Profound Pure Guard

Chapter 1180

In the old Jing Dynasty, it was not forbidden to preach Royal deeds and figures. Although it was also supervised, it was generally enough for others to understand.

For example, the most legendary figure in the Royal Yang family is Huiling immortal, Yang Zheng.

It can be said that the emergence of Yang Zheng was the fundamental reason for the rise of the Yang family at that time. Otherwise, Yang Jiagen could not have become a family leader, nor could he have accumulated a little in the later accumulation, seize the momentum at the critical moment when the building is about to collapse, and finally win the world.

Of course, the reason why this Huiling immortal is remembered is that he is a great monk in xuanhai realm. He also failed to die when he impacted the creation of the realm.

Xuanhai is perfect! Is this a living fairy tale? And according to historical records, this Huiling immortal is the one with the highest cultivation in the Royal Yang family.

It was mentioned in a book that Yang Zheng was good at calligraphy and painting. He became a school of his own, which can be called a masterpiece. I didn\'t expect to see the real thing.


"It\'s absolutely authentic! This thing was identified by the old Eunuch in the palace. And you can try to fill the painting with genuine Qi." Feilong sold it with a smile.

"True Qi poured into the painting? Isn\'t this painting a magic weapon?" Shen Hao wondered. Seeing the elated expression of Feilong, he didn\'t ask much. According to the statement, he poured a trace of true Qi into the painting. Then the color on the painting actually flowed again and again, adding a bit of vitality. It only lasted two breaths and then fell silent again.

It\'s not a magic weapon, but it can carry real Qi?!

While Shen Hao was wondering, the flying dragon on the side said with a smile: "it is said that Huiling immortal has a unique painting skill, which can form a special mark combination similar to the Dharma array on the paper when he is writing, which can become a temporary access carrier of true Qi, and change the shading of the picture through the access of true Qi, so as to achieve a rich level effect.

Unique painting skills, others will not. So this painting is really the authentic work of immortal Huiling.

He also said that most of the pen and ink of Huiling immortal have been taken away by the royal family. Few of them are still outside. This pair is definitely a rare treasure! "

What else?!

Shen Hao doesn\'t understand calligraphy and painting, let alone painting skills. He\'s just curious that he can sketch on paper with simple pen and ink, which can give ordinary paper the true Qi carrying capacity similar to magic tools. Although it\'s only one in and one out and can\'t last, it\'s shocking enough.

If Shen Hao had doubts and worried that this thing was not true, now he has believed 80%. After all, not everyone has the ability to imitate such magical painting skills.

He poured some real Qi into the painting, and sure enough, there were new changes, just as the mountains and forests in the painting were really living in front of us through the transformation of the four seasons.

"Good thing! You did a good job!" Shen Hao put it away. With this rare treasure, he will go to Guishan monastery to attend the patriarch Huang Yansong\'s birthday the day after tomorrow, and he will have something to take.

Seeing that Shen Hao was satisfied, Feilong smiled happily. To tell the truth, it really took him a lot of effort to find it.

After that, Shen Hao had a simple chat with Feilong and left the house.

When I returned to the official yamen of fengri City, at about the beginning of Shenchu, I just sat down in the public room. Wang Yiming knocked on the door and came in. While handing Shen Hao a file, he said, "Sir, just now an eunuch came to the palace and said that your majesty asked you to go to the palace to meet me at Haishi tonight."

After receiving the file handed over by Wang Yiming, just about to open it, Shen Hao heard the following sentence. Shen Hao was stunned and asked, "Your Majesty asked me to come to the palace in the evening? What did you say?"

"Yes, sir. It said it was before midnight tonight. But it didn\'t say what it was."

"No edict?"

Wang Yiming then shook his head: "No. It\'s just an oral decree."

Oral decree? Enter the palace at night?

Shen Hao can\'t think of a reason. Even if he was asked to go to the palace to introduce Lv Liang, wouldn\'t he avoid people like this? There is always a sense of "secret interview". I don\'t know if he is too sensitive.

Nodded to show that he knew. Then Shen Haocai opened the file in his hand and looked at it. It is not only the whole action file for Lv Liang, but also a summary of the current situation on the Qin family line.

The content of Lv Liang\'s line is very simple. Because there was no trial at all, they directly arranged for people\'s ages. It is mainly the information context of the early stage and the ending situation. It\'s an end to the matter.

There\'s a lot more about the Qin family later.

Not only the things that the Qin family did not copy out, but also the facts that the main members of the Qin family poured out during the trial.

Although the two cores of the Qin family, Qin Mu and Qin Haiping, have not been formally examined, the ways of the Qin family have also found out the general context from the mouths of other main members.

In short, the Qin family is an import and export of Zhengyang sect, the dead city in vain, in the old Jing Dynasty. Responsible for helping Zhengyang sect dump pills and buy medicinal materials, grain and iron ware in Jingjiu Dynasty.

Medicinal materials are for Zhengyang sect\'s own use, while grain and iron are the exchange items for Zhengyang sect to exchange more medicinal materials in the barbarian territory.

In addition, there is no "subordination" between the Qin family and Zhengyang sect. Both sides are independent, so it is more appropriate to call it "cooperation". So did the Qin family.

Since it is cooperation, there is interest exchange. The purpose of Zhengyang sect has been very clear, that is, to regard the Qin family as an entrance and exit in the Jingjiu Dynasty.

What the Qin family got from Zhengyang sect was more spiritual resources. Elixir, spirit stone, technique and means.

In essence, what the Qin family and Lv Liang want is the same thing, that is, the family\'s aristocracy and sect. The difference is that Lv Liang takes risks and tries to create a family foundation for future generations in a short time. However, the Qin family knew the truth of long flowing water, and the inside information was much stronger than that of Lv Liang, so it was relatively gradual.

The difference between the Qin family and the LV family can be seen from the fact that the Qin family has never used the broken barrier pill.

In fact, in Shen Hao\'s opinion, there is another important difference between the two sides, that is, the Qin family has Qin Mu, a friar in the yuan Dan territory, who has a long life. Moreover, the second generation of Qin Haiping is not incompetent. The stamina of the whole Qin family is enough to support their slow development. The Lv Liang family can only take risks to improve the possibility of success.

The reason why there are many broken barrier pills in the Qin family is that Zhengyang sect needs more "own people" and promised the Qin family great profits. In order to attract people to the boat to the greatest extent, the Qin family weaves forces and pushes the boat with the water.

But when it comes to how the Qin family is involved with Zhengyang sect, it can also involve Shen Hao.

The Jingxi action launched by Shen Hao spread all over the country, killing all the disciples of the pseudo evil friars of Zhengyang sect in Jingjiu Dynasty. Qin Mu was the envoy of Jingbei town through the wind of Jingxi action, and came into contact with a pseudo evil friar in a suppression event. When he learned that the other party could provide a lot of practice resources, both sides became complicit.