Phoenix Descends – Queen with a Thousand Pets

Chapter 996

Compared with Palau, where nothing is expensive and birds don\'t shit, Kuala Lumpur is simply a paradise in shopping paradise, not to mention the generous credit card given by mabol to let her buy a few beautiful evening gowns.

In fact, lingxiaoxu himself is not without money. The benefits of lingsifeng and Shan Sui have been good. Over the years, there are tens of millions of assets in the family. The two have only such an only daughter, and they never save money on lingxiaoxu.

Ling Xiaoxu often has a million yuan payment on his card.

However, where can her own money be compared with the money of the man who is willing to dedicate to her? That is no longer a matter of money. That kind of cheerfulness and vanity, like the top opium, makes her unable to extricate herself.

After visiting several major brands, I bought five sets of evening dresses and corresponding leather bags and shoes accessories, and then I brushed off $200000 from mabol.

Let mabol look at the payment notice sent by the bank and feel extremely depressed. How could he be so stupid and give her that unlimited credit card?

These people are to blame! Mabol glared at the men who followed him in the name of bodyguards, and glanced secretly at their bulging waists.

There must be weapons.

Let him take these people on board. The man\'s plan must not be a good thing. Don\'t blow up the ship?!

Glancing at the triangular eyes around with sunglasses, mabol\'s heart relaxed again. This man seems to be the man\'s right-hand man. He is also on the ship. At least he won\'t blow up the ship. If he blows up the ship, he can also run with him.

The cruise ship holding the reception is a medium-sized cruise ship. The style and tonnage indicate that it is a little old, but the cruise ship has been renovated and decorated. Because it is no longer used for operational purposes, the number of cabins on it has been reduced a lot, but the interior decoration is more luxurious. The empty area has increased various entertainment facilities, stages, large dance pools, banquet halls, swimming pools, casinos, gambling halls, everything,

Looking at the cruise ship parked in the sea from the small boat, the sun has tilted westward, and the brilliant afternoon sun has dyed the whole cruise ship resplendent and colorful.

Lingxiaoxu was excited. She hadn\'t been on a cruise ship, but how could that kind of cruise ship facing the public compare with this kind of private cruise ship.

The pick-up boats shuttle back and forth on the sea. The people on the boats are men in suits and women in evening gowns. The jewelry on their bodies is more and more expensive. It seems that celebrities are either rich or expensive.

The small boat only picks up and sees off the guests together, most of whom are alone or with female partners, but many of them, like their own small boat, have bodyguards.

The bodyguard, Ling Xiaoxu, put his finger on his lips and gave mabol a very enchanting look. At first, he thought he was a fake aristocrat when he looked at his stingy style. Fortunately, he didn\'t get rid of him so soon after listening to shuidonglou\'s words. Now, looking at his style, it really conforms to his old uncle\'s identity.

Mabol just looked at the cruise ship or the bodyguard beside him, and didn\'t notice the look in her eyes.

Ling Xiaoxu was not angry, but turned around and looked carefully at the people on the other boats. She flattered mabol just to enter the upper class by taking advantage of his reputation and status. Foreign countries are different from domestic countries. You don\'t have to have a few bad money to enter the upper class. You have to be famous. You have to be a famous family. Those ancient royal earls, Duchess, viscounts, or dignitaries who have a long history and Cultivation for hundreds of years, Superstars, super rich, only so super, that is, ordinary stars and ordinary money can\'t even touch.

It\'s not that she has millions of dollars in her family. She\'s just a gold collar person who can touch it.

But mabol can, so through him, she can also enter the world. As long as she enters, with her beauty means, she can definitely hook up with young handsome men who do not attract real talents, who have families and real strength (financial resources).

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Nowadays, overseas people like Chinese women who are gentle, virtuous and beautiful.

Even if her personality is incompatible after marriage, she will also have rich alimony in case of divorce. Coupled with her status and reputation, she can still get along.

Just like Deng Wendi, who married the media king and became famous overnight.

It\'s 20 minutes\' journey from the shore to the cruise ship. Ling Xiaoxu looked at all the people she could see. They were very miscellaneous, and some were wearing national costumes, which also made it easier for her to identify. From this view, people from Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia and India all had them, but most of them were Chinese. When she was about to get to the cruise ship, she saw with sharp eyes that the Japanese who had boarded the ship were actually those who met on the Palau islands.

"Count mabol?" Guo An was stunned when he heard the crew\'s report, and turned back to ask Mr. Guo, "who is it?"

Mr. Guo thought for a moment and said unsure, "count bor? A director of HSBC Hong Kong? We dealt with him last year, and he didn\'t approve a bridge loan."

"No approval? Then does he still come to my reception? Or does he come uninvited?" Guo An didn\'t feel strange.

"Probably I want to make friends with you, brother. This person still has some energy." Mr. Guo said carefully.

"All right, let him up." Guo An waved casually. Today, it\'s mainly to cover up the secret transaction. Now the situation in Southeast Asia is tense, and all parties are closely watching the trend here. Before signing a formal agreement, it really can\'t be made public, so he used his name to invite many political dignitaries and celebrities and even stars from all over the world. Under such a lively scene, the meeting of several people is not eye-catching.

"Mr. Guo asked count bor to go up." Hearing the crew\'s delivery, the security guard who blocked mabol and his party at the boarding gate stepped aside and said.

Mabol nodded proudly and stepped on the cruise ship. When he looked back, the people behind him were blocked again.

"Please leave your guns. The security work on board is very comprehensive. You don\'t need to bring guns." The security guard was serious.

Mabol\'s heart sank, thinking to see what you do, if you can\'t get on the boat, it\'s not my reason.

Triangle eyes raised his head and looked at him, with a sneer on his lips. He took the lead to take the gun from his waist and put it in the box signaled by the security guard.

Mabol deflated his mouth, hum, it\'s good that there is no guy, at least the danger is much less.

When the triangle eyes walked over, the security guard blocked Ling Xiaoxu again, and mabol had gone forward, so anxious that Ling Xiaoxu shouted, "BOL, there is me!"

Several entrances next to her happened to be in the master at the same time. Hearing her voice, she unconsciously looked over, and was watched by so many people. Rao Shi Ling Xiaoxu\'s thick skin turned red. Turning around, she saw one of the domestic famous actresses, and unconsciously straightened her back, thinking that I was a girlfriend, and you were just a high-level meat seller.

"It\'s my girlfriend." Mabol looked back and saw Ling Xiaoxu. Then he remembered that the woman who had knocked him 200000 dollars had to use her to vent her anger at all costs. He hurried to the security guard.

"I know. I just want this lady to check the box for us." The security guard pointed to the box that Ling Xiaoxu had not put down many times with an expressionless face.

Lingxiaoxu\'s face flushed.