Phoenix Descends – Queen with a Thousand Pets

Chapter 880

The decoration cost of the villa does not include calligraphy and painting and furniture sent by Lu Yao, which has exceeded 20 million yuan. The original western style has been completely transformed into antique, elegant and noble, carved doors and windows, step-by-step beds, winding corridors, bright study, as well as the complete set of mahogany furniture in an entirely ancient style, and the magnificent ink landscape

Liang Jiarong and Wu Kun stood on the screen as soon as they came in, unwilling to move. They looked at the ink mountains and rivers on the whole wall of the living room, as if in a daze.

Fang Fang and Dong Ting felt everywhere and said, "why haven\'t I seen such a beautiful style?"? Where did this come from?

Ling Qingyu also stayed at the door.

She left the villa to the men. One month after returning to Shanghai, she only accompanied Yan San and them at the rented villa. Even if she bypassed here, she didn\'t come in to see it.

Because they said they would show it to her when it was all ready, saying they would surprise her.

She was really surprised.

In lingfu, Bianjing, Cheng Jia helped to repair half of the courtyard, but he didn\'t make a big move in the Guanguan courtyard. He only occasionally instructed Yan Qi to change some furniture and hanging smoke, imperceptibly, and made the Guanguan courtyard more and more comfortable and elegant. After his death, the mansion was requisitioned by the Wang family. When he brought it back, many places in it had been inhabited, but there was no one living in the Guanguan courtyard, but it had long been a matter of right and wrong, I can\'t find the feeling at that time anymore.

Although the structure and layout of this villa are similar to the Guanguan courtyard, the familiar feeling is paved.

Looking back at the men who looked at her with a gentle smile, Ling Qingyu suddenly understood that home is just a place where there are loved ones.

"Wait!" Looking at her ready to lift her feet, Zhao Yinfeng shouted, brought out a brazier from behind, put it on the threshold, and said, "great luck!"

Yang Zhao and Cheng Jia stood by the door, sprinkling incense ashes and saying blessings. Yan San loosened Yan Qi\'s support, directly picked up Ling Qingyu and crossed over from the brazier.

"The master entered the house!" The crowd shouted, and then there was a warm sound of firecrackers outside the room.

"Firecrackers cannot be set off in the city." Ling Qingyu held Yan San\'s neck and shouted.

"It\'s all right. I\'m ready for a fine." Meng Su smiled, pulled out a red bag and Yang Yang, then ran out to follow Ye Peng, who set off firecrackers and waited aside, and said, "clean it up!"

Ying Jiu had already taken the broom and waited for orders. After the last sound, the brush cleaned the courtyard. Then he put a tape recorder on the stone in the courtyard, pressed the button, and after the electronic firecracker sounded for a while, he resolutely pressed it off, opened the door of the villa, and said to the sheriff\'s aunt who had come to the door, "we played the electronic version, didn\'t we say it can be played?"

Seeing that the courtyard was clean, the aunt laughed and said, "electronic firecrackers are OK, OK, congratulations on moving."

Seeing my aunt off, I was about to close the door when I saw a Bentley quietly turning the intersection and slowly stopping at the door.

Seeing Su Hexiang coming down from the back seat, Ying jiushou paused and opened the door to signal them to drive in.

The price of this villa is so expensive, not because of the house, but because of the three acres of land it occupies. The house and the back garden are inside. Near the road gate, a small parking lot for eight cars has been built here.

Liang Jiarong and the four of them were warned not to drive here and not to do anything strange, so the parking lot only stopped six cars that they bought from Dongxi after returning to Shanghai.

Hearing the sound of the car outside, Liang and Wu both came out. Seeing Su Yuzhu getting off the bus, they were stunned.

"Who\'s here? It\'s not fair! Just tell us that we can\'t drive and don\'t make noise! I\'m afraid of unequal treatment!" Fang Fang and Dong Ting came out while shouting. Seeing Su Yuzhu, they were as stunned as Liang Wu.

"Well, uncle Su, you can come to me later if you have anything. It\'s inconvenient for my friend to move today." Fang Fang was stabbed by Dong Ting and said to Su Yuzhu, who had come to the door.

"Is it bamboo? Come in, come in." Hearing Ling Qingyu\'s cry inside, Su Yuzhu smiled faintly at several people, "I\'m not looking for you. My old friend moved today, and I\'m here to celebrate for her."

Old friend? After watching Su Yuzhu walk in, he hugged Ling Qingyu. The four people stared round, old friend!

Just a gentle hug, Ling Qingyu let go of Su Yuzhu and led him to sit down on the sofa in the living room (fortunately, the sofa soft couch was placed in a comfortable place). Ling Qingyu smiled and asked him to see for himself, and then followed Yang Zhao upstairs.

She didn\'t dare to have any suspicious actions or conversations with Su Yuzhu anymore. She was half drunk that day and was given a bowl of medicine by the old man Qiangba. She didn\'t remember what she did that night at all, but she woke up from Yan sanhuai the next day and saw the satisfied look on the face of Yan Qiye eleven Sumu sanhuo, There are also all kinds of marks that are generally exposed in the comparison of three goods (it\'s summer, and you\'re cooler). Finally, old man Qiangba said, move quickly, the sound insulation here is really not good.

She really wants to plunge into the water tank.

Ling Qingyu\'s footsteps were in a hurry. Yang Zhao unconsciously glanced at Su Yuzhu, who smiled at Yan San after sitting down. They didn\'t come back until the next day. They heard Yan Qi talk about how they thought and felt wrong when they met and reached an agreement to advance and retreat together. Later, they saw those fresh marks on the three people. After a little reflection, they knew that it was definitely not just an agreement to advance and retreat together

Otherwise, these people wouldn\'t bother her with such a fierce affair.

"Wow! WOW! Come and see!" Before Yang Zhao decided his attitude towards Su Yuzhu, he heard the screams of the women around him.

Everyone inside and outside ran in, and Fang Fang picked up a wooden stick for decoration.

The main living room is lowered a little distance, and several steps up. At the place where the living room leads to the stairs, there is a semi-circular decorative cavity, and the light of several strong lights hit a jade carving placed on the mahogany high table.

It\'s a half meter high jade carving made of dragon blessing, green and longevity. The fairy mountain Pavilion is surrounded by clouds. In the middle of the pine tree, there are two cute fat dolls, one holding lotus leaves to cover his head, the other holding a multi seeded lotus canopy, the other holding Ruyi and the other holding a fairy peach, and those fairy mountain pavilions, branches and fake mountains, reveal many exquisite fat dolls, one by one, with vivid expressions, It\'s like the picture of a group of fairies playing in Xianshan is in front of us.

Not to mention its moral, this jade material, this carving, this is priceless.

Looking at Ling Qingyu, he jumped up happily, grabbed the person next to him and kissed him. Yelu smiled faintly, but took a step back, and then looked back at Su Hexiang sitting on the sofa with Su Yuzhu.

After he recovered a little, he went to Yunnan. The old man Qiangba arrived in Shanghai three days later, but the amount of medicinal materials was only half. They found those friends they knew all the way, including the owner of Shangri La Inn, the owner of Xidang lodging house, and the stockade on Pu\'er mountain. They asked them to help collect medicinal materials, but for a moment, some rare medicinal materials were not available at all, so he paid attention, Heying thirteen and Yingjiu went to Yunnan in the name of getting the jade made by Murray first.

Ying Shishi did go to Tengchong to get jade articles and look for medicine in the mountain over there, while he and Ying Jiu secretly went up the mountain and brought back the medicinal materials that made old man Qiangba speechless. Then they joined Ying Shishi and drove back with these medicinal materials and two boxes of jade articles.

When he arrived, ye Xi secretly called him, took out a lot of passports, ID cards, driver\'s licenses and so on, and told him that Suhexiang was coming.

He was too surprised to speak for a long time. Others didn\'t know Su Hexiang\'s thoughts about Ling Qingyu, but he and ye Shiyi could see clearly. However, it was beyond all expectation that he would come, and even more beyond all expectation that he was so awesome!

He was as depressed as ye Xi.

Originally, I was thinking that if ye Xi made a mistake, but now I see myself, I know that one in a billion possibility is also destroyed.

He has worked with Su Hexiang for the longest time. In his eyes, the eyes that seem innocent but actually look evil are really familiar to him. He can\'t be any more familiar!

Anyway, the master only prepared 13 bedrooms, and even Ling Ma only had a share of sleeping in the guest room (whose turn it was that day, whose room was the guest room).

"Wow! This is too beautiful and valuable! It\'s not a place to recruit thieves!" Fang Fang screamed and immediately covered his mouth, saying in a circle of cold eyes: "if a thief comes, he is looking for death!"

"Brother thirteen, when does your silver building open? My mother likes the photo you sent last time and wants a pair of bracelets." Liang Jiarong laughed.

"Hey, don\'t worry about this! We have agreed that we will first hold an in circle press conference for acquaintances, take some top-level emeralds out to give preferential treatment to your relatives and friends, and then when we open the business, we will trouble you to hold a personal show." Fang Fang grabbed in front of shadow 13.

"Aren\'t you standing at the counter? If you dare to rob the boss!" Dong Ting slapped him and said to shadow thirteen, "brother thirteen, I\'m more honest than him. What else can I do?"

"Fang Fang is right. The business site of Miss Hua has been almost completed. We will first make a small private press conference, and then start business. If you are free, go and help Miss Hua." Shadow thirteen laughed.

Dong Ting drooped his face and said, "sister Hua, everything is arranged to the eldest brother\'s people. I have my share there. I said you guys are unjust and don\'t take me to play!" The latter words were really directed at Liang Jiarong and Wu Kun.

For more than a month, he gave his full support to Huadong and yingshisan to set up the silver building. Liang Jiarong and Wu Kun colluded with Yang Zhao and Cheng Jia, and made a hard cut in Zheng\'s group, preparing to build three retro manors in different styles at the same time, not only in Ningcheng, but also in two places close to Beijing and Shanghai. It is only for the rich to sell. It can be predicted that it will be a large gathering and social integration in the rich circle.

And he was locked up at home for a month. After coming out, he found that even Fang Fang had been on duty, but there was no place for him!

"Our script outline has been published. We\'ll talk about it later. If it\'s decided, our project will be approved. Can Mr. Dong help us with this?" Zhou Ziqing, who had been standing with Luo Meiyan in advance, laughed.

"Of course! Absolutely! Leave it to me. I can sell meat if I have to pay for it!" Dong Ting immediately shouted, while the proud opponent threw a provocative eye wave.

"Cut, you sell meat? That\'s your face? It\'s good to play a flat little punk." Fang Fang sneered.

"Smelly Xiaofang! Want to smoke!"

"Who is afraid of who!"

"Fight out! If you break something here, I\'ll skin you!"

"Brother Zhao, joke, joke!"

Hearing the laughter, Ling Qingyu was led upstairs by Yang Zhao with a smile in her mouth.

The villa used to be a three-and-a-half story building with a basement, but now it has been transformed into a four story building with staggered floors. Each floor has its own small balcony. Half of the basement is a film and television room, and half is a place for them to practice martial arts. The first floor is a living room, a small living room, a Chinese and western restaurant, and three large study rooms of different styles. The second floor is a large three small four bedroom with independent bathroom, plus a living room and a medium-sized study, On the third floor, there are six bedrooms with independent toilets, plus a small study. On the fourth floor, half of them are three bedrooms with independent toilets and a small study, and the other half are storage room, laundry room, sauna bathroom and balcony.

Each bedroom is located by themselves and decorated according to their own needs. Cheng Jia\'s room is full of books, while Ying Jiu\'s room is as simple as a big bed, a desk and a small wardrobe.

Every corner is used, either with exquisite decorations or lockers. There is a storage room on each floor. Although it is not as big as the fourth floor, it is also enough to accommodate the things bought by Ling Ma and Ling Qingyu.

In order to make it convenient for Ling Ma to get up and down, there is also a sightseeing elevator on one side, which goes directly to the passage on each floor.

After seeing everything layer by layer, Ling Qingyu stood on the balcony on the fourth floor and looked at the courtyard below. It was full of flowers, trees and fish in the lotus pond. Ling Qingyu whispered, "this is our home."

Yang Zhao hugged her waist behind her and said with a low smile, "it\'s just the first home."

"Huh?" Ling Qingyu looked back puzzled.

"There are also castles and islands. As you said, you want a castle and your own island," Yang Zhao whispered after kissing her earlobe gently. "There will be all these. Qingyu, give us some time, and we will send everything you want to you."

"Yes!" Ling Qingyu grinned, nodded his head greatly, and said, "by the way, in Ningcheng, we should keep a yard by ourselves! Tell president Zheng that we only pay the cost!"

Yang Zhao chuckled and said, "well, I\'ve asked President Zheng for three places, one place and one yard."

"President Zheng didn\'t cry?" Ling Qingyu asked in surprise.

"No, he asked for Cheng Jia\'s ten paintings. Well, they are the ones that are relatively satisfactory."

Er... Ling Qingyu is dumbfounded. Ten paintings are worth at least 150 million

How can I work hard!

"Qingyu!" Hearing someone shouting below, Ling Qingyu bowed his head and saw that Hua Donghe came in towards something. He hurriedly said, "go, go, let\'s go down first. I want Hua Donghe to startle his chin!"