Phoenix Descends – Queen with a Thousand Pets

Chapter 882

"This," Ye Xi moved, glanced directly to the two people from the gate of the courtyard, took Jinghua miaolian from Ling Qingyu\'s frozen and spread hand, and directly put it on Su Hexiang\'s hand, saying, "Mr. Su, it\'s better for your nephew to take this with you. Old man Gang Qiangba looked at it and said that Mr. Su\'s soul is unstable, so he must rely on this guard, or he will return to an idiot."

Su Yuzhu was stunned and turned to look at Zhenghe and Yelu, who were commenting on a Thangka he strongly asked to hang.

In the silence of the whole room, the old man Qiangba turned his head calmly, twirled his beard calmly, and said calmly, "eleven is right. You are both in bad health. Come over another day when you are free, and I will smooth your life."

The room was quiet again. In those eyes, old man Qiangba smiled faintly and said, "that thing is most useful to your nephew, and others don\'t need it. Moreover, it\'s also destined for your nephew. Can you change it for Miss Ling? I see that your car is not wrong, and it\'s full of new ones, so I\'ll give it to you."

Night spirit several people quietly raised their thumbs to him, Qiang Ba old man, you are strong!

"Yes, I also think this is suitable for Xiao Su, you see." Ling Qingyu also whispered.

Su Yuzhu turned around and looked at the light fluorescence of the jade in Su Hexiang\'s hand. He remembered his insane appearance at that time, and then remembered that the person who sold him this said that the person who was most suitable for this Jinghua miaolian was beside him. Speaking of it, he bought this at a high price at first, for the sake of Su Hexiang.

But later

Close Su Hexiang\'s hands, and Su Yuzhu whispered, "well, keep it well, and then guard Qingyu instead of this jade pendant."

"Yes!" Suhexiang answered, looked up at Ling Qingyu, and whispered, "give all of Suhexiang, and you will protect our Lord."

Whoa! The men in the room were all bad. Ye Xi directly took away the Styrax and said, "OK, you see, we\'re going to have a meeting! Do you know trade secrets?"

Su Yuzhu chuckled and said, "well, we won\'t disturb your meeting on trade secrets. I\'ve already used the car outside. I think even if I send you a ride, someone will smash it. I\'ll send you a new one another day. By the way, I\'ll ask for a doctor the next day, OK?"

"Of course..." Ling Qingyu\'s voice trembled when she was severely twisted on her waist. "Anyway, doctor Qiangba was there."

Waving a small handkerchief to send Su Yuzhu away, Ling Qingyu turned to the men whose faces were not worried, and said with a flattering smile, "so, let\'s have a meeting?"

"Hey, isn\'t it a celebration of moving today? No celebration?" Dong Ting and Fang Fang Fang had been watching upstairs, but they didn\'t see the surging scene below. Seeing that Mr. Su was going to leave, they rushed out. Hearing Ling Qingyu\'s words, they asked puzzled.

Don\'t you mean to have a barbecue, be crazy, sing and dance, and open a card game?

How can I enter such a serious working state immediately!

"Idiot, it\'s rare to have so many people today. Do business first." Liang Jiarong pulled them together and said with a smile.

If there is no meeting, it is estimated that the men will kick them out and close the door to settle accounts.

Su Hexiang is so bad that he can cooperate with Mr. Su to respond to them in this way

Poof... I can\'t help laughing.

The big study on the first floor facing the lotus pond was placed with two circles of sofas, plus several chairs. After sitting down separately, the group began to talk from the Silver Tower.

It\'s said that Hua Dong wants to cooperate with Ling Qingyu to open a jewelry store (they call it Yinlou), which is obligatory to contribute to the East and West, including people with money and contacts. His business focus gradually shifted to Shanghai five years ago, and he also established a strong team here in Shanghai. It\'s said that the boss wants to chase the boss\'s wife, and a group of subordinates are fully motivated to make a comprehensive analysis of the customer base from site selection to decoration, Finally, he gave way to Xiangxi\'s best store location, but when doing interior design, he heard that master Miao, one of the top ten designers who wanted to catch up with his wife and come to help, was defeated by the plan put forward by Cheng Jia. The great designer of aicai also jumped on Cheng Jia and Yang Zhao, and took over the subdivision design of the classical manor to do a rare job.

With the help of the powerful wife chasing assistance group from east to west, the store has been completely decorated from nothing to now in just one and a half months, just waiting for the goods to open.

At such a speed, Ling Qingyu was stunned.

Fortunately, Murray\'s speed was also fast. After the 500 kilogram jade was cut, there were three imperial green belts in it, all of which were cut out by old man Mo to make jewelry alone. For the rest, Murray dug out some teachers in the name of old man mo. seeing so many good materials, those teachers also became competitive, carving one by one. This time, Ying 13 brought back hundreds of jade ornaments, It seems that Ling Qingyu doesn\'t want to sell it at all.

For those jade materials with lower grades, Mo Leilei found five processing plants with the best reputation and quality, and wrapped them at a price twice the market price. In two and a half months, nearly a thousand jade bracelets, jade pendants and other small pieces have come out. Each piece can be called a boutique, which is more than enough to support the store appearance.

This time, Ying shisan went to Tengchong and bought some mid-range jades, and then gambled back three pieces of big stuff at the trade fair called by boss he

Mo Leilei was completely speechless and asked Ying Shishi not to come during this period except to pick up goods. Her little heart couldn\'t stand it

"Cough," said Ling Qingyu, looking at the glittering jade pieces on the table under the light. "To sum up, that is to say, our silver building can open on a certain day."

"It\'s better to choose the elegant club for the small-scale press conference. Pick ten treasures and a hundred top-grade ones." Shadow thirteen.

"Ya club? Why is it so familiar?" Ye Xi quietly asked Yan Qi.

"We went there the day before yesterday." Yan Qi also quietly replied.

"Doesn\'t it mean that the rich don\'t even give members?" Ye Xi said bitterly that he took the card to buy members that day. As a result, the other party was very polite and told him that their members not only had to have a membership fee of $5 million, but also had to have the identity of a super rich.

Yan Qi coughed softly, and pointed his finger to Fang Fang.

"OK, then let\'s ask Mr. Fang about the press conference..." looking at Dong Ting\'s constantly jumping up behind the sofa and pointing to his figure, Ling Qingyu inhaled: "and Mr. Dong."

"What can he do? I\'m ready." Fang Fang quit immediately.

"Who says I can\'t do it? Elder sister says I can do it! At least, my mother, my sister, my sister-in-law, my sister\'s best friend, how many customers can I bring! By the way, elder sister, is there a commission on sales?"

"Commission? Dong Ting, do you mean to mention this?" Fang Fang laughed.

"It\'s not that I boasted with my brother that I can make money by myself, so my family cut my allowance," stretched out a finger, and Dong Ting said pitifully, "it\'s only 500000 a month..."

Suddenly, four disdainful eyes swept over him, and four women thought of 500000 pocket money a month! Sure enough, he was a loser of a rich family!

"The commission we give the salesperson is 10%. Dong Ting, you can also follow this." Shadow thirteen pulled him away and said

"Well, let\'s talk about the movie." Ling Qingyu said, his eyebrows dancing.

Who doesn\'t want to make a blockbuster in the field of culture and film and television!

The rice bowl combines the wisdom of Tao Zhuo ostrich and several friends, and gives an outline.

The story is about a young girl who disguised herself as a man and went on a sea going ship to escape the pursuit of her enemies. The captain of the ship is a handsome and brave young man. The first mate on the ship is a mature and charming uncle, a group of energetic crew members, stingy and timid businessmen, humorous ship doctors, and the arrogant and cold Thai princess who returned home by ship.

They first encountered the tsunami and were washed up on a desert island, staged the story of a desert island surviving, and then re Yang Fan, and then encountered a huge sea beast, staged a war between man and beast, and finally encountered the pirates, beat them back, and finally reached their destination.

In this process, the girl and the captain and uncle staged a life and death love triangle, while the merchant and the princess came together.

The end is a big production with blood, passion, fantasy and affection.

Zhou Ziqing finished the story. Fang Dong, Liang Wu and the other four applauded, but the men looked at each other and kept silent.