Priceless Baby's Super Daddy

Chapter 2687

"How can I forget? Once you were my friend, but you stabbed me in the back. You not only stole my diary and jade plate, but also recognized Feng Yunan first. You have five years to get along with him, but you didn't catch him. What do you mean? It means he never belongs to you! Whether it's the title of fengyunan or Wenjia, can the stolen one last for a long time? Once the things you and your mother did are exposed, you will never be able to do wen's money again! "

Qiao Ruoxi's words shocked Wen Ke'er.

She remembers everything. Qiao Ruoxi, who recovers her memory, is so terrible because she knows a lot of secrets.


She can't let Qiao Ruoxi say all those things!

In a hurry, Wen Ke'er rushed up to catch Qiao Ruoxi's neck and said viciously, "if you want to hurt me, I won't let you live. Only the dead can keep secrets! Go to hell. Qiao Ruoxi... "

When Qiao Ruoxi was about to suffocate, muyunli and fengyunan rushed in from the outside at the same time. Muyunli saw Wen Ke'er start to fight Qiao Ruoxi and kicked her away.

Wenkel's head hit an iron pillar in the ward and fell into a coma on the spot.

"Are you OK, Xi Xi? I knew I shouldn't have let her in! " Muyunli regrets.

Wen Ke'er lies on the ground. Feng Yunan doesn't even have a look. His heart is also on Qiao Ruoxi.

But he could do nothing but look at her leaning against Muyun Li's arms.

The reason why he came here was that he was worried that Wen Ke'er would not hurt Qiao Ruoxi. Before he was drunk, he asked Wen Ke'er to explain. But when he woke up, he found that no matter what Wen Ke'er said, it would only stimulate Qiao Ruoxi, so he came here and saw this scene.

Muyunli protects Qiao Ruoxi and says to fengyunan impolitely, "fengzong, take your girlfriend away! Don't let her hurt Xi Xi again! Next time, I'm not so good at talking! "

Feng didn't pay attention to his warning. He looked at Qiao Ruoxi, with deep regret in his eyes. "Qiao Ruoxi, can you give me some time? I have something to say."

"Don't say anything. Did you look at the bottle on the shelf? That's my kid, you murderer! I will never forgive you! "

Feng turned to look at the shelf and found a glass bottle with a small fetus in it.

At this moment, his heart ache to the extreme, tears also blurred his eyes.

He can't say anything he wants to say.

Qiao Ruoxi doesn't want to talk nonsense with him any more. She pulls out a document from under the pillow and asks Mu Yunli to hand it to him. "This is the divorce agreement. I have signed it. From today on, I, Qiao Ruoxi, have nothing to do with you

Feng received the document and the divorce agreement in his hand burned his heart.

Really to this moment, said anything powerless, he can no longer retain Qiao Ruoxi's heart.


After that day, Qiao Ruoxi disappeared.

Feng Yunan couldn't find out her whereabouts any more, but he knew that it must be muyunli who had hidden Qiao Ruoxi.

Without Qiao Ruoxi's day, Fengyu South was in agony.

He often sat in the nursery for their children, sad.

People all know how to cherish after losing, but he knows too late.

When fengyunan returned to the group company from the beginning, the whole person was like a new one, which was even colder than before.

There are two guests in the office, Wen Ruhai, the male host of wenjingyuan, and Han Juyi, the female host.

The couple came together to find Feng Yunan, not for anything else, but for their daughter, Wen Ke'er.

Since she fainted in the ward last time and woke up again, Wen Ke'er seems to have lost her mind. For a long time, she has been crazy for a long time. She yells to find Feng Yunan every day.

The couple couldn't help it, so they asked for an interview, hoping that he could visit their daughter.

"Yu Nan, how can you say, but she is carrying your flesh and bones, how can you just sit back and ignore her?"

Feng Yunan couldn't answer their request, "President Wen said, I don't know whose baby is in your daughter's stomach. It's not mine at all. Why should I deal with it? That's what she did to me! "

Wen Ruhai and Han Yiyi are both stunned. Is their daughter's child from the south?

Feng Yunan treats Wen Ruhai with a disdainful attitude, "Wen always really cares about your daughter, but I don't know why he doesn't care about his eldest daughter Wen Chenxi until now."

A word makes Wen Shuo like the sea, "Yu Nan..."

"Wen always knows, Wen Chenxi is not dead, she has been alive. Qiao Ruoxi is wenchenxi! "

“……” Wen Ruhai thought of Qiao Ruoxi who came to wenjingyuan last time. At that time, he thought she was familiar with her. Unexpectedly, she was wenchenxi who had not been burned.

Feng Yunan clapped again and said, "Mrs. Wen had a good fire in those days. She almost burned wenchenxi and her mother. It's Qiao rennian who saved their mother and daughter, while President Wen married Qiao rennian's ex-wife. Your story of Wen's family is really wonderful. Now I just want to know whether Wen always connives at Lady Wen's killing and setting fire, or is she kept in the dark? "

Wen Ruhai began to sweat. He didn't know how much Feng Yunan knew. Why did he suddenly mention the past?

"It seems that Mr. Wen didn't know the truth? You should know that there's a word called "Heaven's reason circulates bad karma"! It's time for you to pay for your mistakes today! "

Feng Yunan said, and asked Xiuyi to come in, Xiuyi to come in, with several police officers behind him.

They showed their work permits and arrest warrants, charged with the murder of Han Juyi and the cover up of Wen Ruhai. At the same time, they arrested their husband and wife together.

Fengyunan dealt with the Wen family, which was also a justice for Qiao Ruoxi and Su Hui.

In just two months, great changes have taken place in Yuncheng. Qin's group has gone bankrupt, and Wen's group has gone bankrupt.

Now the two remaining business giants, Fengtian group and Mu group, are in a state of confrontation.

In order to Qiao Ruoxi, muyunli would not hesitate to use the financial resources of the Mu group to fight with Fengtian group. He wanted to defeat fengyunan and get justice for Qiao Ruoxi.

The confrontation between the two sides has reached the point of losing both sides, causing turbulence in the whole business community.

Fengtian house.

Gu Yunjin can't watch Feng family's defeat. She asks Feng Yuanshan to come out and persuade Feng Yunan, "Dad, you can find a way to let Yu Nan stop fighting quickly."

Feng Yuanshan had known the situation, but sighed, "what can I do? I've sent someone to inform Yunan that he's back. When we meet, I'll try to persuade him. "

Just after the conversation, Feng Yunan came in. Lingxuan saw that her brother came back and took the initiative to meet him. "Brother, you are back. Mom is worried about you."