Priceless Baby's Super Daddy

Chapter 2685

Qin Xuming didn't speak, just gasped at Qiao Ruoxi.

Qiao Ruoxi at this moment, there is no fear in her heart, it is the truth that gives her courage.

"But you are wrong! Because your mother cheated you! My father Qiao rennian didn't abandon her. He didn't even know you existed! It was only an accident that your mother had you! But you have become her revenge tool! She used you to get back at my father! Do you know how unworthy what you have done? You killed your own father for revenge! Qin Xuming, you are just a poor man who is afraid to see the light! "

It can be said that Qiao Ruoxi's words smashed all the spiritual world of Qin Xuming.

The belief he always sticks to, the driving force he sticks to, all turn into laughable laughingstock in an instant.

He was used by his mother!

He killed his own father!

His hands are covered with blood

Should he blame his mother for ruining his life?

Qin Xuming seems to have been hit hard. He sits on the ground along the bookshelf and cradles his head painfully.

"Don't do anything else to hurt others. You could have been highly accomplished and respected. Why drag yourself and others into hell?"

Qiao Ruoxi has turned around. After saying this, she walks away.

Just as she was about to go out, Qin Xuming called out, "wait!"

Qiao Ruoxi stopped and asked, "what else do you want to say?"

Qin Xuming drooped his eyes, and finally told her, "it's not just me who defeated Qiao..."

"Who else?"

"You know that person..."

Qin told her the truth five years ago that he was not the only one who really wanted to bring down the Qiao family.

From upstairs, Qiao Ruoxi stumbled a little, which had the greatest impact on her. It was Qin Xuming's last words. Seeing her coming out, muyunli promptly helped her. "Xi Xi, are you ok?"

Qiao Ruoxi shook his head and left Qin's group together.

Shortly after they left, a policeman came to Qin's group and took Qin Xuming away on suspicion of murder.

Qin would not have thought that his calls with Qiao Ruoxi had been recorded by Mu Yunli, who handed over the recording to the police.

He wants to use the power of law to control Qin Xuming. Only in this way can Qin Xuming stop hurting Qiao Ruoxi and more people.

Soon, the news of Qin group's president being arrested spread all over Yuncheng, and at the same time, the crisis of Fengtian group was also eliminated.

Feng Yunan was still thinking about how to use the relationship to solve the crisis, but the director of the public relations department told him that the crisis had been relieved.

He was surprised that how could the crisis suddenly be lifted?

Everything went well and he felt something was wrong.

It wasn't until he went back at night that he knew the storm had finally come.

Today, Qiao Ruoxi didn't go back to work. He went back to haizhige. Outside haizhige, he saw muyunli waiting in the car. He thought it was strange. How could muyunli come to haizhige today.

"Mr. mu?" When fengyunan's car was side by side with his, he dropped the window.

Muyunli got out of the car and said politely, "I'm sorry for the first time."

Feng Yunan also got off the bus and asked in doubt, "I don't know how mu always comes to my house?"

"I was waiting for Xi Xi, and forgot to tell president Feng that today I accompanied Xi Xi to the Qiao group." Muyunli explains.

Feng Yunan suddenly realized that Qiao Ruoxi went to Qin's group to find Qin Xuming, so the crisis of Feng Tian was solved so quickly?

In any case, muyunli helped him, and Feng Yu Nan made a gesture of asking, "Mr. mu, please talk inside."

When Feng Yunan came in with muyunli, he saw Qiao Ruoxi coming downstairs with his luggage.

Feng Yunan ran up to her and stopped her. "Qiao Ruoxi, where are you going?"

"You don't care where I'm going."

Qiao Ruoxi looked cold as ice. He didn't even look at him. He wanted to leave.

Feng Yu Nan grabbed her wrist in time, "what's the matter? Are you going to leave the pavilion of the sea? Give me a reason! "

Qiao Ruoxi turned his head coldly, and his tone was full of hatred, "Feng Yunan! Do you think I can live with someone who killed my father and my family? "

“……” He was dumb in the south.

Qiao Ruoxi knows?

No wonder he always feels like something is going to happen today.

All along, he was most afraid of this day, but still came.

The Mu Yunli downstairs looked at the two above coldly. He didn't have much to say. He thought it was time for Qiao Ruoxi and Feng Yunan to stop. All he could do was to watch the change.

When they both made it clear, he took Qiao Ruoxi away.

"Let go!" Cried Qiao Ruoxi.

"Not loose! The past has passed, and I didn't kill your father! " It was also wronged to defend the south.

Feng Yunan didn't let go, but Qiao Ruoxi let go of the suitcase and beat him hard with his other hand.


How strong her people are, how strong her hands are.

Feng Yunan was stunned and stared at her.

Qiao Ruoxi took back her hand, took out a piece of information, and fell on his face, "have a good look! what is it? You can say that Kans is not your company! Five years ago, you ordered to destroy Qiao Shi at all costs. But who else can destroy Qiao Shi in the whole cloud city except Fengtian? "

Data flying, fengyunan didn't reach for it, but tried to explain, "it's really not me, it's wenke'er! She did it! "

He wanted to tell her that it was Wen Ke'er who carried her on his back and used her relationship with Wei Lingxiao to issue a destruction order in his name.

"Ha, Winkler! That's not the person in your heart. You can do anything for her! Feng Yunan, I see through you! I thought you had changed and had a little hope for you, but in the end, I found that you were the one who pushed me into the abyss! I knew I shouldn't have saved you! "

Qiao Ruoxi shed tears like a pearl and turned angrily to leave.

Feng Yunan returned to God, and once again pulled her, "if you are, don't go!"

"Go away!"

Qiao Ruoxi shook him off, but he couldn't control it because of his strength. The whole man fell down the stairs.

"Ah --"

when Feng Yunan saw her fall, she subconsciously wanted to catch her clothes. Unfortunately, she only caught one corner, and her people fell down.

Standing in the middle of the living room, muyunli saw qiaoruoxi fall downstairs and rush forward desperately. "Xixi --"

but it's still late. Qiaoruoxi rolled down the stairs to the first floor. There was blood under him. The bright red color hurt the eyes of the Royal South.

"Son My child... "

Qiao Ruoxi has a stomachache. She grabs Mu Yunli's arm. Her eyes are full of pleading, "help my child..."

"Qiao Ruoxi!" Feng Yunan hurried downstairs to hold Qiao Ruoxi to the hospital, but mu Yunli hurried him, and he had already held Qiao Ruoxi and strode out.