Phoenix Descends – Queen with a Thousand Pets

Chapter 872

The setting sun is like blood, and the orange sunset glow reflects the sky as if it were burning, and the towering mountains are shining in the glow.

The glow reflected a crimson color on the ground of the waiting hall through the floor glass, and the people sitting on the seats seemed to be shrouded in that warm color.

Let Yan San lean on his shoulder, and Ling Qingyu carefully hugged his arm. Seeing yepu change his dressing in the morning, even if she repeatedly told herself that she couldn\'t show it, her eyes were still red.

Yan San lost too much blood, and several of them were injured. Although the Yelu steel bar was not inserted deeply, it was inserted after all. Deqin\'s hospital was completely destroyed, and there was not much medicine left for Qiangba old man, so as soon as the men mentioned it back, she immediately agreed.

The road out of Deqin was extremely bumpy. It was like dancing on the gravel. She was bumped hard, but Yan San didn\'t say a word. She just slept in her arms after driving on the ordinary road.

Before, his injury was much heavier than now, and he was never so tired

When he was panicking, he received a call from Qiangba old man. Qiangba old man said that the men\'s physical fitness was special, so it was best not to go to the hospital. Some drugs might be poisons for them, and then said that he would collect some medicinal materials first, and when the drugs were collected, he would go to Shanghai, and asked her not to mess around.

Ling Qingyu was puzzled at first, but then she figured out that men\'s bodies came from another world, where there were no chemical drugs. Modern people\'s bodies had produced strong antibodies to the antibiotics that polluted the world and overflowed with toxins, but they didn\'t.

The doctors in the hospital will not understand that they will not be careful in medication, and may even directly use the best anti-inflammatory drugs, but for them, it may be poison.

Yan San\'s body is so tired. I\'m afraid it has something to do with this. The steel bar is covered with cement and rust. Even if the iron poison is detoxified according to the old man Qiangba, it will take some time for the inflammation of the body to completely disappear.

To understand this, Ling Qingyu thanked Qiangba old man very much. When he constantly thanked Qiangba old man, Qiangba old man smiled and said that he must do his best to be cared for by Shenshan and recognized by the spirits of all gods.

So they divided into two groups. Meng Su and he liyanqi stayed, saying that they would drive the rest of the car back, but lingqingyu knew that they were going to find medicinal materials.

Speaking of medicinal materials, Ling Qingyu unconsciously thought of Taisui again. I heard that Yan San saved his life by eating Taisui, so Taisui is indeed useful.

She knows what men think, but she only needs to take a little of such a big lump. Then, can the rest be made into portable, like the drugs made by Alan? In this way, they bring a life-saving elixir.

Along the way, they came across all kinds of strange things, such as robbery, kidnapping, gang fighting, drug traffickers kidnapping, drug traffickers passing by, landslides and earthquakes

When I think of those twenty years over there, it has been thrilling. The thirty-four years she lived in her previous life always pursued an exciting and fulfilling life, but now she is a little disgusted.

But when she thought of her twenty-four years\' experience there, and then thought about the land in Africa, and the things Feisi had razed along the way, Ling Qingyu unconsciously remembered what Baize and qingglaze said in the green light.

Sure enough, all the pies falling from the sky can be smashed to death!

You don\'t have to think that there must be these things that make her scared in the future

Since you can\'t escape, then try to prevent it!

She doesn\'t believe it. Hundreds of Wulin masters can come out here to chase Yan San, the remaining evil in the red chamber! Or Russia sent troops to hunt down Yang Zhao, who had no military power at all!

Therefore, their secrets must be strictly guarded and cannot be revealed. The matter of Taisui is even more serious!

As long as there are no such peeping treasures, just money, the world is relatively tolerant

Well, she admitted that if there is oil under the ground in Africa, their lives can be colorful, luxurious and thrilling

auzw. Soldiers will block the water and cover the earth. No matter what future Bai Zena bastard brings to her, she will do everything to keep her happiness. Men, there can be no less!

If avoidance is useless, then head on!

Well, first of all, let them get the training of modern weapons and combat methods. No matter where they go, the force value is the most powerful support point.

But seeing that they can use those guns so skillfully, I think they have begun to do this training. Who helped them?

The director of the National Security Bureau, Cheng Cheng? I remember Kong Li later called specifically to say that Cheng Cheng was from the third division of the National Security Bureau, which was a special department specialized in dealing with crisis affairs. He was very capable and knew everything.

However, such a person, even if they saved him, can\'t have the opportunity and time to hook up with him!

So that friend? The one surnamed Lu?

Anyway, men always have their own friends, brothers and social circles, as long as they are useful to them.

It is said that they and lidonghai have also become good friends

Well, now there are Fang Fang and Dong Ting

Thinking so, how do you feel that men\'s skill points are slowly rising? Ying shisan\'s computer is more efficient than her!

So, what should I do?

Old man Qiangba has repeatedly stressed that she can\'t bother anymore. In fact, she also knows what it means. Indeed, human energy is limited, not to mention she has the most important task

The first is to shrink the original front and open up careers that men can take over.

The original investments are directly managed by swallow, and the film and television company is handed over to Zhou Ziqing. With Tao Zhuo\'s ostrich rice bowl as a powerful writer resource behind, the script is no problem at all. The real estate company in Jiaxing will end this time and let Yang Zhao take over. Later, it specializes in the cooperation with Zheng\'s group. Feicui will first find a good store here, and thirteen has combined Huadong and Fang Fang, and even the plan has been prepared, Let him deal with it in the future. Eleven and Yan Qi like to stay at home and speculate in stocks and futures. Although these two people can\'t make money faster than her, she\'s got a golden finger and has sequelae, but these two guys who have just been exposed to these things for only a few months can actually make so much

"What are you thinking?" Yan San closed his eyes and shook her hand. He asked softly. He was so excited that his heart beat faster.

Ling Qingyu sighed softly and said, "I just thought about it carefully. You are so capable that I don\'t know what I can do."

Yan San chuckled and said, "well, it doesn\'t matter. I can\'t do it. I have to rely on my wife."

Ling Qingyu stared at him, clasped his hands, inserted his five fingers between his five fingers, rubbed the calluses in his palm, and whispered, "how can I, Ling Qingyu, get such true feelings from you..."

"Well, sometimes I worry that people like me who are useless and can only make a living by killing..."

Ling Qingyu bowed his head and kissed his lips, blocking his words back, and said with a smile, "OK, OK, I know ~"

"Boarding!" Yang Zhao smiled and called. Seeing that she looked up with shame, she whispered, "our Qingyu is unique!"

"Yes, I..." Zhao Yinfeng and ye Xi also came forward.

"I see! Boarding!" Ling Qingyu decisively interrupted the two people\'s words and lifted Yan San.

Looking at the plateau mountains gradually covered by clouds from the porthole, Ling Qingyu clenched Yan San\'s hand.