Phoenix Descends – Queen with a Thousand Pets

Chapter 844

Ling Qingyu was startled, and suddenly realized that the men were still wearing only one single coat. He hurriedly waved to them to change their clothes, and hurried to Cheng Jia and touched his cold hand. Tears were almost falling out.

Cheng Jia smiled and signaled that he was OK. Maybe it was because Shenhu heard their prayers, so it was not cold. Xu Shiying Jiu and Yan Qi had been around him, warming him with their internal forces. He didn\'t feel cold, but his heart was as warm as fire.

Ying shisan set up the camera, and then waved to everyone to stand. Ling Qingyu was in the middle, and the twelve of them stood in two rows around her, taking a group photo together.

Just now, he and Yan Qimeng Su were shooting at the same time, and every detail was not missed. In the future, this video will be one of their most precious treasures.

After taking the group photo, Zhao Yinfeng silently smiled and took an intimate group photo with Ling Qingyu alone, which triggered another round of craze, making Ling Qingyu constantly remind them to wear clothes!

At her urging, the men changed back their clothes. Fortunately, they had considered that the clothes would be dirty, and they also brought back their clothes. After changing their clothes, they packed a lot of Shenhu water (which can\'t be washed but can be drunk), and went to the mountains around the lake to overlook the panorama of Shenhu. After being moved again, they were ready to go down the mountain.

As soon as I put my backpack on my shoulder, thick clouds filled the mouth of the valley. The clouds in the sky rolled out in various shapes and began to darken and thicken. After a while, Shenhu was hidden behind the fog again and disappeared.

It looks like it\'s going to rain heavily. Carrying Ling Qingyu and Cheng Jia on their backs, the group walked quickly down the mountain.

Across the hill, the sky rolled over laughing thunder. Lightning penetrated the clouds and drew a beautiful track in the sky. In the thunder and lightning, a huge rainbow appeared on the horizon.

Looking at the people below who just took two photos and ran down quickly, kava Borg said to Bai Ze sitting on the cloud, "it\'s too shameful! I\'ve played music for them. Shouldn\'t they dance?"

Bai zebai glanced at him and opened his wings behind him.

"You just left?" Kawaborg laughed, "they still have disasters“

"Well, as you can see, those disasters can\'t defeat them!" Baize fingertips floating out of a brilliant crystal drop, said: "that is the person who has soul tears."

There was a long cry in the sky, followed by rolling thunder and heavy rain.

The rain poured down, and it rained between heaven and earth.

The raindrops floated into the door through the corridor, with some chilly chill. A group of people sat by the fire pond and looked at the rain. Zhou Ziqing said with worry: "such a heavy rain, can\'t something happen?"

After walking in the morning, I soaked in the medicine bag left by yepeng. Their soreness and softness had been much better. At noon, it cleared up for a while. Just when I wanted to go out for a walk, it rained heavily, so I had to retract into the corridor and then into the house.

If it weren\'t for those who were worried about going up the mountain, the time of reading and chatting around the fire pond and drinking butter tea was really wonderful.

At first, they didn\'t worry. It was really that they had seen too many tough men along the way. But as the rain grew heavier and heavier, the inn owner sighed and said that he was afraid of an accident on the mountain. They didn\'t realize that they were worried too much.

No matter how strong human beings are, the power of nature is stronger.

The owner of the inn got up again and walked to the door to look out. Yesterday, he heard them ask about the route to Shenhu. He had already persuaded them that Shenhu was effective, but it rained these days, and the mountain road was very difficult to walk. And according to the situation, I\'m afraid there will be heavy rain today. In such a weather, local people dare not walk, not to mention they, Central Plains people, are not familiar with the road.

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In the heavy rain, once you get lost, or encounter a mudslide, you can\'t find the body.

Besides, it\'s only may now, and the snow on the mountain hasn\'t melted. It\'s even colder when it rains like this. Look at the clothes they wear when they go out in the morning (except for the woman and the handsome man).

They were very kind. They cooked their own meals and invited them to eat. They also cleaned the kitchen room and helped him build the stone fence that collapsed in the yard. The inn owner really didn\'t want them to have an accident.

Holding the Buddha beads on his wrist, the inn owner whispered the Scripture.

"Will it be all right? They are so strong..." Fang put his hands together and walked to the door, looking out, and asked the inn owner for confirmation in order to feel at ease.

The innkeeper didn\'t speak, but the speed of turning the Buddha bead was faster.

"Yes, I haven\'t come back at this time." Dong Ting also rubbed to the door and sighed.

"Even if it\'s sunny, it takes 89 hours to go to the Shenhu lake. How can it get down so quickly?" Zhao Wei also stood at the door, saying so, but his face was full of worry.

I just hope they can find a place to shelter from the rain when they see it. They have so many equipment. As long as they escape the rain and reposition, they should be able to walk down.

"I heard that in the last century, a mountaineering team wanted to climb kawabog peak, but seventeen people died in a snow avalanche." Fang Fang was very worried. Before he finished speaking, he was slapped behind his head.

"No, those people want to desecrate the holy mountain, so the holy mountain is angry. They just go to the holy lake, and the holy mountain will not be angry." The innkeeper said.

"Blaspheme sacred mountain?" Liang Jiarong also stood at the door and heard the innkeeper\'s words.

"For you, it\'s just mountains, forests, fields and snow mountains, but for us, those snow mountains are sacred and inviolable. Kava bog is even more. It is the head of the eight sacred mountains, commanding all of the whole nature. If kava bog likes it, he will protect you in this life and the next life. If it\'s disrespectful, if human beings once reach the peak, then God will leave here, and great disasters will come." The inn owner looked at the direction of kava Borg, who was completely covered by the rain outside the door, and said, "in those years, we also told those people, but they didn\'t believe it and insisted on going their own way, resulting in an avalanche."

He slapped things on his head and said, "there are gods three feet above his head. Don\'t talk nonsense. Be careful of retribution!"

In today\'s materialistic world, people think they are the masters of the world in the name of materialism, and they have long forgotten their awe of the world.

All things have spirits, and cause and effect reincarnation. In fact, the root cause is that human beings should learn to fear. Everything they do will produce cause and effect. Knowing and fearing the retribution brought by cause and effect, human beings will self-discipline and know that some things cannot be done.

And if you lose your awe, the punishment of the gods will not be far away.

The 5000 year old cultural core of the Han nation has been preserved in another form only in this remote and isolated place.

I have to say, this is really sad

"Someone! Look! Someone! Someone is coming! They are back!" Dong Ting\'s shouting interrupted his meditation on things.

In the heavy rain, the party is coming across the ridge at a very fast speed.