to reward you, it will be over. Who dares to ask for it in front of you?

So Shen Hao, in line with the practice of "being honest" and "being cautious", got up and bowed and said, "I just did my duty. I can\'t afford your Majesty\'s praise, and I dare not ask for any reward."

Yang Shuo turned up his mouth and said, "don\'t you xuanqingwei always advocate a clear distinction between reward and punishment? What? Are you worried that I can\'t afford you a reward?"

"I\'m afraid!"

After waving his hand, Yang Shu then said, "it\'s reasonable to say that your age is the most suitable to give you a marriage. However, the former Emperor didn\'t have a suitable palace master to stay, and my daughter is too young. What\'s more, you got married, so you can only change it.

It\'s a little difficult. Pang Ban said that you are the owner of the Zhangjia wine shop, and you also poured out the gemei air conditioner behind your back. In just a few years, you have more money than some century old families, so you don\'t look at the reward money? "

What can Shen Hao say? The old saying often says that wealth is not exposed, but the result is that "there is no airtight wall in the world". All his details are clearly touched by the emperor. At least in terms of family wealth, he has nothing to hide from the emperor.

"In terms of cultivation resources, you have joined the two ancestors and become a mantle disciple. Naturally, you won\'t lack it. Tut, with such a stroke, you find that you are very mixed!"

Shen Haowei knelt down on one knee and didn\'t dare to speak at all. God knows if this one is nervous today. This speech makes people hair in the heart, and they can\'t feel the context. They don\'t know what they want to do.

Shen Hao listened to the emperor with a more obvious smile on the opposite side.

"What\'s left is the title. I\'ll give you something to look forward to. Besides, I\'ve heard that you\'re good at learning, especially the autobiographies of all kinds of essays and interesting stories. But how many interesting things are there in xuanqingwei\'s library? In terms of breadth, the Royal Library of the imperial dynasty and the library of Fenghong mountain villa are the best on both sides. Go to Fenghong mountain villa and ask Yongsheng king for your convenience. I\'m here You can read along the Royal Library road. "

As soon as the emperor\'s voice fell, a eunuch next to him bowed to Shen Hao with a tray. On the tray is a gold medal with exquisite patterns and an odd word "book".

"This gold book plate can let you walk freely in the Royal Library." the smile on the emperor\'s face did not converge, but was brilliant. It seemed that he was very satisfied with his reward.

Shen Hao knelt on one knee and took the gold medal in the tray with both hands, so Shane.

It was beyond his expectation. It\'s acceptable to give a title directly. The gold medal for the Royal Library was unexpected. Can this be used as a reward?

But if you insist, this gold medal is really in Shen Hao\'s mind.

The library is a place where knowledge can change cognition. The library of xuanqingwei is like this, so is the library of wanjuan book mountain, and so is the necessity of the royal family.

Unfortunately, although some secrets are also in the library, it is not easy to see them. There are different thresholds.

For example, the book of the special place that Shen Hao saw on the wanjuan Book Mountain under the care of Xuan Tianqing has a reading threshold. If it were not for the care of Xuan Tianqing, Shen Hao could not see it. This principle is the same everywhere.

Now that we have won the gold medal of the Royal Library, we don\'t ask that the content inside can be richer than the library of wanjuan book mountain, but that we can see more about "evil animals".

"Thank you, your majesty!"

"Well, if you do a good job, you won\'t treat you badly. Step back."

"I\'m leaving!"

Is that all? Shen Hao bowed out and frowned slightly. He felt that his visit to the palace at night seemed unusual everywhere.