Phoenix Descends – Queen with a Thousand Pets

Chapter 871

The next day, Meng Su and Lu Yao transferred what they were going to take and loaded three SUVs (another one was parked in the parking lot), and handed the rest of the cars to Cheng Cheng to donate as a disaster relief car instead of them.

Knowing that several of them were seriously injured, Cheng Cheng didn\'t mention any introduction and in-depth understanding, so he let them go first, just said to wait for things, and went to Shanghai to find them to drink.

This time, he finally got Meng Su\'s phone number

Xiang Dongxi and others also went back with them. Fang Fang and Dong Ting directly threw them to Shen Luo because they slept like dead pigs.

After sending the people to Feilai temple, Meng Su and Lu Yao ran back and forth several times and picked up the donkey friends. If they were willing to stay as volunteers, they gave them all the remaining outdoor equipment, water and food.

On the last trip, Meng Su went to the old man Qiang Ba who finally woke up and said goodbye (the old man insisted on going to the next yard to sleep until the medical team came to take him away).

The old man Qiangba gave him the medicinal materials and medicinal mud he had deliberately left, and left each other a telephone address. He said that he would go to Shanghai to see Yan San\'s injury in two days and would also cure Ling Qingyu\'s problem by the way.

When Meng Su drove back, the corners of his mouth were all cocked up.

Not long after they left, a group of people quietly arrived in Deqin.

Before long, there was a cry in the new medical account next to the temporary command post.

Hu Shao and Zhao Xing were dug out at three o\'clock in the afternoon, with several broken bones and wounds on their bodies. However, it was no big deal for people, and Tong Sheng\'s body was dug out at four o\'clock in the afternoon together with Gu Sui.

That place was originally one of the strongest places in the whole building. Even if it fell first, several cement columns formed a small triangular space, but with the subsequent three collapses and squeezing, the space narrowed a lot.

The people in that room, in addition to Gu Sui, also had Tong Sheng, and a Dong, who was directly killed in order to save them, and three other bodyguards.

Gu Sui\'s leg was smashed into a comminuted fracture due to the collapse of the last explosion, and the best treatment time was delayed because of the late treatment time, so he had to amputate it.

In addition, the painstakingly trained team was destroyed completely (the living people dug out of the pit lost their fighting ability, and others buried deeper dared not think about it). Gu Sui\'s father\'s face was very ugly.

But he still kept his reason, and didn\'t shout like Gu Sui when he learned that he was going to amputate, saying that he was deliberately delayed by them, and that those people killed Tong Sheng. Obviously, he could save them first, but he always left them alone.

"Aunt, you have also heard and seen. Do you think we can get Gu Sui and Tong Sheng out without any exhausted people?" Shen Luo looked calm, but his eyes were angry at the child\'s mother who was crying and crying to avenge her son.

The top layer has been cleared by those men. With advanced equipment and the strongest manpower, it took nearly 11 hours to dig them out.

Shen Luo really didn\'t understand how the child\'s mother and Gu Sui meant to say that!

If it weren\'t for those people, not for those people who shouted to settle accounts, let alone those 30 people who couldn\'t get the earliest rescue, even if they had to spend another ten hours, at that time, it wouldn\'t be a leg that followed the loss.

auzw. com

It\'s obviously a lifesaver!

"Then why can we save them first!" The mother pointed to Wu Jing with plaster on her arm and shouted, "if you can save them, why can\'t you save my son!"

"Mrs. Tong, do you mean that my daughter should die?" Wu Fu, sitting with Wu Jing in his arms, said angrily.

"I..." Mrs. Tong murmured, and her hatred in her eyes continued: "anyway, they went out together, why can they be saved first!"

"Because we were pushed out by Gu Sui and Tong Sheng." Chen Cheng has a cast on his leg and a steel frame on his ribs, and his voice leaks a little, Difficult way: "at that time, the roof was about to crack. Gu Sui first pushed Tong Sheng away and ran inside. Tong Sheng pushed us out to prevent us from blocking their way into the bathroom. At that time, the outer wall of the house had collapsed, and Wu Jing almost fell. Ah Hai pulled her back. Our position was outside, so we would be pressed on it when the building collapsed." Looking back at Shen Che, Chen Cheng said, "it\'s one floor higher than their position, right?" Seeing Shen Che nodded, he said, "uncles and uncles also know that there are aftershocks after the earthquake. What is the situation of the collapsed building? Uncles, uncles, uncles, uncles, uncles, uncles, uncles, uncles, uncles, uncles, uncles, uncles, uncles, uncles, uncles, uncles, uncles, uncles, uncles, uncles, uncles, uncles, uncles, uncles, uncles

"If it weren\'t for those volunteers, my son would have died a long time ago. His surname is Tong. If it weren\'t for his bad words, your son deserved it! If it weren\'t for his intention to harm others, how could he cause a landslide, and how could he be sent here?" Chen Fu\'s face was dark and gloomy, and he said viciously, "we won\'t investigate if people die, but listen, if you want to fight those volunteers, don\'t blame us for being rude!"

His son is different from these Vagabonds. He only let him play with him because he was afraid that he would be stupid in reading. As a result, he was injured like this! I don\'t know if there are sequelae. How dare you say that, your son is a life, but our son is not a life!

"We also mean the same." Mrs. Wu said coldly.

"Well, in fact, I also think we should really thank others. If they hadn\'t been working hard and the woman had been encouraging us, we wouldn\'t be able to support them." Hu Shao and Zhao Xing looked at each other and raised their hands that they could still move.

"Yes, yes, at that time, I thought I was dead. It was dark inside. I couldn\'t even move. I was really afraid. That woman had been telling cold jokes, and I couldn\'t help laughing. Then, I was not afraid." Rong Qing whispered, "it\'s so dark and I don\'t know the situation at all, but I feel relieved to hear that they have been moving those cement blocks and that woman has been talking. I think I should thank them."

Rong Zheng touched his head, smiled approvingly at him, and then looked up and said, "my family Rong Qing knows the truth. I think two uncles should also understand."

"Those volunteers came to support the disaster area regardless of their own risks, which should be vigorously commended and promoted. However, the number of injuries this time, it is better not to say about the children." Gu Fu murmured. No matter what his mood is, he has to admit that his son has nothing to do with others. Even if his direct troops are here, first, he can\'t order the troops to save his son first. Second, even if he does, as Chen Cheng and Shen Che said, he can\'t directly save them at all. Can he say that he should dig with a excavator regardless of the lives of the people above? And take the excavator to dig, then the people below are afraid to die faster.

"Boss, the helicopter has arrived, and the wounded can be transferred." Standing outside, hearing that no one was making a sound inside, Cheng Cheng made a hurry and opened the curtain and shouted.

"Send the heavy wounded first, and then the light ones." Shen Che said, blocking him with his body, then pushed him out of the door and whispered, "take away the look on his face!" Although he disdains them very much, your director shows this face

Cheng Cheng is good at everything except acting

Cheng Cheng glanced at him, thinking that everyone can be like you. He despised all kinds of contempt in his heart, and he could look honest and sincere and obey orders

If you turn your back, you\'ll be in vain

Bu Chengcheng decided not to quarrel with him, nor did he want to mention how many stones those men moved

The amount they thought was only one fifth of the amount that the men moved away.

These people should not be recommended to Shen Che.