Phoenix Descends – Queen with a Thousand Pets

Chapter 843

When he walked out of the village, he saw no one around. Night spirit carried Cheng Jia on his back. The rest of the people grabbed Yang Zhao and asked them to use their strength to display lightness skills and fly over the mountain.

Drizzle, the air in the primeval forest is full of sweetness, the rain drops wash the azaleas in full bloom like crystal clear, the mist is swirling, and the mountains are faint and green.

Rain floated on her face. No matter how sleepy, Ling Qingyu woke up. Seeing this beautiful scenery, she couldn\'t close her eyes any more. Lying on Yan\'s three shoulders, the head looked at the beautiful scenery flashed by.

The road up the mountain can\'t be a road at all, but it\'s just a shallow trace. In rainy days, it\'s so muddy that you can\'t even see the trace. Sometimes there\'s no road at all. You have to cross over from the trunk of the trees lying on the ground, or from the underside of the curved trees and vines. The mountain is rugged, and most of the time, you don\'t even have a solid foothold.

Ling Qingyu honestly didn\'t ask me to come down and walk by myself. Let alone her current physical condition, even if she was in her heyday, I\'m afraid she would slip three steps on this road

I didn\'t mention walking by myself, but I had to command to stop and take photos.

After walking for some time, the mountains rose a lot, and the light rain turned into a little bit of rain. The lush forests washed by the rain, the dense primeval forests, the humid air, and those mossy mushrooms that looked like sprouting, everything was surprising and impressive.

Seeing that the rain could be ignored, Yan San also allowed her to change clothes and take photos when she found a good place. Their backpacks were all carried on their backs. They had few clothes of their own, but all her props were complete, so she could change clothes and play anywhere she wanted.

Ling Qingyu takes photos here, and ye soul and Ying Jiu will continue to collect with the bag.

This is a lonely place, but there are many rare medicinal materials. The raw materials of Alanna health pills are all ready after picking them back. If Ling Qingyu eats them for a few months, he will be much better.

When passing through a bamboo forest, Ling Qingyu took photos with the men in her arms. Ye Xi became interested in playing, swept over the tip of the bamboo forest, and shook up a piece of dew. The sun shone colorful light on the dew, flying and shining in the air like jewels.

Wearing a silver dress embroidered with light green patterns, she danced in the dew like the spirit of the bamboo forest.

Then, with a slap, he slipped under his feet and fell into Yan San\'s arms.

Night soul\'s hand bounced on a bamboo branch, and the green bamboo attacked Ye Xi in the air with a line of spray. Ye Xi dodged the bamboo branch, but was sprinkled with water.

Ye Xi turned in the air, his feet on the bamboo branches, and the dew sprinkled on the night spirit, and Cheng Jia beside him suffered.

For a moment, the bamboo forest was full of happy laughter.

As the mountain grows higher and higher, the road becomes more dangerous. Thin snow gradually appears on the mountain, and the rain disappears, but the clouds surge up again. The rain in the air is very heavy, so ling Qingyu stops playing. He honestly lies behind Yan San, looking at the towering mountains, the icy snow mountains in the distance, and the plants that stubbornly show new buds in the snow. With his eyes and heart, he experiences the magnificent, vast and shocking scenery, And the flat and steady heartbeat of the man under him.

Because Shenhu is a clean place, you can\'t talk or wash your hands. Looking at the map, it\'s estimated that you should be close to Shenhu. He Li stopped and ate the rice on the meadow first.

After eating, they collected all the garbage. It was still early, and noon was said to be the best time. After playing in the snow on the meadow for some time, they quietly crossed the last hill and quietly arrived at the God lake.

The God lake was covered with light smoke, and people seemed to walk between clouds. It was quiet, like the place where immortals lived.

With a bad vision, he Liyang stopped everyone with his hands, then folded his hands, learned the long head hiding ceremony they did, prayed devoutly in his heart, and bowed down with his body to the ground.

Other people also put down their backpacks and lined up in a row. They put their hands together and prostrated themselves to the ground. They were very devout and knocked up their long heads to hide the ceremony.

Ling Qingyu asked Yan San to put himself down and just prepared to pray with them. He felt a breeze blowing, and the thick fog seemed to be wiped away by a big hand. In a moment, the clouds cleared and dispersed, and the fog on the lake completely dissipated. The clear and transparent lake and the surrounding mountains were clearly presented in front of him.

The Shenhu lake is not big. A bay of clear and bottomed water ripples slightly in the breeze. There are many mani piles on the lake, on which the prayer flags flutter silently in the wind. The surrounding mountains are white, mixed with some early spring green, and below them are cyan black rocks, which have been quietly guarding the bay water for hundreds of millions of years.

Just looking at it like this, I feel empty and quiet in my heart. Then, a trace of leisurely slowly surges up, twists and turns, and gradually turns into a deep love, clear and thick, just melt into three words.

I love you

After watching it quietly for a long time, Zhao Yinfeng turned back to turn his bag, and the rest of the people turned back silently to turn their bags.

There was no sound here. Ling Qingyu was trying to think about how to do the solemn wedding in such a holy place. When he saw a crowd, including Yan San, turning around, he looked at it curiously.

A touch of red slowly bloomed in Zhao Yinfeng\'s hand. In Ling Qingyu\'s eyes, a bright red wide sleeved ancient dress was pulled out by him.

Put the clothes carefully on the backpack, and Zhao Yinfeng began to take off his clothes. Just now, the president\'s first salute, their whole bodies were covered with mud, but Zhao Yinfeng not only took off his coat, but also his underwear. Then he took out a plastic bag from his bag, which was a wet towel

Wipe his body roughly with a towel. Zhao Yinfeng unfolded the red coat and put it on.

auzw. The style of the dress is very simple. There is no hemming or embroidery. The robe is only tied with three ropes, and a red belt is buckled around the waist. Www. 68mn.

Although it is simple, it seems to be rushed out, but it is also a dress, a wedding dress.

Watching them take out their clothes one by one, wipe their bodies and put on the dress, Ling Qingyu covered her mouth and blocked her sobs in her mouth.

Shenhu couldn\'t make a sound, and her excited tears could only flow silently, as if the lake rippled with the wind, with continuous friendship.

After Yan San changed herself, she took out a women\'s dress from her backpack. Compared with their clothes with simple cutting, women\'s dress is much more delicate and beautiful.

At that time, they found the boss. The boss didn\'t want to. They paid a huge sum of money and asked the boss to call all the workers he could summon. They made their own clothes, as long as they made women\'s clothes.

That night, they borrowed the boss\'s production room and asked the boss to adjust the best red silk, Sumu cutting, shadow thirteen and shadow nine night soul Yan seven. They sewed it by hand. Yang Zhao and the four of them couldn\'t do this, so they started next to it.

All night, I finally got these clothes out.

Yan Qi pulled Ling Qingyu, took off her coat with a smile, and then carefully put on the dress for her.

Ying shisan took a fake headgear out of her bag. Four months later, Ling Qingyu\'s hair grew a little longer, but she couldn\'t wear it in a bun at all.

Carefully caress the skirt corners, bring the wig to her, and carefully wipe the corners.

Looking at her clothes floating, and the familiar look on her eyebrows when brushing her sleeves, the men all smiled.

Night spirit and shadow nine piled up a mani pile, inserted the prayer flags they had brought, and then they stepped back a few steps, laughing and watching Yan San pull Ling Qingyu\'s hand and walk to the mani pile.

One worship heaven and earth, two worship God lake, three couples worship each other.

Each head was knocked solid and silent, and each worship silently said all kinds of blessings.

A hundred years of love ~ forever ~ forever together~

After worship, Yan San took out a polished crystal hairpin from her arms and inserted it into her bun, and then took a long jewelry box handed over by Yan Qi.

She motioned Ling Qingyu to open it by herself. Looking at the ring in the box, she was surprised and unbelievable. Yan San\'s mouth curled up in a warm and happy arc.

There are thirteen diamond rings, one female ring and twelve male rings. The female rings engrave their twelve names into patterns and wrap them around the inside and outside of the ring, while the twelve male rings have only one name, Ling Qingyu!

After Lu Yao handed them the box of diamonds, they directly asked them to go back to Shanghai to find a master to make it. Yang Zhao brought it back when they went back.

Yan San took out the ring ring and put her ring finger on it, kissed it gently, and then stretched out his finger. The original one on his hand also came over, but Ling Qingyu\'s body couldn\'t get through there, so he left both rings there, so he changed his hand.

Ling Qingyu took the first ring out of it and put it on his ring finger while devoutly reciting the oath in his heart.

Yan San\'s lips also silently wriggled, as she devoutly recited the oath.

I, Yan San, marry you as my wife wholeheartedly. No matter good or bad times, wealth and poverty, health or disease, happiness or sorrow, I will love you unreservedly and trust you completely. We will become a whole and be part of each other. We will face everything in life together, share our happiness, and spend this life as a loyal partner.

One worship heaven and earth, two worship God lake, three couples worship each other.

Insert a hairpin, put on a ring, and silently say the oath.

The wind was blowing from the lake, rippling in circles like heart-shaped ripples, the prayer flags fluttered in a cheerful and fierce arc, and even the flowers on the surrounding mountains swayed in a beautiful arc in the thin snow.

Like the whole world, all lives are happy for them and testify for them

That is the combination of crossing life and death, crossing the world, and practicing the oath with sincerity and blood.

Heaven and earth are proof!


The ring put Yelu\'s fingers on it. After reading the last word, a wisp of cloud came up from the valley. After wandering around the crowd playfully, it sounded like laughter, and then floated away leisurely.