Priceless Baby's Super Daddy

Chapter 160

160. Xu Xiyan thanked him for his kindness, "it's totally unnecessary. Mr. Huo, don't use your ability for me.

"I've been prepared psychologically for a long time. The entertainment circle has said that it's gossip circle. Which actor can't spread gossip?

"And now this scandal seems to have no effect on me. Anyway, Ma Haodong and I are just friends. Let them talk about it!

"If I had cared so much, I would not have considered entering the entertainment circle."


Huo Yun nods deeply. In fact, in his opinion, this scandal is beneficial and harmless for a new person like Xu Xiyan, and it can help her improve her popularity.

He is not in a hurry to help her with her public relations. Let's see what's going on.

Xu Xiyan didn't want to rub the heat of Ma Haodong. Thinking of Ma Haodong, he felt a little upset. "But Mr. Huo, I want to ask you something."

"You said."

"Ma Haodong is tired of me. He has helped me a lot. I owe him the favor. If he has any trouble in the future, I hope Mr. Huo can take care of him for me. "

Xu Xiyan is worried that Ma Haodong, because of her relationship, should not be misunderstood by fans at that time, and be used and hyped by interested people.

Huo Yun deep in the heart secretly praised, he did not see the wrong person.

Xu Xiyan is so cute that he doesn't work for his own welfare, but he thinks about the safety of his friends. He is really a rare good girl with love and justice.

"Good! I promise that one day when I have Huo Yunshen, Ma Haodong will be OK. "

Huo Yunshen guarantees with his reputation that as long as Xu Xiyan asks for something from him, he will promise unconditionally.

"Thank you, Mr. Huo. It's very kind of you."

Xu Xiyan was as happy as he had won the gold medal for saving himself from death. Remembering that he said last time that he would introduce Cherry Baby to him, she said, "by the way, Mr. Huo, are you free tomorrow?"

No, but she asked. There must be.


"I said baby cherry the other day. Do you remember? We all have time tomorrow. Why don't we arrange to meet tomorrow

"Very well, you can arrange it."

Huo Yun deep happy promise, just want to think of baby cherry that cute dada little face, his heart will be inexplicably soft.

"No problem, that's the deal."

The night wind was cool. Xu Xiyan pushed him for a while and said, "it's not early, let's go back!"


The two break up at the door of the apartment and go back to the house.

Huo Yunshen was shocked when he came back to his bedroom in an electric wheelchair after taking a bath in his bathrobe.

Xu Xiyan appears in his bedroom?

Is it an illusion?

Xu Xiyan knew that he had come out. He turned back and said with a smile, "good evening, Mr. Huo!"

“……” Huo Yunshen was very surprised and looked at her up and down. Xu Xiyan was wearing a white doctor's coat, a small white hat, a mask on his mouth, and a bag of tools in his hand. "Jingxi, you..."

Huo Yunshen's flustered bathrobe had not been put on before and his hair had not been wiped. Now it's dripping wet. It must look terrible.

What can I do?

He really didn't want her to see him in a mess.

But in Xu's eyes, what she saw was different scenery.

Just after bathing, the man's bathrobe is half open, the honey skin luster is attractive, the messy hair highlights his lazy and uninhibited temperament, and the whole person is sexy and enchanting.
