Phoenix Descends – Queen with a Thousand Pets

Chapter 754

It was already late when she got down to the stockade. This time, Ling Qingyu insisted on climbing up and down by herself. As a result, she couldn\'t move her feet, just like Hua and Zhou Ziqing.

He collapsed when he returned to the room.

Night soul mashed the collected herbs into a kind of mud that can cure pain given by people in the stockade, made it into medicinal mud, applied it to her, and sent the rest to Hua Dong several people to make it by themselves.

The legs covered with medicinal mud were put on the chair. Ling Qingyu sat on the bed, leaning against He Li\'s thick chest behind him, enjoying the comfort of his thick and powerful fingers pressing on the acupoints on his shoulders and waist, and his mouth was humming softly.

"He Li, yesterday..." after humming a few times, Ling Qingyu whispered that the officers and soldiers at the checkpoint may not be able to see ye Xi\'s action clearly, but Yang Zhao\'s action is traceable. Although he said he helped them, they actually took a gun and ran away like this

"Well, it\'s okay." He Li rubbed her shoulder and said with a smile. After holding it for two days, he couldn\'t help asking.

"Nothing?" Ling Qingyu turned back in surprise.

He Li leaned her against the pillow and said, "I\'ll fetch water and take a bath in the room."

"He Li!" Ling Qingyu called.

He Li stood by the door for a while, put his hand on the door frame, and looked back and said, "don\'t worry, it\'s really all right."

Seeing that she looked a little dignified, he Li laughed and said, "didn\'t we help those people in Macao? Someone had a good relationship with the National Security Bureau and gave us a pass and a gun permit. They would think we were from the National Security Bureau, so it would be fine. Besides, we are also chivalrous?"

"Who?" Ling Qingyu asked unconsciously.

"Well, it\'s a friend. If you want to see him, you can meet him sometime." He Li smiled faintly.

Looking at his look, Ling Qingyu suddenly didn\'t want to ask any questions. Zhan Yan smiled and said, "the water should be hotter ~"

"OK." He Li responded with a sound, turned around and walked out of the door.

When lying on the bed, Ling Qingyu sighed softly, friends... When they were there, their friends were a large group, but after they came, she was the only one

The cottage is simple, the bathroom is public, and the hot water is very small. Men don\'t care. They can flush it with cold water, but women have some trouble.

Fortunately, there was wood in the mountains, and there were no bathrooms. There were good wooden barrels. Su Mu had a sweet face. After only saying a word, he borrowed two wooden barrels, one for Ling Qingyu and the other for the three of them. Then he burned a large pot of hot water.

It means to fetch water. In fact, Yan San has placed the hot water at the door and leaned against the door. Hearing Ling Qingyu\'s sigh inside, he Li\'s heart is quite mixed.

To tell the truth, for Lu Yao, he does have some entanglements. The world here is completely different from before. Even if he desperately absorbs knowledge, he still has no bottom in his heart. But Lu Yao is different. He accepted all the memories and skills of the original owner. After mastering them, he not only has a much deeper understanding of the world than them, but also has wealth and power.

In the last two years over there, he was no longer in good health, but the men around her who could wholeheartedly support her and love her and wouldn\'t care about anything died one by one. After even Ying shisan died, he was actually a little uneasy in his heart. After mu Guiyun\'s death, he also began to feel uneasy about Li Yan, and he was even more afraid that after his death, those generals with heavy soldiers couldn\'t control her. People\'s hearts were the most unpredictable, and being able to share hardships may not be able to share happiness, In front of great power, love and persistence are easily broken.

He thought that Meng Su and Ying shisan were there, and even if he died, he could support her, but those two guys actually died in front of him. After the capture of Jinling, he had a severe attack. In the pain, what he was afraid of was not that he might die soon, but what she did

Zhao Yinfeng\'s subordinates are inherently unstable. He was born in an aristocratic family and was nurtured by ambition and trickery since childhood. Even if he didn\'t have that idea, his subordinates would force him to fight and rob. Ye Xi is still too young, and his behavior is too extreme, which is easy to be used by others. People who are too young and have no mind will be more difficult to say in the future.

There was no one. At that time, he couldn\'t find anyone to replace him to protect her, which made him feel more panic in the severe pain.

At that time, he deeply knew the pain that no one entrusted.

auzw. As Yan San said, they are all invincible when combined. Www. 68mn.

However, let Lu Yao enter her heart like this.

How do you think, or suffocate!

He Li decided not to think about it. Anyway, there were Yan San and Yang Zhao when the sky fell, and Zhao Yinfeng was even bigger when things got worse.

After carrying water in, Ling Qingyu was thinking outside for a while, and she had already narrowed her eyes and slept in the past.

Looking at her like that, he Li couldn\'t help smiling. After pouring the water, carefully take off her clothes for her, peel off the hard drug mud on her legs, and put her in the bucket.

The bucket is of good quality, but it\'s a pity that it\'s not big enough. It\'s just enough for her to sit in alone.

He Li sighed with regret, picked up a towel and wiped her body carefully. Compared with the body in his memory, this body was white and soft, and there was no scar flower on his chest that made him feel sad every time he saw it. Although there was no crazy snake pill in this body now, it made him more excited.

Because of her no longer sad smile, because she no longer hides and is no longer reluctant to give love and care, because now she is really holding him in her heart and in the palm of her hand.

Because this time, he doesn\'t have to worry about not letting her invest too much emotion because he can\'t live long.

He can love her well, love her and spend his life together.

Well, it\'s good to spoil a pig

"He li..." the blister was comfortable, and the wiping action was just right, which made Ling Qingyu call out vaguely.

"I am." Wrap her in a towel, he Li picked her up from the water, wiped her carefully, and put her directly into the quilt.

Well, it\'s comfortable to hold a white, tender, soft and fragrant body. Clothes are a burden~

"He li..."

"Well, I\'m ~" will be stuffed by the corner for her, he Li chuckled, "wait a minute, I\'ll clean up, good ~"

"He Li ~" the ending tone was a little upturned, and there was a coquettish reluctance in the voice. He Li couldn\'t, took off his shirt and trousers, got into the quilt, held her in his arms, and let her face stick to his bare chest.

Listening to the heartbeat, the strong heartbeat, and the familiar masculinity, Ling Qingyu just fell asleep.

With a finger on her lips, he Li whispered, "I also said that others\' test was not accurate..." there was a problem in the test. I couldn\'t sleep alone. The childishness of the answer was increased by 5%. At that time, she lied, saying that she was a self-improvement and self-supporting woman, and could definitely sleep by herself.

However, Yan San has already trained her to rely on her when she sleeps. Later, she can\'t sleep without living people. After 20 years, even if she used to be a woman, she can\'t get up now

Besides, they like her childish expression very much.

Naturally, she will not be given the opportunity to verify herself.

After cleaning up the room, he Li also moved out the bucket. He Li took a cold shower first. When he returned to the door, he Li paused and said, "she asked about yesterday."

Yan San raised her eyebrows slightly, lowered her eyes and made no sound.

"But I didn\'t ask." After he Li finished speaking, he opened the door and went in. Seeing that the door was closed, he took off his clothes, slipped into the quilt barely, held the man in his arms, lightly printed a kiss on her forehead, and sighed with satisfaction.