Phoenix Descends – Queen with a Thousand Pets

Chapter 995

It\'s natural to celebrate when you\'re happy. It\'s natural to drink when you celebrate. The two women are happy, and the men can\'t stop them. Finally, Zhong chufei is carried away by Chu Nan, and Ling Qingyu is carried back by Yan San.

Mr. Guo was really fast. He took Yang Zhao and others for a day. In the past, one department had to wait for half a month. It was just that ten departments finished the work in one day and all the formalities were completed. After the Malaysian officials congratulated the people, in front of Mr. Guo, Yang Zhao paid him the remaining money (Ling Qingyu told him the account password). After the money arrived, Mr. Guo sent an invitation to invite them to play on the ship, which was lively, Yang Zhao naturally responded, and he Li proposed that the bodyguard should take the guy up. Considering that he had just taken such a large amount of money from others, and it was impossible for such a rich bodyguard not to take the guy, Mr. Guo patted his chest and promised for Guo An, but he still gave a restriction that he couldn\'t bring too many. Don\'t bring any heavy weapons, they had them on board

The cruise ship is bound for the Indian Ocean. Most of the guests will get on board from Kuala Lumpur first. Ling Qingyu asked Ye Peng and Lu Yao to drive the yacht. They get on board from the yacht directly from the open sea. First, it is convenient, and second, it is... Ostentatious

Just drive the yacht, and you must keep people on the yacht (of course, you have to keep people if you don\'t drive it). Su Mu directly said to stay by himself. His force is not worth comparing with others, and he can\'t negotiate like Cheng Jia, and he doesn\'t like that kind of public appearance. Just on board, he studied the delicious food that made Ling Qingyu eat the dress that had grown two centimeters in waist before. He can\'t wear it, but can only buy a new dress, which caused a little fight, Su Hexiang and Ying shisan Yanqi also stayed, and took two days to figure out the inside story of the company. According to the news, the stock was launched in these days, so they had to hurry up.

Therefore, Lu Yao replaced the combat power of Ying thirteen and Yan seven and became a member of the ship.

Looking at the men holding the ship\'s layout plan (given by Cheng Cheng) to study the Countermeasures for various emergencies, Ling Qingyu was a little puzzled. Ying shisan and Yan Qishan left her. Of course, she agreed. She couldn\'t wait to let Hua Yin\'s dead woman suffer losses earlier. However, why did Yan San say that Lu Yao could replace Yan Qishan and Ying Shishan? Yan Qi and Ying thirteen are martial arts masters! It\'s definitely not modern. These will only make the gun comparable

After thinking for a while, she shook her head. Ling Qingyu turned her head and looked at the shadow 13 playing with the computer.

To say that talent is really incomparable. Although he has taught a little, Ying shisan is too familiar with computers, and he has made rapid progress after learning the program from Su Hexiang. Now he can cooperate with Su Hexiang to be a hacker.

Think about the only hacker experience she was most proud of. Many years ago, the United States bombed the Embassy of China and Yugoslavia. Someone on the Internet initiated a protest against the United States, and she was also lucky to participate in it. That is, she responded to the call, opened her computer, and then opened the official website of the United States, Then she threw a compressed file through the simplest channel through a friend\'s hand-in-hand teaching (she practiced for a day in advance and still didn\'t understand it). It is said that at that time, tens of thousands of netizens participated in this great hacking activity and forcibly blocked the American website so that they couldn\'t log in.

It is said that at that time, a super hacker first unlocked all the protective measures of the website, opened the channel, and then mobilized the masses to start the simplest virus file bombing. At the same time, the login interface of the U.S. national website was changed, and the American flag flying on the login website was replaced by the Chinese flag.

At that time, she was proud that she had participated in such a meaningful thing and got a little light from hackers. At the same time, she admired hackers as creatures. At that time, in her heart, those super hackers were like Martians. It was said that they didn\'t take a bath for a month, were covered with body hair (no time to shave), lived in the middle of instant noodles bags, and looked very surprised and regretful

Now you can feel into the back door of someone\'s house and check the information in their computer when you see Lian ying13

Lingqingyu silently said in her heart, I\'d better be a pet pig who doesn\'t need to think about anything when being fed

This hurts self-esteem!

auzw. Seeing her humming nearby, Ying shisan smiled and said, "we\'ll just do these dirty jobs. Isn\'t there a saying that men are responsible for supporting their families and women are responsible for being as beautiful as flowers?"

Ling Qingyu nodded approvingly, then thought it was wrong, pulled over his body and asked, "where did you hear that? What flowers do you want to grow!"

Shadow thirteen chuckled, rubbed her head and said, "it\'s enough trouble for me to raise this big food flower in our family. There\'s still energy to raise other flowers."

Ling Qingyu nodded proudly, and then thought it was wrong. Is this big flower eater the monster in the magic baby! The fat man who is lazy, eats and likes to be a thief has become a pocket monster!

"Unexpectedly, I am! How about I am a big edible flower!" Ling Qingyu pounced on him, hugged his neck and faced the head of yingshisan, and came to a cute move of eating flowers. It\'s not negotiable to bite you.

Ying Xiren bit her head, fingers kept, and said to Su Hexiang, "it\'s open."

"My side is also open." Yan got off the keyboard at seven o\'clock and hooked up with Ling Qingyu on the top of her head with her mouth open. "Good, come on, I have something to eat here."

You tease the dog! With a roar in her heart, Ling Qingyu crawled to him obediently (Yan Qiying 13 and Su Hexiang were both sitting on the sofa in the salon, which was wide and she could climb back and forth), and asked, "what are you doing?"

"Looking for evidence." Yan Qi stretched out his hand to hold her on his lap and sat down, pointing to it and laughing.

"Evidence?" Ling Qingyu looked at the window flashing and jumping on the screen and asked.

"The company invested by Huayin was suspended two months ago because of major news. She bought a large number of shares of the company with 800 million yuan. You see, her share proportion, these people are her proxy holders," Su Hexiang turned his computer around, Pointing to the above figure, Ling Qingyu said: "From here, she owns more than half of the shares of that company. I\'m afraid that in addition to those acquired on the stock market, she also privately traded with the original shareholders. Their good news this time is to acquire a new culture company at a premium of 40 times. According to the current blind popularity of this type of company in the market, it is expected that after the opening of the market, the stock may rise by 50% to 100%. In this process of promotion, Huayin only needs If you sell your shares gradually, you can cash in and make profits. Those who are caught will only be ordinary shareholders. "

Ling Qingyu nodded slightly. This technique is actually very common in the capital industry. She has operated it herself and is no stranger.

Looking at her look, Su Hexiang smiled and said, "however, the accounts of this new company are actually fake. There is no profit in the announcement they are going to release. In fact, it is still a company that has lost money and has long been empty."

"So?" Ling Qingyu immediately raised her eyebrows.

"With the attitude of being responsible to ordinary shareholders, we naturally want to make such fraud public! This is also a virtue ~ ~"