Phoenix Descends – Queen with a Thousand Pets

Chapter 879

When they walked back to the box one by one, Ling Qingyu, who drank two glasses of expensive red wine in the name of eating seafood and drinking some red wine to relieve the taste, was talking with Su Yuzhu in high spirits about his previous trip to the sea.

"Do you remember Tahiti? We went to climb the mountain together. What mountain was that? The smelly boy in the stonework was only concerned with picking herbs, and he couldn\'t keep up, and then you stared at him..." with a tipsy look in his eyes, Ling Qingyu smiled at Su Yuzhu.

"Remember wrong, that\'s me." Yan San took away the wine cup in her hand. It doesn\'t matter if she gets drunk after going back, but it\'s not good if she gets drunk here. She doesn\'t want to be seen by others with this charming appearance.

"Ah, yes, it\'s Yan San ~" with a slight voice, Ling Qingyu turned back and kissed him on the cheek.

"Tahiti, did you go again later?" Su Yuzhu looked at her with a smile as if she didn\'t see it. She still likes to drink red wine, or she will get drunk after drinking two cups, or she will do some strange things after getting drunk.

"Yes, several times. Yan San also picked pearls for me. By the way," Ling Qingyu looked up and said to Su Hexiang, who was sitting back. "Every time a Xiang would bring me the latest pearls..."

"She\'s drunk." Yan San decisively interrupted her words, looking at Su Yuzhu with some precautions in his eyes. I have to say that this person really knows Ling Qingyu very well and can unconsciously make her drunk in front of him... It seems that he underestimates him.

"Is it your former friend?" Su Yuzhu glanced at Yan San obliquely and took a piece of durian crisp just on to Ling Qingyu. The chopsticks were still in midair. Ling Qingyu just turned around and waved to talk. He would touch his chopsticks. Su Yuzhu subconsciously stretched out his hand to pick up the durian crisp that fell from the chopsticks.

I still remember that at that time, they were studying in the United States. Stanford School of economics and management had no scholarships, and the tuition was expensive, and the cost of sailing was even more expensive. Most of the students in the class were rich or the rich children of their families. Others didn\'t care about that little money. He was just a son of an outsider at that time, and he took a small living allowance every month. Ling Qingyu\'s family just got up and didn\'t have much money to play after paying the tuition, So as soon as they have time, they go out to work together and save money to play sailing.

At that time, they were very frugal. They often ate one dollar piece of unpalatable pizza pancakes, or bought a half dollar roast chicken with two bowls of white rice in Chinatown. He ate a lot. Every time, she would give him half of her rice, and he would give her chicken legs. Sometimes there would be food that guests didn\'t want at the place of work, which was a dental sacrifice for them.

Once, the guest had something to do temporarily, and the durian crisp ordered was returned before it was served. The durian crisp was not delicious when it was cold. The guest had already paid for it, so the boss sold it to them at a quarter of the price and gave them two five minute breaks.

The two of them sat on the steps at the back door of the Chinese restaurant, looking at the stars from the narrow line of sky in the back alley, eating the delicious durian cake with relish, and drawing in language the wonderful prospect of how much delicious they would eat if they had money in the future.

At that time, Ling Qingyu said the candlelight dinner she wanted.

Durian crisp, which has become his favorite for more than ten years, doesn\'t have to eat. Just looking at it, it seems that the girl who is still in high spirits even in the dirty smock in the kitchen squints her eyes and gently bites the crisp and sweet durian crisp with her face. When she continues to praise, she puts the rest of the durian crisp into his mouth.

Someone once held him in the palm of his hand on the tip of his heart, and wanted to give him all her good things, sincere, true, gentle

However, now, the person in her hand is no longer him.

auzw. With a fierce pain in his heart, durian crisp fell into his palm, and the thick yellow fruit juice with a strong aroma flowed out of the cracked pastry, and flowed down along his palm, scalding a piece of bright red in his palm, while Su Yuzhu seemed to be unconscious, just looking at the broken durian crisp in a daze. Www. 68mn.

"Uncle!" Su Hexiang shouted, hurriedly took his hand, wiped the scalding fruit juice with a towel, and said to the waiter, "bring ice, you, go to our car and ask the driver for ointment."

Su Yuzhu regained consciousness, closed his hand and said, "it\'s all right. There\'s nothing wrong. Don\'t bother so much."

Ling Qingyu\'s tipsy was so frightened that he woke up again. Looking at him, his palm was red, but there was no pain on his face. He tentatively asked, "don\'t you feel pain?"

Su Yuzhu smiled and shook his head. "It doesn\'t hurt. I don\'t feel pain anymore."

Ling Qingyu was stunned and didn\'t feel pain? His leg is prosthetic, and he is blind in one eye. Now he doesn\'t even feel pain

Something surged in the bottom of my heart. On impulse, Ling Qingyu said, "I have a Tibetan medical friend. His medical skills are really good. If you are free, ask him to show you. He has a set of difficult and miscellaneous diseases."

"OK, please help me make an appointment." Su Yuzhu answered with kindness.

"Just stay with me. Just come when you are free." As soon as lingqingyu finished speaking, Rao was half drunk and she felt a cold sweat coming out of her back.

"Is it your new villa? By the way, when are you going to move?" Ignore the three people directly. If you dare to come, do away with your cold eyes. Su Yuzhu said with a light smile, "I\'ve prepared a homecoming gift. You can see when it\'s convenient to send it to you."

"The day after tomorrow is a auspicious day, so I\'ll move that day." With the eyes behind him, Ling Qingyu said.

"Well, I\'ll ask Xiao Xiang to send it to you tomorrow." Su Yuzhu moved her hand covered with ice by Su Hexiang and said, "after you move, I\'ll disturb doctor Qiangba."

Seeing Ling Qingyu\'s face that you followed me and monitored my expression, Su Yuzhu laughed and said, "where you live now, there is a small park next to it, right? There are often some aunts doing exercise there. Doctor Qiangba is now popular there. When I was wandering there, I heard those aunts chat that he has cured many aunts\' backache and lives in your villa."

Ling Qingyu still accuses him with his eyes. Aren\'t you following me? Why are you strolling around my house? That\'s not where you rich people are! Small park

"This wine is full of stamina. Go back and have a rest as soon as possible. By the way, these were caught in the early morning of this morning. Take them back and do it here." Su Yuzhu took his hand back from Su Hexiang, pointed to a large box of frozen seafood brought in by the waiter, handed a few pages of paper to Yan San next to her, and said, "before, I always said I would invite you to a big meal... The day after tomorrow, I\'ll celebrate your housewarming, OK?"

"Come on, come on, come directly to the house next time. I said, when I went to the small park to exercise, those aunts secretly asked me to pay attention." Ling Qingyu sighed. The original words are that although your husband is injured and his legs are bad, he is not necessarily good, although he looks like a human.

Su Yuzhu chuckled unconsciously, letting those men look like knives and said softly, "good!"