Pirate's General Tiger

Chapter 54: Tianluodi

With a stern look, a flash of light flashed through Tang En's mind, reminiscent of the actions of the other party and Kuzan who often secretly negotiated during this time.

"Are you going to arrest Roger?"

The voice over the phone bug was obviously a bit unexpected.

"Huh, how do you guys know? Did Kuzan tell you?"

Tang Eun's eyes twitched, a black line gushed from his forehead, and then growled at the phone bug.

"Lao Zi just fought him!!"

"Also! Why not tell me this kind of thing early!"

Karp stunned: "Are you fighting Roger?"

"The vast seas meet on narrow roads."

Tange glanced at the soldiers lying on the deck and exhaled.

"The whole army is annihilated and all but me are comatose!"

Karp listened, and instead of worrying, he laughed.

"Hahahaha, it's better not to die. Think about it, that guy won't shoot you."

Then his voice condensed again.

"So, Major Down, wake them up quickly and prepare for the mission!"

"The next battle, but also your Alabstan patrol forces to assist by the side!"

After a few words, Karp simply hung up the phone bug.

Tang En sat cross-legged on the deck and took a deep breath several times before the side effects caused by the overlord's impact slowly dissipated.

Then his eyes became sharper again.

Yes, at this moment his strength is far from the other party. However, this battle is not over.

The navy’s plan was absolutely very thorough. Forsa Island was straight in the west of their ship, and the Roger Pirates headed north of the ship. In this seemingly divergent direction, Capu was so determined to let him go to the island of Forenza, and it must be that a tight army was already placed in front of him.

They want to force the Roger Pirate Corps to force on the island of Fronza, and then conduct a small-scale arrest as little as possible.

Until now, Tang Enfang only understood why it was just an award process, but people like Kapu came in person.

In addition to the importance of him by the Navy Headquarters, this arrest is already in the Navy's plan. And he, the encounter with the other party just happened at the chance, an accident.

His eyes flashed, and Tang En slowly stood up, lifted the bucket prepared on the ship, and walked towards the unconscious soldier.

There is no doubt that next, he will begin his second confrontation with the Roger Pirates.

This time, he will no longer face the high combat power directly, but will become one of the many navies against Roger's group.

"The second round begins!"

Lifting the bucket and pouring it towards the four people in front of them, such as Cullen, Jess, and Hard, Tangen saw a high level of war in his eyes.

Half a day later, it was the evening of the day.

Tang En and others have arrived on the island of Flença. When they arrived here, they found that the whole island was surrounded by five or six warships.

At this time, Kuzan was lazily standing at the coast and ordered the navy to organize the evacuation of the military and civilians on the island.

"Don! Come here."

Seeing Tang, Kuzan shouted loudly.

"I heard that you met Roger, and your luck was really good."

After approaching, Kuzan smiled.

Tang En rolled his eyes: "Shut up, you, what is my task?"

"Well, evacuate the villagers and disguise the whole island. This is our job tonight."

Kuzan pointed not far away, and the villagers who embarked on the warship under the command of the navy said lightly.

Then, his eyes narrowed again.

"Also, Don, take a good rest tonight."

"We will participate in the battle tomorrow!"

Tang En sighed and nodded solemnly.

"Also, try to keep elite personnel, and the rest, it is best to let them **** civilians away temporarily."

Glancing at the navy behind Tangen, Kuzan said again.

Time blinked very quickly. In this arrest, the tasks of Tang En and others were not difficult, but only a bit cumbersome.

They had only one night, including the evacuation of the residents of Forsa Island, and the disguise of the original island environment. Of course, most navies are not actors, and their camouflage techniques are not very good. However, the Navy doesn't need them to look too much, just a rough look.

After about three or four hours, almost all the villagers on the island have been evacuated.

The meniscus hangs in the sky and sprinkles silver frost on the island of Flença, and the shimmering sea shines.

"Jess, Cullen, and Jess stayed. The rest of them followed the villagers on the warship and evacuated temporarily!"

With a slightly correct expression on his face, Tang En sternly shouted at the straight men standing in front of his eyes.

"Master, we must stay!"

"Yes! The shame during the day, we also want to get back!"

"Lieutenant General Kapu, there are elite navies in other divisions, they are all here, this is a rare opportunity!"

The navy was unwilling. The glare of Roger in the daytime made them impressed and unforgettable. For them as soldiers, this was the biggest shame.

"obey orders!"

Tang En just spit out four words lightly.

The navy was helpless and could only drive the warship away, waiting for further orders.

At the moment, on the island of Flença, all navies have been disguised, and the number of people is about to keep the number of inhabitants before the island. After Tang En walked around, he found that these people had serious expressions, and there was a light murderous expression between their eyebrows. They were obviously elite soldiers who had fought hard.

"All elites transferred from various ministries."

"I heard that the frontline frontal battlefield was led by Lieutenant General Cap, and we are only assisting this time."

Jess and Cullen whispered in his ear.

Tang En nodded his head, and he heard Kuzan's words at the beginning.

After all, it is inconvenient to fight on the sea, and it is easy for the Rogers to escape. The navy army is in front of them, blocking them in front of Roger and others and trying to force them to the island.

Therefore, this small island located in the northwest of Alabstan became the main place for this battle.

Behind them, Hud and the four followed silently.

Soon after, Tang En saw Kuzan leaning out of a gear and staring blankly.

"Tang En, tomorrow you are mainly responsible for the location of the south lane of the town, to avoid the rest of the Roger Pirates secretly running away."

Seeing Tang, Kuzan said.

"How about you?"

"I'm very close to you, and it's located to the east of you. I can support you when there is any trouble."

Then he glanced at the people behind Tang En.

"You take these few?"

There are only six of them, not enough for one finger.

"Precious is not expensive."

Tang En said lightly.

"Also, I'm the only one over there."

Kuzan said with a confident smile on his lips.

After the two chatted for a while, Tang En and others arrived in advance at the Nanxiangkou they were in charge of and waited.

There are a lot of other officers and navies on the island, but they only nodded when they met each other, and they did not communicate much. Tang En noticed that most of them were school-level officers, and even the main avenue had generals, and he was just an ordinary member of these people at the moment.

The navy had already laid down the net, waiting for the enemy to arrive.

Tang En sat cross-legged on the ground, his eyes calm, but his mood could not calm down for a long time.

No matter how much anime is seen, I can’t understand the intense but passionate emotion of being on the eve of the war and waiting at the moment.

"Roger Pirates!"

"Tomorrow, we have to meet again!"

Mumbled, Tang En's eyes became sharp.