Pirate's General Tiger

Chapter 55: I have been waiting for you for a long time

When the moon reaches the sky, it is in the waters of Alabastan.


The sound of Zhen Tian's explosion was connected, and the whole night sky was reflected into a red color. The sea was originally covered with a layer of sparkling silver, but at this moment it had become a flame.

"Reilly, change direction, they will block the road ahead."

Roger stood at the bow of the ship, his eyes dignified, and he looked at the indistinct front, forming a huge fan-shaped warship, and his heart was extremely alert.

"I didn't expect the navy to intercept us here, it was nearly a hundred warships?"

Raleigh exclaimed.

Behind him, Shanks and Bucky looked nervous, looking at the large group of warships in front of them, and their hearts were shaking.

I just met Tang En's navy who had to fight desperately. At this time, I encountered another large army here.

"Roger! That's it!"

On the sea ahead, a dull roar came, followed by the golden light diffused, suddenly swelled out, and a big Buddha appeared.

"Leave, that is the Warring States."

Roger said again.

In the bursts of cannons, the shocking explosion spurred strong winds, which caused the original calm sea to set off huge waves. Oro Jackson continued to rise and fall with the sea, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

"it is good!"

With a drink, Raleigh turned and moved quickly.

Under control, Oro Jackson turned around quickly.

Roger faced the impact of the shells at this moment, his eyes widened.


Overbearing, the surging breath spread.

The surface of the sea was silent, and the sky-long cannonballs rushed out and all the rumbling explosions exploded.

"In addition to this road, we will only pass through the island of Flença."

Jabba said.

Roger nodded, looking at the distance between the Pirate Ship and the naval warships, but his expression still did not relax.

Faintly, he seemed to feel something.

At the same time, watching Roger's group leave the navy warship group.

"General of the Warring States, they turned to evacuate!"

Hearing the navy report, the warring states narrowed their eyes and nodded.

"Is Karp in place?"

"Lieutenant General Capu led a branch navy from the nearby reinforcements, which has been deployed on the island of Forsa!"

The Navy replied.

"Okay, increase the horsepower, we head to the island of Forsa."

The Warring States shouted.

This time the plan was decided by the headquarters for a long time. The Roger Pirates had already made a name for themselves in the great waterway. This sudden departure from the starting point again, this inexplicable move made the navy doubt, but also had an ominous hunch. From the moment they got the other party's news, they carefully watched the other party's movements, and it was only then that they decided to initiate action.

There are not many opportunities, we must seize it.

Like Roger has become a pirate corps in the climate, the difficulty of catching is extremely great, and it must be extremely careful. Even even the daring, my own Karp, has accepted the deployment of the headquarters and cooperated with the execution of tasks.

The warships opened quickly, but this time the Warring States and others used clippers, while the rest of the warships stayed behind and were responsible for interception.

Of course, the troops sent by the Navy this time are definitely not the only ones. On all five routes, the Navy has prepared a fleet and is always ready to fight Roger.

Time passed quickly, and it was already early in the morning the next day.

East Lane of Forsa Island.

Tang opened his eyes suddenly, and Cullen next to him stepped forward.


As soon as his eyes narrowed, Tang En spoke directly.

"Get ready!"


Courant shouted.

Afterwards, the six people quickly launched the fruit car that was prepared last night and placed them in the order of Dongxiangkou.

Tang En has changed his outfit, white and red T-cut, casual cropped trousers, with a baseball cap, black sunglasses, carrying a bulging backpack on the back, and the plain white is not worn on the waist Wen Zeng Mi Huche.

While they were quickly disguised, the rest of the navy on the island had already done a good job.

Grocery store owners, fruit vendors, bar owners, restaurant owners, waiters, and civilians walking on the street appeared one by one. In the blink of an eye, the original calm island suddenly became lively.

In an alley next door not far from East Lane, Kuzan was wearing a panda blindfold, leaning against the wall, in a casual outfit, snoring, and nostrils blew out in his nostrils. This attitude towards work is really two extremes with Tang En.

When it was about seven or eight o'clock in the morning, a red pirate ship greeted us on the coast of Forsa Island.

"Ah, I haven't slept all night, are those navy groups crazy?"

"The navy is everywhere, this time the group of guys in the Warring States is about to wipe us out!"

"Fortunately, the captain is so powerful that he took us out of the encirclement."

Bucky and others sighed heavily while complaining.

"Resupplement here first, we have to rush to the next stop as soon as the pointer points."

Riley said.

Roger glanced at the island before him, flashing slightly.

But he didn't say anything, just ordered several people to guard the boat, and then led everyone down.

Upon entering the island, Bucky and Shanks found nothing unusual. On the lively streets, shouts, bargains, and quarrels kept coming, and serious navies patrolled back and forth. But everyone was so humble, so they didn't notice them.

"We will leave immediately after purchasing some supplies."

Roger said in a deep voice.

He vaguely felt that there was something wrong with the island, even if the people in front of him behaved as usual, but the partial birth gave him a false feeling.

The vegetable seller has tattoos on his arms, but he looks like he is bowing his head down. Pedestrians walking on the street bent over and walked out of the way, but their waist plates were straight. It gives people a sense of contradiction and strangeness.


Riley also whispered at this time.

"Don't act lightly."

Roger blinked, gesturing.

The latter nodded.

A group of people walked towards the island, but the two internship crews of Shanks and Bucky did not find anything, but ran around happily, asked some questions from the bosses on both sides of the street, and bought two interesting straw hats. .

Unconsciously, Roger and his party had reached the center of the town.

After arriving here, Bucky, who was walking in the front, suddenly opened his mouth, his expression became unexpected and frightened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"you you you!"

He even said three words of you, but he didn't finish.

And Shanks beside him changed his face even more. He pulled Bucky back and looked at the straight, middle-aged man with a sullen face in shock.


The middle-aged man standing on the street in the center of the town, wearing a navy suit and a sturdy and burly figure, is a navy hero Lieutenant General Cap!

"Roger, I have been waiting for you here for a long time!"

Karp ignored Shanks and Bucky directly, staring at Roger with a deep voice and shouted.