Phoenix Descends – Queen with a Thousand Pets

Chapter 881

When entering the door from east to west, I was stunned to see Su Yuzhu. In these two months, no one in the domestic rich circle did not know Su Yuzhu\'s name. The business war between him and the Li family ended with the Li family bowing their heads. The Li family expelled Li Tao from the family, and the heirs of the family were replaced by LI BA and Li Jiu. The eldest lady of the Li family was determined to protect her son, and the assets under the name of the whole big house were turned into negative assets by Su Yuzhu, The originally arrogant Li family mansion was expelled from the Li family courtyard, and the second house and third house took charge of the Li family group company. Li Sanyo, who has been known as the troubleshooter and has the smallest wealth and power in the Li family, became the biggest winner, succeeding old master Li as the chairman of the board of directors of the Li family group.

And just this morning, he just received the news that Li Qi drove into Hong Kong Bay drunk.

Su Yuzhu explained this sentence very well, because the business war between him and the Li family, the entire Hong Kong stock market and its related industries were as if they had been looted by the storm. According to his private estimates and several friends, Su Yuzhu spent more than 100 billion Hong Kong dollars on the Li family this time, and after his victory, he made at least 20 billion Hong Kong dollars in profits, and the biggest beneficiary of the industry is the Third Master Li.

Now, no one dares to regard Su Yuzhu of the Su family as a disabled person, a half blind cripple. If we mentioned Su Yuzhu two months ago, it was with false respect. Now, no one dares to be a little disrespectful to this name.

Business is a cruel, selfish and dark place, but the world also advocates the strong. No matter what means you use, the winner is king. If you have money and more resources, you deserve to be respected when you stand high.

Such a person, who wants to meet him, is a special honor person who can take it out and hang it on the wall. Sitting on the sofa like this, Yan San, who is gentle and kind and obviously defensive to him, chatted without a word.

Take back the foot of the threshold towards the East and West (because it is retro Chengjia who insisted on placing a threshold made of ebony), look back at the sun outside, and then look at the door number. I didn\'t go to the wrong place, did I open the wrong copy?

"Go in!" Hua Dong pulled him for a moment and rushed in happily. He found Zhou Ziqing and Luo Meiyan and went to see those exquisite decorations, carefully carved doors and windows, furniture, and calligraphy and paintings that made him feel excited.

He touched his nose, walked to the sofa and said with a smile, "Hello, Mr. Su."

After hearing him call and looking back at him for a while, Su Yuzhu said with a smile, "Hello, Mr. Xiang."

"My girlfriend and Xiaoyu are best friends." Seeing Su Yuzhu\'s question at the corner of her mouth, she pointed to something that she had chirped up the Huadong Road on the second floor with two other women, and then sat down on one side of the sofa and said to Yan San, "are you all right?"

Yan San twisted his waist and lifted his injured leg to show that there was no problem.

In addition to the flesh injury on his back, his spine was also deformed and misaligned by gravity. He suffered a lot when he was straightened by doctor Qiangba with the ancient method, and the injury in his thigh passed through his legs and injured the arteries and tendons.

Of course, the most important thing is that he enjoys the feeling of being taken care of by Ling Qingyu, so it doesn\'t matter if he is a little slower.

For a month and a half, it was no problem for him, but Ling Qingyu had been worried and careful, but after the night before yesterday, that last worry was gone.

At the thought of that night\'s madness, Yan San\'s mouth suddenly began to smile.

Looking at the smile on the corner of his mouth, he jerked at the corners of his eyes, turned his head to Su Yuzhu and said, "Mr. Su, is this?"

"Qingyu and I are college classmates and good friends for many years." Su Yuzhu said with a faint smile, "if Mr. Xiang wants to ask how our relationship is, you can understand that we are in a desperate relationship."

Rao Shixiang had excellent quality in his heart, and unconsciously opened his mouth into a duck egg. Then he slammed his chin together, smiled and was ready to leave this place of right and wrong.

Yan San\'s eyes can almost kill people. Su Yuzhu, a big pervert, can be regarded as a cool wind. He can\'t stand it.

auzw. When he got up, he caught Su Hexiang, who bent over to add water to Su Yuzhu and Yan San. He was stunned to the East. Looking at Su Hexiang\'s white fingers and the face raised in his eyes, he gave a high praise in his heart and thought, no wonder that Li Qi was made like that, and he also said that he would die for Su Hexiang.

"This is my nephew Suhexiang." Su Yuzhu gave a cold introduction, so that he suddenly regained his consciousness to Dongxi, and stretched out his hand and said, "I\'m Xiangxi, young master Su, I\'ve heard of it for a long time!"

Su Hexiang stood up with a faint smile in her mouth, shook his hand lightly and carefully, and said, "I\'m Su Hexiang."

The relationship between Hua Dong and Ling Qingyu is just like that between Alan and Ling Qingyu. As Hua Dong\'s fiance, Su Hexiang automatically delimits the direction to the East and west to the scope of her family. Naturally, her expression is more intimate than facing Liang Wu Fang Dong just now, which makes Su Yuzhu slightly raise her eyebrows.

Should Li Tao, that scum, still thank him? When Su Hexiang was lost, he rushed to London overnight and used all his strength to look for it. At that time, he was very frightened. He was afraid that he was hurt by the webert family or the Su family\'s brothers who were suppressed by him. Now he couldn\'t make ends meet. He regretted his decision and shouldn\'t let him out and let him go to this damn University, but, If Su Hexiang has not been in contact with outsiders and has not adapted to this society, then who can protect him after his death.

When he saw Su Hexiang covered in blood at the police station, but no one dared to get close to him, his heart was breaking. He sent him to the hospital and stood by him all the time, responding to his confused questions. Then on the third day, he was extremely tired and fell asleep beside Su Hexiang\'s bed. When he woke up in the morning of the fourth day, Su Hexiang stood in the morning light by the window, slowly turned around and called Uncle with a bright smile.

From then on, Su Hexiang seemed to come back to life. He still didn\'t talk to others very much, and when talking to him, he would also bring a little bit of juvenile charm. However, he seemed to grow up overnight. He would no longer be afraid and make mistakes when communicating with people, and his sensitivity to numbers was even higher than before. Those languages he was only proficient in in words before could communicate with people fluently, and his computer talent was brought into full play.

At the beginning of the business war with the Li family, he was unconscious for three days because of the attack of the old disease. When he woke up, he found that the first battle had been won, and that battle was fought by Su Hexiang in his name.

In the name of Su Yuzhu, he mobilized those traders under him and directly launched an attack on the stock of a listed company in the hands of Li Dafang. It was a stock war that made his subordinates excited at the mention of it. Su Hexiang simply touched the psychology of Li Jiada.

First, he quietly began to buy the shares of the listed company. When Mr. Li found out, he disclosed the good news of the rival company of the listed company. The shares of the listed company suddenly plummeted, and Su Hexiang raised the price to buy the sold shares. Mr. Li and several shareholders also laughed at this fool and fed his own shares to Su Hexiang. That day, The stock of that company fluctuated like a raging wave. The next day, the rival company issued a Clarification Announcement, claiming that the good news was false. At the same time, a strategic partner who had not signed a contract with Mr. Li had signed a contract, which was such a major good news, Mr. Li\'s excuse was that they had not signed and pressed it and did not release it immediately (the Hong Kong Stock Exchange stipulates that listed companies must announce major issues that affect the company\'s prospects and performance at the first time), and then began to recover their shares. While raising the price with them, Su Hexiang quietly sold all the stocks in his hand, sucking in all the cash in his hand.

Then, on the day Su Yuzhu woke up, the strategic object said to the Li family uncle, sorry, you haven\'t signed for two days. I sold it to another family.

After he finished his physical examination, Su Hexiang told him the situation of those three days and said faintly, uncle, I heard that third Master Li was in Shanghai, can you have a tea.

Fortunately, he treated him as before, full of attachment and trust

"Beautiful! Beautiful! My man is capable!" With the sound of footsteps, Ling Qingyu\'s proud tail was about to tilt into the sky.

Holding Su Hexiang\'s arm, Su Yuzhu stood up, looked at Ling Qingyu who came down with Hua Dong, and called with a smile, "Qingyu."

"Ah! Bamboo, do you see my multi child multi blessing doll?" Being excited to show off with the three of Huadong, Ling Qingyu didn\'t notice for a moment, and said with a brilliant smile.

"See, but there are too many dolls? You said it\'s too hard to have children. Just one, don\'t you remember? By the way, I also have a gift for you." Ignoring the door outside, behind the door, in the study, at the entrance of the stairs, on the sofa at the kitchen door, behind the sofa at the courtyard door... Glances like ice blades came from scratch. Su Yuzhu stepped forward a few steps to Ling Qingyu, whose face was already frozen, and took out a jade pendant from his chest pocket.

It is a top-grade white jade carved into a lotus shape.

Jinghua miaolian!

"This has been kept in front of the Buddha for thousands of years, and it is the best magic tool to avoid evil spirits. Everything in your room is good, but the evil spirits are too heavy, which is not good for your body. With this pressure, those evil spirits can\'t be done disorderly." Su Yuzhu said softly, picked up her hand and put the jade pendant in her hand.

Whoa! Su Yuzhu, you bad guy! You hurt me! They specially made several layers of sound insulation for this villa, so they couldn\'t hear anything outside. Whatever they wanted to do! Ling Qingyu stared at him with tears of complaint.