Priceless Baby's Super Daddy

Chapter 159

159. It's worthy of being a little student of traffic. There are so many fans.

[it must be fake! My little brother has no girlfriend! Don't make a rumor! ]Brother Ma is not like that. If he really falls in love, he will tell us in advance! ]Don't, pony, you can't leave us! ]

[is it hype for the new play the source of sin? ]I want to ask who is the woman? Why do you want to hook up with brother pony? ]


In the afternoon, new progress was made in the Internet news. Xu Xiyan was surprised to find that the netizens had already revealed who she was, attached her information and recent photos, and even revealed her micro blog.

For a while, Xu Xiyan's microblog, known as "jinggongzi", has soared in popularity, but it has come to be maliciously criticized.

[it's revealed on the Internet that she, Jingxi, is a little supporting role without fame! ]

[a bitch is an affectation! ]

[the little transparency outside the 108 line also makes my brother Ma innocent! ]

[no match for Ma Haodong! ]Don't ruin my pony brother! ]

[one face is not suitable! Don't hate you, just think you are disgusting! ]

[I want to borrow Ma Haodong to go up! I hate this kind of scheming girl! Road turn black! ]

[get rough, Jingxi! ]


Looking at the comments all the way to the end of the blackness, Xu Xiyan smacked his lips, never thought that one day he would suddenly get angry, and still put the black fire.

Because Ma Haodong, her original popular microblog, began to increase fans.

The swearing is still going on. Xu Xiyan doesn't have much influence in his heart. What should he do.

After all, he who is clear is self-cleaning!

Even if she tweets now, she can't explain it clearly. She just let it go. Anyway, this scandal will be covered by new news in two days. Who cares about her little transparency!

In the evening, Xu Xiyan makes dinner, but Huo Yunshen hasn't come back.

Several dishes are on the table, and she clasps them up like a plate. Keep food from getting cold.

The clock on the wall points to 6:50. Xu Xiyan takes out his mobile phone and wants to send a message to Huo Yunshen, but the mobile phone forgets to charge, and it's powered off automatically.

At this time, Xu Xiyan heard the noise outside the door.

I guess it's Huo Yunshen who has come back. I feel happy for a while. It seems that my wife is waiting for her husband to come back late. She runs to open the door for him.

The door opens, and sees the girl in the door. Huo Yunshen's surprise eyes are wide. "Jingxi?"

The girl was wearing comfortable home clothes, a cool ponytail, and a warm smile on her face. "Welcome home, Mr. Huo.

Xu Xiyan happily went forward, found slippers for him, helped him change them, and then pushed him into the room.

I didn't expect that she would be at his house, and when she entered the door, she could see her beloved girl. Huo Yunshen couldn't say how happy she was.

In the morning, she sent him out, and in the evening, she welcomed him in. It was a wonderful feeling.

For a time, it made him forget that they were employed, as if his wife was taking care of her husband, which made him feel warm.

What makes Huo Yunshen feel warm is that Xu Xiyan has made dinner and is waiting for him to come back.

All the toil and tiredness of the day were swept away after entering the door.

Wash your hands, eat, and after dinner, Xu Xiyan pushes Huo Yunshen to take a walk in the community.

The environment of Shengshi Yujing community is quiet, and the lights at night make the decoration of the community colorful. Walking in the community is like being in a dream.

Xu Xiyan pushes Huo Yunshen and walks for a long time. They talk about the recent drama group. Huo Yunshen suddenly asks,

"Jingxi, your identity has been picked out by netizens. I see the online message. Ma Haodong's fans are blacking you. Do you need me to help you deal with it?"
