Priceless Baby's Super Daddy

Chapter 2686

Looking at their backs and the blood on the ground, Feng felt that the whole world had been destroyed.

He is going to lose Jo Ruoxi!

Muyunli sends Qiao Ruoxi to the hospital for emergency treatment. Feng Yunan then comes here. When muyunli sees him, he can't help but give him a fist.

A very heavy blow made the south foot of Fengyu stagger.

When Feng Yu Nan stood firm, Mu Yunli said in a gloomy and determined voice, "Feng Yu Nan, the relationship between you and Xi Xi Xi is over. Don't pester her again! You don't deserve her! From today on, the rest of Qiao Ruoxi's life will be protected by my cloud worship ceremony. Go away! "

Fengyunan didn't fight back or leave. At least he needed to know about Qiao Ruoxi and his children.

Until the emergency room lights out, Qiao Ruoxi is pushed out, and Feng Yunan hears from the doctor, "the life of the pregnant woman has been saved, but the child has not been saved. The pregnant woman needs to recuperate and do not let her be stimulated again."

Under the escort of muyunli, Qiao Ruoxi was sent to the ward, while Feng Yunan's feet seemed to be filled with lead. He couldn't walk heavily, and he didn't even have the courage to go to the ward to see her.

Feng Yunan is at a loss. Now he doesn't even have the right to stay with Qiao Ruoxi. He doesn't know how he left the hospital. He drives without knowing what happened and almost has an accident.

The child is gone, and the only link between him and Qiao Ruoxi is gone.

He lost her!

Completely lost her!


Qiao Ruoxi was hospitalized, and Mu Yunli helped her quit tireling's job for the reason of her abortion, so that she could rest in peace.

The news of the miscarriage spread. Lingxuan told Wen Ke'er about it as soon as she knew it.

Wen Ke'er knew that when Qin Xuming was arrested, he knew that one day, Qiao Ruoxi would definitely go to find Feng Yunan to settle accounts.

Two people quarrel stiff, finally even quarrel to the point of miscarriage.

It can be said that everything is under her control. Now, Qiao Ruoxi's children are gone. As long as the children in her belly are there, it's her turn to turn over.

Wen Ke'er inquires from many parties. Finally, he finds Feng Yunan in yinzun. He drinks a lot of wine, and the whole person is decadent.

"Brother Nan! are you all right? Brother Nan! "

Wen Ke'er wants to play the considerate sister of his neighbor's family, to appear beside him in time and comfort him.

But even though Feng Yunan was drunk, he knew better than anyone. He grabbed Wen Ke'er's wrist and asked, "why? Why did you collude with Wei Lingxiao and ruin the Qiao family? "

Wen Ke'er was shocked. "Brother Nan, what do you say? I don't understand... "

"You don't understand! Do you want me to invite Wei Lingxiao back and confront you face to face? You used Wei Lingxiao to defeat the Qiao family, which killed the Qiao Ruoxi family. Why? Why can't I just hold her? "

Feng Yu Nan even clamped her jaw, which was almost crushed.

Wen Ke'er looks at Feng Yu'nan's Scarlet eyes and starts to be afraid. Feng Yu'nan seems to know everything.

She pushed him aside and tried to explain, "all I have done is not for you! Brother brother! You have no idea how much I love you! "

"Love me? Love me can steal the jade plate I gave Qiao Ruoxi? Love me can pretend to be someone else's name to recognize me? Love me, you can do anything? Wen Ke'er, I hate that I'm blind, I didn't see your true face

Feng Yu Nan smashed the wine bottle on the table and spilled it all over the ground.

Wen Ke'er jumped and wept bitterly. "Brother Nan, I used a lot of mean means, but who let me love you! Besides, I'm pregnant with your baby... "

"Shut up!" Feng Yunan stood up and said, "don't mention children! The baby in your stomach is not mine at all! I never touched you! Your children are you and your assistant! "

"How could it be?" Wen Ke'er feels like he has heard a beautiful flower. He can make up such an excuse for not being responsible?

"I need to prove it, don't I?"

Feng Yunan made a phone call. Soon, Yi Qingchen, the boss of yinzun, helped him open the CCTV.

There's a video of the night that winkle steals chicken and doesn't eat rice.

When Wen Ke'er saw the picture of herself and her assistant in the box, she was greatly hit.

"Impossible It's impossible How could this be How could this be... "

Feng Yunan sneers, "do you want me to release all your casual videos so that people all over the world can see what you're like?"


Wen Ke'er knelt at his feet, pulled at his trouser legs and cried, "brother Nan! Never! In that case! I'm ruined! Please, no! "

"Let me not do that, too! I want you to go to Qiao Ruoxi and explain to her what you have done! How did Qiao's family die in those days? Explain it to her

"Well, I'll find her! I'll explain... "

Wenkel now finds that he has no way out.


Benevolence hospital.

Wen Ke'er finds Qiao Ruoxi's ward and wants to see Qiao Ruoxi, but is blocked by Mu Yunli.

"I'm looking for Qiao Ruoxi! I have something to say to her! "

Muyunli impolitely blocked the door. "Please come back, wenke'er! The sun needs rest. "

"I'll just say a few words. I won't disturb her. Please give me a chance!"

Winkler refused to leave.

They froze for a while at the door of the ward until Qiao Ruoxi's voice came from inside, "brother Yunli, let her in!"

Wen Ke'er was able to enter the ward and meet Qiao Ruoxi.

At this time, Qiao Ruoxi's face was pale, and he was lying on the bed feebly, his eyes were empty.

"What are you doing?"

She asked winkle calmly.

When Wen Ke'er saw her like this, he sneered, "Qiao Ruoxi, do you know how much I hate you? You deserve to be here today! You have taken Feng Yunan's heart away. He forced me to apologize for you and let me admit that it was me who broke Qiao's family. I came, but I will never apologize to you! I'm not good, and I'll never make you happy! "

Wenkel knew that she was finished, and she didn't want to make the final confession.

She is going to hell, so she will take Qiao Ruoxi and Feng Yunan to hell together!

"If you do more than one thing, you will kill yourself. Winkle, oh no, jocle, you think you have done those things before. Nobody really knows? It's time to reckon with your damage to my mother! "

Wen Ke'er asked in surprise, "you Do you remember? "
