Phoenix Descends – Queen with a Thousand Pets

Chapter 873

Looking at the agreement in front of him, president Tang\'s lips were trembling. After a half ring, he covered the folder and said with reluctance and anger, "how can I be an old minister of the Ling family? After all these years of being an ox and a horse, I was kicked out?"

Yang Zhao pushed another folder in front of him. His voice was sincere and magnetic, but he said with no emotion: "after reading this, Mr. Tang will think about what to say."

With a cold sneer, president Tang said, "what else to say? When things are done, the project makes money, and we are just used up." With that in his mouth, he still took the folder over and only turned a few pages. Drops of bean sized sweat fell from his forehead. His face was pale and said, "this is a frame up!"

"Whether to frame president Tang knows very well." Yang Zhao put one leg lightly on the other, and his hands folded on his knees, Cold channel: "Three years ago, Mr. Tang and Mr. Ren asked the company to reduce the discounts for dealers and intermediary companies in the name of bad market. The reduced discounts of these eight points were actually in your own pocket. When President Ling had an accident, you proposed to increase the price of the supplier by 20% in the name of urgent Dunning by the material supplier, asking the supplier to extend the accounting period. Later, when the company acquired, the new company increased the price by 20% The price paid for this part of the purchase price, but the supplier did not get the 20% price difference. " With a slight smile, Yang Zhao said, "President Li said that he and President Ling have worked together for many years, and it is impossible to fall into trouble when President Ling is in trouble. At that time, he replied to you that it doesn\'t matter even if there is no money to pay this batch of money."

Reaching out and tapping his finger on the folder, Yang Zhao said, "any of these proven things here can accuse you of commercial fraud."

His face was pale. General manager Tang smoked a few paper towels and wiped the cold sweat that kept coming out. He lowered his head and dared not make a sound.

He thought these things were done imperceptibly, and the amount was not large. No one should pay attention to this kind of thing. He was timid and did not dare to do it like Ling Haolin and Ren Xing, but seeing that they did nothing, he also moved some thoughts in his heart. Besides, at that time, his daughter was seriously ill, and Ling couldn\'t do it

"The overall sales of Jiaxing Haoting has reached 156 million now. Now the price of the whole housing market is going down, and the house types behind it are not good. Finally, when the sales can reach 200 million, I will buy the company at a valuation of 200 million. Qingyu said that she will not erase your credit over the past few years, and the 20% share promised to you will still be given to you, plus the 5% of your own investment, a total of 20% 5、 Here is 50 million in cash. " Yang Zhao put five tens of millions of checks on the table in front of him and said faintly.

General manager Tang looked up in surprise and said incredulously, "fifty million?"

"Today, you sign the agreement and pay you a down payment of 10 million. After all the procedures are completed, you will also cooperate with us to handle the company\'s affairs, and the rest of the money will be given to you at one time." Yang Zhao put his hand on the check. After general manager Tang Shanshan withdrew his hand, he said, "general manager Tang, that time you called Qingyu, did you really not know that they were going to hurt people, or did you not expect them to hurt people?"

General manager Tang was stunned, and his brain suddenly turned, unable to speak for a moment.

auzw. Yang Zhao sneered, "You have been in collusion with that Huasheng Group for a long time. Don\'t mention that the bank is so easy to have problems, but tell the problem. Your own methods and means are useless, so you call Qingyu directly. It took us an hour to come here. They waited for an hour and didn\'t do anything. Qingyu shouted to fight and kill when he came. At that time, your security guard didn\'t move at all. President Tang, do you think we are all fools?"

"No, I really didn\'t expect them to do it. They said that they just threatened president Ling so that President Ling would agree to negotiate. They were willing to accept the whole plate and pay in cash. I knew that President Ling had a lot of trouble during that time, and was not rich in money. The real estate still needed a lot of money to continue. President Ling may not have strength support. I was also thinking of her. I said that the total price of the plate should not be less than 100 million, but President Ling Unwilling to sell, I really didn\'t want to harm her about this. I was a little greedy for money, but you checked it. These things have been found out. You should also know that I didn\'t betray president Ling. At that time, I could go, but I didn\'t go... "President Tang said hurriedly, and his face flushed.

Yang Zhao loosened his hand from the check and pushed a check in front of him with his fingers, "Qingyu said that she likes Xiaowan very much. Xiaowan\'s illness not only needs money, but also needs her parents to accompany her. Thank you for standing beside her in major events these years. After things are done, all the money will be given to you. When your daughter\'s illness is cured, you can come to us if you want to start your own business and need help. If you want to be clear and are willing to follow us, then follow our rules, how about it?"

"She said so..." president Tang\'s eyes flushed and wiped tears on his back, Avenue: "I know, I will cooperate with you well. In fact, the real estate here has been sold almost, and the total sales amount has exceeded 200 million. The money on the book is not enough, because there is still the final payment, and the remaining tail buildings are not in good positions. I suggest that you can close and not sell. Those houses can be rented by yourself or do activities in the future as a means of promotion, and you must not reduce the price. Once the price is reduced, those customers will not care whether they are tail buildings or not , I will only think that your property has been reduced in price and will ask for compensation. After the closing, we can directly entrust it to the property management company here, and it doesn\'t need to take too much trouble. The bank loan expires in the second half of the year. We can repay it first or renew it, so that we can make new development. Last time something happened, I pressed down Lao Chen\'s wages, and the remaining balance will be paid after the safety period of half a year has passed. You can ask me anything else at any time. "

Listening to him murmur about the impenetrable details just now, Yang Zhao\'s mouth floated a faint smile. What he meant was to ask President Tang for justice. Ling Qingyu said, if you have to forgive others, everyone will make a mistake. It depends on whether it\'s a big mistake or a small mistake. President Tang didn\'t miss the general direction. Then, give him a chance. It\'s not her kindness of women, but to give me a wooden peach for Qiongyao, although I think she used the wrong word, But now it seems that her consistent practice is still effective.

If you exchange your heart for yours, there will always be someone who knows how to repay you.

Out of the office building, Zhao Yinfeng opened the door and asked, "is that all for him? What\'s next? Aren\'t you afraid he\'ll have another moth?"

"He won\'t. besides, we don\'t have that time. He Li and Cheng Jia are still waiting for us in the provincial capital." Yang Zhao patted the door and motioned him to take the co pilot, laughing.

"How can the man surnamed Zheng work so fast? It\'s hard to criticize him. How many days have we just come back!" Zhao Yinfeng snorted, turned to the copilot and sat down, saying.

"Cheng Jia gave some sketches to Liang Jiarong and Wu Kunfang to let their father go. President Zheng\'s house was almost booked. He was not in a hurry. Who was in a hurry? Besides, I also want to fix this matter earlier. It is estimated that when Yan San and their injuries are almost cured, Qingyu will want to leave for Fengshen island." Yang Zhao sat in the driver\'s seat and threw his bag on the back, saying.

"Speaking of this, the villa is also done. Cheng Jia and Ying shisan said that they would move on the auspicious day of the Yellow Road for a while. When will it be done?"

"By the way, whispering wind, you said that the foreman said that someone asked us about who we were earlier. Did you ask clearly?"