Phoenix Descends – Queen with a Thousand Pets

Chapter 994

After playing in Singapore for two days, after receiving the news that Mr. Guo\'s formalities have been handled, the party rushed to Kuala Lumpur. Yang Zhaohe left Su Hexiang and others to go through the formalities. Ying shisan and Yan Qi together with Cheng Jia started working at the hotel under the direction of Su Hexiang. Ling Qingyu naturally went to find food again. Thinking it was an invitation from Zhong chufei, she called Zhong chufei and asked her to come out for dinner.

After receiving her call, Zhong chufei was naturally very happy. She told Ling Qingyu an address and asked her to go to a famous local restaurant to taste authentic local food.

It means pure local cuisine. At first glance, it has a decorative style with Chinese characteristics and a familiar sense of cuisine. It is a perfect combination of traditional Chinese cuisine and Malay spices.

Just looking at the menu, Ling Qingyu\'s saliva almost flowed down, but considering that she ate too much and did not exercise enough in the past two days (compared with on the yacht) so that her waist was two inches wider, Ling Qingyu was very elegant and polite and asked Zhong chufei to order.

Zhong chufei has been in Kuala Lumpur for some time. She is very familiar with the dishes here. She ordered the dishes directly without looking at the menu. After ordering, she looked at the huge pearl inlaid on Ling Qingyu\'s chest necklace and said, "such a big one, this pearl can be regarded as the best."

The time on the boat was relatively leisurely. Yan San inlaid a big bead on an old platinum necklace of Ling Qingyu. With the white silk shirt she wore casually today, it was very conspicuous and beautiful.

Ling Qingyu looked at the Pearl proudly, and then proudly hugged Yan San\'s arm and said, "my husband picked it for me!"

Er... Zhong chufei automatically skipped the topic, poured her a cup of tea and said, "we are also destined to meet here."

Ling Qingyu continued, "I bought a yacht and am traveling around the world."

After looking at the men on the table, Zhong chufei leaned close to her ear and said, "I didn\'t affect you, did I?" This woman is more than a man, but also in the closed space of yacht

"No, no, I just want to play here. By the way, I won\'t beat around the bush with you. I heard that at this reception, the Ministry of Commerce will reach a cooperation intention with the Philippines and Malaysia on an oil field at the junction of the three countries. Xiao Fei, can\'t you do this?" First, she shook her hand. Ling Qingyu also leaned close to her ear and whispered.

Er... Zhong chufei\'s proud look was stunned and said, "you don\'t bring this. I\'m going to show off with you when I invite you to dinner. How do you know?"

"Mountain people have their own sources!" With a smile, Ling Qingyu said, "tell me, how much did you earn?"

"Well," looked up at the man on the table, Zhong chufei smiled silently.

"Let\'s go out." Yan San automatically got up, stabbed Xia Ye Xi, and Chu Nan withdrew from the box and stood at the door.

auzw. "Woman..." knowing that with the ears of these two people, even if the door is closed, the movement inside can be heard clearly. Chu Nan smiled and said, "always..."

"Well, we understand, best friend." Ye Xi answered, nodding with an expression I understood, but the displeasure in his eyes betrayed his true ideas.

Anyway, he just can\'t see his sister, so he\'s upset!

"That island is mine. I bought it from the ho family. It was when I was in Macao that I went to Mr. He to talk about it." Zhong chufei sipped her tea and said with a chuckle, "at that time, I didn\'t know whether it would be successful, so I didn\'t tell you that at that time, I put all my money into it. Fortunately, now I can say that it\'s almost finished."

"How to do it? Come on, talk." Ling Qingyu was very dogleg and added water to her, saying.

"In fact, it\'s also simple. A friend of mine is from the British exploration company. When he was helping the Philippines explore the oil layers in the South China Sea, he estimated that there should be oil in an area through calculation, because it was just speculation. He didn\'t officially publish it. When we drank together, he told me when he was drunk." Zhong chufei\'s face was filled with uncontrollable pride at the thought of the rush and hardships of this half year, Laughed: "I think this thing can be a fight. I bought the island in that sea area with Ho Jia while there is no substantive news, and then invited my friend to investigate on the spot. Well, the content can\'t be said, but it\'s also a good oil field. However, that place is not what I can do. So I went to PetroChina Nanhai Branch to connect with them, and they bought my island. In addition to giving a part of cash, they are also a joint venture I don\'t want to work so hard when the company owns some shares. Then I\'ll go to you and travel around the world with you. "

"Why sell it? Can\'t you cooperate with them?" Ling Qingyu asked puzzled. In this way, Zhong chufei only made the initial hard money. Even if she had shares, she wouldn\'t have much.

"If I have enough money, my strength will be stronger. I can use cooperation and even sign a long-term oil sales contract, but..." with a bitter smile, Zhong chufei said: "I don\'t have much money. Some of the money I made before was ruined by my big brother..."

"Your eldest brother..." seeing the twinkling pain on Zhong chufei\'s face, Ling Qingyu didn\'t ask knowingly and said with a smile, "does that mean that if there is enough money, you can use other means of cooperation with the Ministry of Commerce? What\'s the concept of long-term oil sales?"

"At present, the main source of oil is still in the Middle East. The output of a geval oilfield alone is twice the total output of our country. Those oil are the main force in the free market of oil, of course, as well as those in Brunei, Russia. To be honest, our country has no say in the price of oil in the free market, and it is often suppressed and controlled. Therefore, the country has also begun to adopt new models, such as Some new oil fields have signed cooperation agreements, and China will provide part of the free funds, and then pay for a part of the equity, and then this oil field will be supplied to China in whole or in part at a price not lower than the market price in the next 20 to 50 years. " Zhong chufei smiled and said, "unfortunately, many overseas oil fields have owners now, and there is no opportunity for large oil fields. Therefore, our small oil fields are a piece of meat for them, and the conditions are really good."

Gawail oil field... Claims to have 170 billion barrels of oil reserves. Now it claims that there are 70 billion barrels of oil, that is, 10billion tons of oil, whose output is twice that of China. According to the unreliable African officials, its own land is 100 million tons of oil reserves. Uh huh, even in its heyday, it is only 1% of gawail oil field and 1 / 50 of China\'s national output, Although it must be regarded as a medium-sized oil field, it\'s not as envious as what will happen~~~

You can follow Zhong chufei\'s model!

After such a calculation, Ling Qingyu immediately put down the boulder in her heart and said happily, "then I wish you to become a rich woman, and don\'t forget me at that time!"

"Sure, sure!" Zhong chufei also laughed and said that she was very proud of this thing, but really no one can get it without scruples. Only Ling Qingyu, although they haven\'t known each other for a long time and don\'t have any deep friends, she just felt that she would share the joy of success with her simply, and sincerely congratulated her.

She never misinterprets people.

Sure enough!