Phoenix Descends – Queen with a Thousand Pets

Chapter 842

Early in the morning, I saw the daily golden mountains on the two mountains. Before I could be moved, it began to rain.

Zhao Wei also wanted to go to the Shenhu lake with the men. When he saw the rain coming, he could only sigh. The road to the Shenhu lake was difficult, and the rain was even more dangerous. Besides, the rain seemed to have a tendency to get bigger.

Returning to the living room and seeing that the men had packed their backpacks, Zhao Wei said, "I\'m afraid the rain will get worse and worse. The situation above is dangerous. It\'s better to wait until the rain stops one day."

Yang Zhao looked at the light rain outside and said, "no, we have no problem, but you\'d better rest here for a day."

Zhao Wei nodded and said with a smile, "it\'s impossible without a rest."

Don\'t mention the rain, even if it doesn\'t rain, those guys can\'t get up.

In other words, Ling Qingyu\'s situation is not necessarily good. Go there

Just thinking so, I saw Yan San coming out with Ling Qingyu, who was still sleeping like a well-dressed man.

"Let\'s go while it\'s not raining." He Li carried his backpack, stuffed the map drawn by the inn owner into a waterproof bag, and took the lead out of the inn door.

There is no broadband connection here, and electronic devices are not as useful as the oldest maps.

Watching the pedestrian walk into the drizzle and shuttle through the fields quickly, his figure was hidden in the rising fog soon. Zhao Wei sat down on the wooden bench in the corridor, picked up his mobile phone and looked at it, and simply turned it off.

There is no signal here, and there is no TV, so feel free to be an outsider for a few days. You don\'t want anything in this heaven, and you won\'t be disturbed by anything.

Anyway, even without him, the world will still turn well.

"Is it raining?" Behind him came Liang Jiarong\'s depressed voice. Zhao Wei said with a smile, "yes, you have to get up 20 minutes earlier and you can see Rizhao Jinshan!"

"They\'re gone?" Liang Jiarong sat down next to him, holding a bowl of buttered tea in his hand (he was really not used to this at first, but now it tastes good), and asked.

"Well, they got up early. By the way, there was a prepared breakfast in the kitchen. Su Mu even prepared several dishes for noon and put them in the pot to heat." Zhao Wei leaned his head against the back of the chair and said.

"It\'s raining. It\'s not dangerous to go up the mountain?" Liang Jiarong looked at the misty Valley, which was more beautiful, and said.

"Dangerous, very dangerous, rainy days, slippery roads, and straight uphill." After saying that, Zhao Wei gently smiled and said, "however, they have no problem. They will definitely be able to go up."

"Yes, nothing can embarrass them, let alone for..." hehe laughed. Liang Jiarong drank a cup of tea. Although he didn\'t know what it was for, the mysterious appearance of the men, I\'m afraid, was no small matter.

"We can\'t go to Shenbao today. Just in time, we\'ll have a rest here." Zhao Wei laughed.

"Well." Liang Jiarong also fell down behind the chair. Last night, there was no signal from his mobile phone. At first, he was a little flustered, as if he had completely lost contact with the world. Fortunately, he was really tired. He went to bed directly after a while. When he got up in the morning, he didn\'t go to see whether there were emails from the United States and Europe on his mobile phone at the first time as he used to. Instead, he sent a message on the pillow for a while, listening to Wu Kunfang\'s snoring, The mood has never been so calm.

Now, sitting in the rain leaking corridor built by this simple log, watching the beautiful scenery of heaven as misty as water, drinking the butter tea with a strange taste

The mind is as calm as the world lightly washed by the rain.

auzw. Better to go to heaven than to rain avalanche

For Yubeng, the most popular sentence on the Internet is that if you love her, take her to Yubeng. There is heaven. If you hate him, take him to Yubeng, because there is hell.

Yesterday I thought it was heaven, but now I think it was hell.

What is backache? Now they can\'t get up at all as if their waist were broken, and their legs don\'t seem to be their own. They scream with pain as soon as they touch, and their whole body is weak. They can\'t even move their fingers. They just want to collapse in bed like this until the end of time.

But they were all miserable, and they had to be dragged up by several demons. They said they had to walk around to speed up the recovery of the sour and soft.

Pity them. Every step they take feels like walking on the tip of a knife!

They will never dare to laugh at Hai\'s daughter again

"Get up!" It was funny to look at the two people who refused to leave holding the column and said with a smile, "don\'t even be inferior to women!"

Three women in the corridor outside are walking back and forth along the corridor. It\'s raining outside, so it\'s good to walk on the corridor to have a good look.

Compared with women, the two finally got up a little, moved to the corridor, sat on the stool, and refused to get up again. They said that to things at the same time: "is that a woman? That\'s a woman! We don\'t compare with women!"

"Then who do you want to compare with? Compare with us!" A malicious voice came from the path, and a person came from the rain and fog.

Red rainproof clothes and red umbrellas, if it weren\'t for the special walking method of shaking my ass when taking a step, it would really look like a little rustling wind and rain, and I\'m natural and unrestrained.

"Than?" Fang Fang looked at Tong Shao up and down and said, "what\'s more?"

"Why are we here this time? Isn\'t it the old men at home who think we lack experience?" Looking at their muddy appearance, Tong Shao sneered and said, "it\'s the same thing to worry about. It\'s really damaging the reputation of our predecessors to just two people like this!"

"Shit!" Fang Fang let go and sat up straight. He fell soft with a cry. He pointed to him and said, "you fucking fart. You don\'t sit on a mule and just walk down and have a look! You walk down with a 20 kilogram load on your back. If you can walk down without someone else\'s help, Lao Tze has your last name!"

Later, they privately asked Xu Dongdong. Those bastards not only sat on mules, but also asked bodyguards to carry them when Shen Luo was not in front of them to explore the way, because the legs of sitting on mules were worn out!

This is the reason why they came out to look for food without their bodyguards at night. The bodyguards were tired and lying down!

Tong Shao was dumb for a moment, and then said disdainfully, "who are you kidding? Can you walk down by yourself?"

"They came down by themselves." Holding the flower with one hand and holding a cup of buttered tea with the other, he said faintly, "I can testify."

"We can too!" Tao Zhuo held his waist with one hand and let Zhou Ziqing put his hand on his shoulder as he walked, turning his head and inserting a sentence.

It\'s said that these people are wonderful family members, but so what? They have no intersection with them at all.

"Hum!" Tong Shao snorted heavily, "don\'t say what\'s available or not. When the rain stops, let\'s start from yubengxia village together and see who can walk from Yubeng to Ninon!"

"Just compete! Who is afraid of who! Don\'t let the bodyguard carry you!" Dong Ting shouted.

"Hum, you can get up first." Tong Shao cocked up his orchid fingers and twisted his waist and walked away.