Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 1182

July 20.

Shen Hao went to Guishan monastery one day in advance. Now, the magic tool silver gourd given to him by Nie Yun is hung on the left side of his waist to show his identity as a registered disciple of Guishan monastery. The golden sword accessory on the right shows his origin of Fenghong villa.

No one stopped Shen Hao this time. As soon as he entered the mountain gate, a disciple came to lead the way. His words were very enthusiastic. He was not slighted because of Shen Hao\'s identity as a registered disciple.

Instead of going to the main peak of Guishan mountain, I went to Laoshu peak with my memory.

On the way, I also met some familiar laoshufeng disciples, so I greeted them with a polite smile and didn\'t stop to chat.

What are you talking about? I\'m not familiar with the people here. I know a name and can\'t talk at all.

All the way up the mountain, I went to see Li Shuyang first. The nominal master has always impressed Shen Hao very well. He is kind and always gives advice. Small places often benefit Shen Hao a lot.

"You have a great reputation in the sect recently. Even people like me who don\'t go out all year round have heard many times that you are in charge of the foreign affairs of Fenghong villa and hold the small tail of the sect at the bottom?" Li Shuyang, as usual, suddenly came out after chatting with Shen Hao about some small problems in cultivation and techniques.

Shen Hao sat at the head of Li Shuyang. Hearing this, he quickly replied: "The disciple didn\'t expect to be so famous. However, the rumors outside are not true. Those lower level sects don\'t have any small tails in the hands of the disciples. They violated the agreement between the sects and the Jingjiu Dynasty and the laws of the Jingjiu Dynasty. As the foreign affairs deacon of Fenghong Villa, the disciple was just investigated and dealt with impartially."

As for the relationship between zongmen and Fenghong mountain villa, Shen Hao can\'t speak rashly. There are too many things involved. Even if he came here as a registered disciple of Guishan monastery, he still can\'t skew the attitude of Fenghong mountain villa in foreign affairs.

The implication can even be understood as: I don\'t care. I just handle it fairly and don\'t think carefully. I can only blame those people for not doing good!

Li Shuyang said with a smile, "don\'t be nervous. Guishan monastery is not one of the small sects at the bottom. It understands the importance of rules and strictly abides by each other\'s rules. Even in the first-class sects."

This made Shen Hao feel a little moved. He keenly noticed that there seemed to be some other meaning hidden in Li Shuyang\'s sentence? But he couldn\'t taste it for a while.

"What the master said is that Guishan monastery has always been at peace with the imperial court in Jingxi. Before the war in the south, Guishan monastery also made contributions and has always had a good reputation in the imperial court." Shen haopin can\'t tell what is hidden in Li Shuyang\'s words, so he can only go on. If there is any hint in his mind, it should be clear later.

Sure enough, Li Shuyang said after a few words: "Guishan monastery not only does its own business well, but also leads some attached sects. These are well-known. Unlike other first-class sects in Jingxi, they always do things secretly and secretly, and often incite other sects to follow. Most of the atmosphere in Jingxi is defeated by them."

This is very clear.

There are only two first-class sects in Jingxi. Who is the remaining one except Guishan monastery? It\'s Tianchan sect!

According to Li Shuyang\'s words, the meaning inside and outside the words is clear. It\'s holding a fan to help Tianchan sect stir up the flames. To be frank, it\'s a complaint, saying, "you Fenghong villa should check Tianchan sect\'s bastards who don\'t obey the rules and lead others astray! Absolutely check it!"

"Master, you are right. I wrote it down.

Recently, Fenghong villa, wanjuan Shushan and mingshanzong have reached an agreement on joint management. Fenghong villa is responsible for investigation, and wanjuan Shushan and mingshanzong are responsible for "punishment". The height scale is determined by Fenghong villa. How to set it up depends on wanjuan Shushan and mingshanzong.

But there should always be a first time. Maybe it\'s not inappropriate to start from Jingxi first. "

Shen Hao is also not very fond of the Tianchan sect. Yu SHENGJUE, a talented disciple of the Tianchan sect, almost killed him when the jianhuang tomb was first opened. Finally, he killed Yu SHENGJUE by his own calculation. Then, Yu SHENGJUE\'s death was a thorn stuck in Shen Hao\'s throat for a long time. Even now, he didn\'t dare to kill the Tianchan sect With light heart.

In his heart, Shen Hao regards Tianchan sect as his potential enemy.

What kind of enemy is good? Naturally, the dead enemy is good. So Shen Hao doesn\'t mind pulling out Tianchan sect when he has the opportunity. Even if he can\'t pull it out, he can find some trouble to let Tianchan sect worry about itself and slowly lose his strength.

So as soon as Li Shuyang hinted, Shen Hao directly followed his words and said that he would take action later.

Seeing Shen Hao\'s success, Li Shuyang smiled even more brightly and nodded several times. Specifically, how will he target Tianchan sect behind Fenghong villa? Li Shuyang won\'t ask about it. It\'s someone else\'s business in Fenghong villa. Besides, when it comes to looking for trouble, is Shen Hao several times better than Li Shuyang and other Qing monks?

After a few more words, Shen Hao took out the authentic work of Yang Zheng, who is said to be Huiling immortal. To tell you the truth, although Shen Hao has 80% of the authenticity of this thing, the gift he gives to others still needs to be slapped. If it is found to be a fake, it will be a great shame.

Shen Hao heard from Nie Yun. Li Shuyang is good at wine, calligraphy and painting, and takes this as the method of cultivating his mind. Should be very knowledgeable.

"Master, I received a landscape scroll by chance recently. It\'s said that it was written by immortal Huiling Yang Zheng. However, I know nothing about calligraphy and painting. Although I\'m going to give it to the patriarch as a birthday gift, I\'m worried that it\'s difficult to tell whether it\'s true or false, so I want to ask the master to check it for me."

Li Shuyang\'s level of calligraphy and painting is really not very powerful. His level of self entertainment is much better than that of ordinary people. He belongs to "lovers", but that\'s all.

However, although their own level is limited, it does not mean that their eyesight is also ordinary. On the contrary, Li Shuyang is one of the top calligraphy and painting appreciation masters in Guishan monastery. It belongs to real hands-on ability, but it\'s good at speaking.

As soon as Shen Hao heard that what he was holding in his hand was the painting of Huiling immortal Yang Zheng, Li Shuyang jumped up directly from his chair. He took the brocade box in Shen Hao\'s hand and put it on the table. He cleaned his hands before opening it.

As he opened it, he asked, "have you tried the wonder of" angry flowers "in this painting?"

"Too angry to make flowers?" Shen Hao responded after he was confused and hurriedly said "yes." he secretly said that there was such a saying about the original special painting skills?