Pirate's General Tiger

Chapter 53: Catch big pirates

He faintly felt the real soul of the army from this navy. Such a soul of the army is firm in conviction and invincible, worthy of admiration.

And the pillar of the soul of the army, the center, is the young navy at the forefront.

"I take back what I said before, although you are a navy, it still makes me respect."

"So, I decided!"

Roger spoke slowly, and when he talked about it, his eyes glared.

"Use my strongest spirit to fight against you!"

Suddenly, an invisible, domineering breath rushed out, and flew fifty meters in a blink of an eye, leaving the sea silent and impacting Tang En and others.


Silently, all the navy eyes turned white, then fell to the ground softly, losing consciousness.

Tang En was soft all over, and was shocked by this breath, and even the station was unstable, and he slowly fell.

Overlord domineering!

Three minutes later, the Oro Jackson passed by the silent warship, and the pirates on the whole ship watched the fallen navy and showed their respect.

Although they are weak, but have no fear of enemies, or opponents, they can not rise up to the slightest maliciousness.

After crossing the warship, Roger looked at the sea ahead and laughed.

"Raleigh, for the future, that young man, is a good seed!"

Raleigh nodded seriously: "Yes, even as a pirate, I think he is fearless and worthy of respect."

"He is the same person as us. Despite the different positions, the way forward is!"

Speaking of which, the sound drifted away with the wind.

At this moment, on the warship, Tang En's body stood up swaying.

On the Jackson, Roger seemed to perceive and turned his head in amazement.

"He actually carried my breath."

"This kid!"

"Better than I thought!"

Rayleigh was even more shocked because he knew very well that he could hold Roger Tyrant's domineering power, and he was definitely a powerful and powerful person with the qualifications of a king.

"Hahaha, yes, very good!"

"It seems that the Navy will have a great man in the future!"

Roger laughed.

For Down, he felt no threat at all. People like Roger are very aware of the general situation and situation in the world.

He knows very well whether pirates are good or evil in this big world, and he understands what he is after. In an era of chaos, violent desires inevitably arise, even if he is not, he hates such things. But there is no alternative but the evil of the world, with his power, can only eliminate a trace.

More, still rely on the navy. He will not simply think of the navy as his enemy, but how to deal with each other. Rather, it is combined with the general trend of the world to make an objective judgment.

At a time of chaos, balance is important, as is the stability of the world. There is one more righteous man in the navy and one more helper in the pirates. For him, the difference is not so big!

Roger is not a simple and kind Virgin, but he is also not an extinct devil.

In a sense, he is just a persistent person who struggles to resist his own ideals and to reveal the darkness of the world.

"I'm afraid that after he grows up, he will become a stubborn and crazy cold-blooded man."

"Finally, become the sword in the hands of that group of people!"

Raleigh frowned.

"No, Raleigh, that kid, he was never such a person!"

"You think about his position just now!"

"Moreover, how can a person with that kind of qualifications be willing to let others down, willing to be the sword of others!"

Roger laughed again, his face relaxed.

Lei Li stunned, followed by the memories, suddenly realized, and also laughed.


From the beginning to the end, the young boy stood at the forefront of all the soldiers, and his posture was like a guardian.

The straight body clearly said that if he wanted to hurt the person behind him, he would first step over his body.

How can such a person who is in the most critical moment and does not forget his own soldiers be a ruthless and innocent person?

His heart is on the side of justice and light!

"Because of this, did you show mercy? Roger!"

Raleigh shook his head and smiled.

Roger's laughter came from the sea breeze.

For the enemies that are ruthless, cowardly, and weak, and unable to obtain their approval, Roger is not at all soft-hearted.

Because such people are not qualified to become their opponents.

On the warship, Tang En was dizzy, and with a strong sense of wanting to vomit, he grabbed the ship and stood up slowly.

Looking at the Oro Jackson that had left, he shook his head hard.

The powerful courage and the shock of terror seemed to smash and disintegrate all the hearts of resistance in an instant, making people suddenly lose consciousness.

For a moment, only a moment, there is simply no time to respond.

"Overlord domineering!"

When he gritted his teeth and spit out these five words from between the lips, Tang En knew in his heart that this powerful and breathless impact was the domineeringness he had seen in previous anime.

Just watching anime, I can't understand the horror and the shock.

It's like facing the prestige of anxiety. It makes people feel small and can't help but succumb. People with weak willpower will lose consciousness and fall into a coma in a moment.

Even after that, there will be a strong vomiting, dizziness, and trembling from the heart.

Like a tsunami and a typhoon passing by in the face of roaring and roaring, it is completely unstoppable.

"Can it be so powerful?"

Murmured, Tang En deeply realized what a scenery the strong man in the world is at its peak.

After standing for about thirty or more breaths, he sat on the deck with a puff, only to feel his body was sore and weak, as if he had experienced a battle between life and death.

There was silence at the moment on the warship, and the crew fell down in all directions, and only a slight breath came out, proving that they were still alive.

Tang En knows that they have been sleeping at least for a while after experiencing the shock of overlord color.

"This breath seems to be somewhat the same as what broke out in my body at that time."

Tired of him, at this time, he thought of the terrifying momentum he had shown himself in the windless zone, when he was in a crisis of life and death.

Although the two breaths differ greatly in quantity, they are somewhat qualitatively the same.

His eyes flashed, and Tang En thought about the problem in his heart.

He who has personally seen the domineering and domineering nature naturally understands what this spirit means.

"Blu Blu Blu!"

At this moment, the phone bug in his arms suddenly rang.

Since the last windless incident, Kuzan and Jess and others have forced him to wear this communication tool with him.


Connected to the phone bug, Tang En exhaled, his voice trembling.

"Boy Don, now you immediately go to the island of Forenza to evacuate civilians."

"We are going to catch a big pirate there!"

Cap's voice came from the phone bug, and his tone was casual.