Priceless Baby's Super Daddy

Chapter 2684

She called him brother Yunli!

Does she really remember him?

"How excited is muyunli's description?" you remember, and you think of me

"Well, brother Yunli!"

Qiao Ruoxi was moved to embrace muyunli. At this moment, she found her childhood memory again. Her favorite brother Yunli!

They didn't notice a pair of eyes on the second floor of the cafe opposite the hospital, looking at the people at the door of the hospital coldly.

Wen Ke'er Leng hum, Qiao Ruoxi is so lucky that she escaped another disaster!

After muyunli and Qiao Ruoxi officially met, he asked her to get on his car, "Xi Xi, where are you going now? I'll give it to you! '

"I want to go back to the company."

Qiao Ruoxi thought of what she was going to do. She begged Mu Yunli, "brother Yunli, would you stop it quickly? Don't join hands with Qin Xuming to deal with fengyunan! Please! "

Qiao Ruoxi not only thought of the past, but also of the relationship between her and Qin Xuming. She was afraid that she could not let Qin Xuming revenge.

"This matter has nothing to do with me. I didn't deal with fengyunan. It was Qin Xuming's decision." Muyunli explains.

"Can you take me to Qin's group? I'm going to find him! "

"Don't go! He's too dangerous. "

When muyunli found out that Qin Xuming was mentally abnormal, he broke off the cooperative relationship with him.

Thinking that Qiao Ruoxi was almost hurt by Qin Xuming before, he couldn't watch her go into danger again.

"I know he's coming for me. I have to stop him! Don't worry, I've found a way to deal with him! "

At Qiao Ruoxi's insistence, Mu Yunli finally had to drive her to Qin's group.

Qin group.

Qiao Ruoxi put his name in the newspaper. Soon, the front desk replied to her, and the president was waiting for her in the office.

Muyunli wants to accompany her up, but Qiao Ruoxi asks muyunli to wait for her here. She has some personal grudges. She wants to talk to Qin Xuming alone.

Mu Yunli is not at ease. He takes the initiative to dial Qiao Ruoxi's mobile phone to let it be in a call state.

He needs to know her situation. Once she is in danger, he can help her in time.

Qiao Ruoxi thanked him for his thoughtfulness, hid his cell phone, walked into the spacious office, the leather seat turned around, and Qin Xuming in western dress appeared in front of him.

"Xiaoxi, you are willing to see me at last!"

There appeared on Qin's face a certain kind of contentment that he was determined to get, as if everything was in his expectation.

It can be said that he has been waiting for Qiao Ruoxi to fall into the trap, waiting for her to kneel and beg him!

Qiao Ruoxi said coldly in his eyes, "I can't believe you are still so mean. Do you think your tricks can defeat fengyunan? You can't fight him! "

"Who said that? If my method doesn't work, then how can you stand here? "

"I didn't come to beg you!"

Qiao Ruoxi took a deep breath of air. "I'm here to settle old accounts with you!"

"Settle with me? What old account? "

Qin Xuming sat down on the sofa and began to make tea leisurely, "you may as well sit down and speak slowly."

"No need! Qin Xuming, you are a liar! You're not my boyfriend at all! I've never liked you! Five years ago, I had a car accident. I lost my memory. You told me everything after I woke up. You made up all the facts! Am I right? "

Qin Xuming picked up his eyebrows in surprise. "Do you remember?"

"Yes! I remember it. Everything! In those days, you were just an assistant beside Dad! But you have ulterior motives! " Qiao Ruoxi's eyes burst with a hint of hatred, which is a complaint against Qin Xuming.

It's true that Qin Xuming cheated first. Long ago, he liked Qiao Ruoxi, but he didn't get her by means until she had her own heart.

Otherwise, with Qiao Ruoxi at that time, how could he fall in love with him?

"I didn't expect that dad trusted you so much, but you stabbed your back! It's all because you came for revenge! "

These are her mother told her that Qin Xuming's real identity is not just an assistant.

From his approach to qiaorennian to his joining qiaoshi, every move was carefully planned.

Since Qiao Ruoxi knew it, Qin Xuming didn't need to hide it any more.

He stood up, with his hands in his pockets, came over and said, "yes, I approached your father for revenge. I betrayed Joe's core secrets, which led to the fracture of Joe's capital chain, and your father finally jumped to commit suicide.

"My goal was achieved. Later, I called you to Zhongtian building, and then I arranged a car accident, which led to your amnesia, so I became your boyfriend naturally.

"I watched your Qiao family go bankrupt and your family go down. I was worried about you on the surface, but I didn't do anything. As long as the Qiao family went down, you can stay with me all the time.

"But you know it's too late. Who would believe what a psychopath says?"

Qiao Ruoxi looked at Qin Xuming's hateful face, and he was so angry that he hit him with his hands, "despicable villain! You killed my father! For revenge, you lose your conscience and your conscience! Why don't you die? "

Qin Xuming rubbed his beaten face twice, not angry or angry, even with a horrible smile, "Xiao Xi, no matter how you scold me and beat me, I recognize it! You should know that all I do is for you! If you are willing to leave Kaifeng Yunan and come back to me, I can let it go. "

The only variable on Qin's revenge is Qiao Ruoxi.

He didn't control his heart and fell in love with his enemy's daughter accidentally, which was the most unexpected tragedy.

"Shut up! Don't say that shameless thing again! We can't! "

Qiao Ruoxi's heart trembled and stared at him, saying, "in fact, I should call you Qiao Xuming?"

Suddenly heard the change of surname, Qin Xuming's body was stunned, the smile on his face was lost, and he looked at her incredulously, "what do you mean?"

"I mean, you do everything for revenge, but you don't expect that you will one day lose control of your heart and fall in love with your nominal sister."

Qiao Ruoxi knows that he has grasped Qin Xuming's biggest weakness, and he can only attack his weakness constantly.

"Qin Xuming! We're nominal brothers and sisters, aren't we? In fact, my father, Qiao rennian, is your own father. You killed your own father!!! "

Qin Xuming's identity was suddenly revealed, and the whole person was like a terrorist at the bottom of hell, without hiding.

He took a few steps back and hit the bookshelf. It seemed that he was suffocating and filled his heart.

Qiao Ruoxi knew that his words had played a role in him. In order to let Qin Xuming realize his mistake, she said, "what? You dare not admit it? Did your mother tell you that she was abandoned by my father? She hated him, so she instilled revenge in you? Later, you approached my father carefully, and then you waited for the opportunity to destroy the Qiao family? "