Priceless Baby's Super Daddy

Chapter 161

161. It's so beautiful!

Facing such a beautiful man every day, it's strange to say that you can't be moved.

"Mr. Huo, it's agreed that I will help you massage and acupuncture tonight. Let me blow your hair first!"

Xu Xiyan forced himself to calm the throbbing heart, put the tool bag in his hand on the bedside table, took the initiative to find a hair dryer, and came to help him blow his hair first.

The hair dryer is buzzing. Huo Yunshen doesn't want to excuse her. He says, "I'll come by myself."

"It's OK. I'm just raising my hand."

Xu Xiyan insisted on blowing his hair. Her technique was gentle, and her fingers and belly were shuttling between his hair. Her touch was gentle and thrilling.

This feeling is too enjoyable. Huo Yun closed his eyes comfortably, and even had a strange idea in his mind. If he had long hair, she could help him to blow it for a while!

After blowing his hair, Xu Xiyan shut down the hair dryer and pushed him to the bedside, "Mr. Huo, please lie on the bed."

Huo Yunshen asked with embarrassment, "do I need to change clothes first?"

"No, you'd better take off your clothes when you have massage and acupuncture!"

Xu Xiyan's business attitude, dressed in a white gown, really regarded herself as a doctor and him as her patient.

Is it all off?

Huo Yunshen is not sure. Do you need to take off your pants?

Xu Xiyan probably saw his doubts and told him, "just take off your bathrobe. Do you need me to help you up?"

"No need."

Huo Yun pulls the special armrest beside the bed, and with a little strength of his arms, he moves himself to the bed, and then lies down.

Xu Xiyan took out the tools for acupuncture, which was a set of silver needles given to her by her grandfather. She usually had the habit of carrying them with her.

After disinfecting the silver needle, Xu Xiyan began to press Huo Yunshen's body with his fingers to find the acupoints.

Acupuncture is a method of treating diseases in traditional Chinese medicine. It's complicated and difficult to learn. It's a little poor. It's very likely that good people will be paralyzed.

But when Xu Xiyan was a child, he was familiar with acupuncture points and was proficient in the method of acupuncture, so he got the true story.

Starting from Tanzhong, then Tianshu, Zhongyuan, Qihai The main acupoints of the body should be needled one by one.

Her hands are as light as dragonflies skimming the water, and her movements are quick. Only when she pricks into the skin can she feel acid and numbness.

"Does it hurt?"

"A little."

"Is it numb or painful here?" Every time she pricked a acupoint, she would ask him how he felt.

"It's a bit numb."

"Now?" She pricked the acupoints in his legs.

"No sense."

I have to prick it to stimulate my nerves.

Huo Yun lies in bed, looking at Xu Xiyan's eyes and eyebrows, feeling her fingers touching his skin, looking for acupoints and needles.

I feel very good, very gentle!

Xu Xiyan is focused on finding the acupoints. Her clear eyes are like the most beautiful jewels in the world.

She carefully pricked the needles. From his upper body to his toes, the acupoints on both sides were all pricked with silver needles.

Every time his eyes pass near his thigh, Xu Xiyan forces himself to concentrate on doing his own thing, and does not look at it as a gift.

She carefully twists the silver needle once, and when it's time, she takes it off again.

"Mr. Huo, turn it over, back up." Xu said.

Huo Yunshen didn't speak. Listen to her, turn over with both arms and lie on the bed.

According to the law, Xu Xiyan began to pin his back, from top to bottom, when the time came, he would take the needle again.

"I've got all the needles. Now I'm going to massage."
