Phoenix Descends – Queen with a Thousand Pets

Chapter 755

Since those city people were so tired after climbing the mountain, they repaired the collapsing roofs of two families in the stockade. When the city people left the next day, they were stuffed with more than 100 tea eggs, with a lot of dried meat and local specialties in the mountain.

With these things, near noon, I found a place with beautiful mountains and rivers on the side of the road. No, the river is surging and the river bank is green and boulders stand. I took all the picnic utensils I had in the car down and began my first picnic.

Shadow nine night soul base circle cutting firewood and burning fire, shadow thirteen Sumu prepared to bring the ingredients, the rest of the people, etc

He Li brought ten fishing rods behind his car.

Fishing seems easy. You don\'t have to go back in the wind and rain with a green Ruo hat and a green coir raincoat. How leisurely you are.

In fact, fishing is a tiring and bitter technical work!

Why wear hats? That\'s because the sun is too hot. You have to sit in the sun motionless for several hours, and you won\'t be dazed without a hat? Why put on coir raincoat? Because when it rains, you can\'t take an umbrella with your hands. When the fish are hooked, you still have to throw your umbrella and take the fishing rod. You don\'t have to go back in the wind and rain. You can\'t go back. That\'s when there are many fish!

Tao Zhuo threw the fishing rod out while giving Zhao Yinfeng a new interpretation of ancient poetry, and then hurriedly went to various places to get back the hook.

Ten fishing rods, Cheng Jia and he Li took a small bench and sat at the turning point of the river, chatting leisurely. They occasionally took a look at the floating on the water surface. Ye Xi stood on the boulder stretching into the river, with a beautiful posture in red. The fishing line above the stretched fishing rod floated with the wind. The empty fishing hook reflected silver light in the sun. Meng Su and Zhao Yinfeng sat on the stone at the river bay, Watching Tao Zhuo throw the hook onto the tree again and again, in the grass, between the stones, on his clothes, he laughed. The ostrich accompanied the rice bowl quietly snuggled together in a flat place in the downstream Bay, floating and floating away. I don\'t know. Hua Dong and Zhou Ziqing stared at the water seriously, and bet from time to time where Tao Zhuo would throw the hook next time. Yan Sanyan and Yang Zhao sat beside Ling Qingyu, chatting, While watching her load the bait, and then throw the rod.

Ling Qingyu is good at fishing on the sea, but that\'s because there are so many fish in the sea over there. You can put a bait down and come up with one. But the river is deep and urgent, and the shadow of the fish is hard to find. Originally, she was given half an hour to invite everyone to have roast fish. After half an hour, Ling Qingyu couldn\'t see even a piece of fish scale.

"I don\'t believe it!" Ling Qingyu stood up with his sleeves rolled up and shouted to Yelu, "soul! Do you have our secret weapon?"

Night spirit smiled, swept to the roadside and took a pair of net bags from the car.

"I can\'t catch it, I can\'t catch it!" Ling Qingyu took the net bag and looked up at the sky with three laughs, ready to go into the water.

Yansanyi grabbed him.

It\'s only March, and the water is cold.

"I\'ll go, you rest." Yan Qi took the net bag and was ready to take off his clothes. Yepeng was faster than him (he was carrying stones or something, and he was originally wearing only a T-shirt). He didn\'t take the net bag, took off his pants, and then jumped directly into the water.

"The current is so fast that nothing will happen?" Hua Dong stood up and shouted.

"No." Ling Qingyu smiled back.

Night spirit got on her boat at the age of six. Later, she followed Yan sanyanqi to learn the Bihai tide Xi skill. She has been practicing in the tide of the sea. Speaking of water, she can\'t compare with him. Of course, there is Ye Xi.

Ye Shen went into the water here, and ye Xi had lost his fishing rod there. As soon as he took off his coat, he jumped in without taking off his shirt and pants.

Not long after, a fish was thrown out of the water.

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It\'s not small.

Take a look, what else are you fishing for! Just catch it all in the river. After losing the fishing rod, Zhou Ziqing and I ran to see the fish that were thrown on the beach and were still jumping.

There are different kinds of fish. They are all big and look delicious.

Shadow thirteen and Su Mu picked up the fish and slaughtered it on the spot.

After throwing more than a dozen fish, Ling Qingyu shouted, "OK, don\'t catch it!"

Hearing her cry, the two people popped their heads out of the water. Seeing Hua Dong and Zhou Ziqing, they swam upstream, landed from above, and then changed into clothes sent by Ying Jiu.

Ling Qingyu and Zhao Yinfeng got nothing. Cheng Jiahe got a good harvest from Meng Su and Zhao Yinfeng. Each of them caught twoorthree big fish (the small ones were released)

It was a big lunch.

The place they chose was a highway dug along the mountain on one side and a turbulent River on the other. The highway turned 180 degrees along the mountain, and the river also turned a big bay around the mountain, forming a river bay beach.

A small forest and miscellaneous grass grow on the beach, and the river is full of pebbles and some blue boulders. It is estimated that it is still in the dry season, and the water level is not high. If it is in the rainy season, I am afraid that this beach will be flooded, even the woods will be flooded.

They have many cars, which will inevitably block the road when parked on the road. Fortunately, their cars are all off-road vehicles with high territory, so they drive directly down the beach and park on the beach, and the picnic camp is placed in the woods.

After eating, the sun was just right, and I was a little lazy and sleepy. Ying shisan took some folding beds from the car to give the ladies a place to rest.

As for men, stone grass, there can\'t lie down.

"This is obvious sexism!" Tao Zhuo is a little angry. Hey, brothers, everything is well prepared for women. Urban warm men like us who stay at home are not as rough and powerful as you!

"Come here, come here, sister hug ~" Zhou Ziqing smiled and pulled him. Like the ostrich rice bowl, the two were squeezed into a bed.

"Honey, will you dislike me?" Tao Zhuo rubbed in Zhou Ziqing\'s arms and asked in a low voice. He is younger than her, and he is a man who stays at home and has no other skills except to write some small white essays. Compared with such an excellent man, he is simply useless

"How can it be? No matter how good a man doesn\'t love me, it\'s not my dish." Zhou Ziqing laughed, and then whispered, "I think my dear family is the most responsible man." Physical strength is not good, reaction is not good, far less powerful than those men, but he still carried her with his small shoulder, and did his best to take care of her all the way, which is enough.

Tao Zhuo was instantly cured.

"What\'s the matter?" Ying shisan put away the grill and asked, suddenly looking at the night spirit on the other side of the mountain path.

"The sound is wrong." Yelu frowned and listened carefully. He glanced at Ye Xi. They glanced behind Ling Qingyu and stared at the mountain path.

The sound of the car engine came from the other side of the mountain path. It was already a curve here, but the engine showed no sign of slowing down.