Phoenix Descends – Queen with a Thousand Pets

Chapter 756

As soon as shadow thirteen put his things, he and shadow nine came forward slightly and guarded the place where their car parked.

Not long after arriving, I saw an Audi coming from the other side of the mountain at a very fast speed, making a gorgeous turn

Then he rushed towards the river at the turning.

The car was so fast that it rushed directly onto the small stone pier used as a guardrail on the roadside. The car bounced up, leaped over a large and beautiful arc, and rushed straight into the river from the narrowest and deepest place in the bay.

Without Ling Qingyu shouting, he caught the short sword thrown by Yan San in the air, and Yelu and ye Xi turned back and jumped into the river.

At the moment when the car flew out, Lu Feng woke up and was sleepy.

The car leaped in the air, and the scenery on both sides was extraordinarily beautiful. Lu Feng no longer had a trace of admiration, but he was numb. As the car fell into the river, the clear water came to his face, and the high-speed car collided with the torrent, sending out a huge sound and impact.

Under the impact of the impact force, Lu Feng\'s head suddenly burst, and fear surged up.


The river was very deep, and the speed of the car was too fast. It plunged directly into the water, and the surrounding area became dark. From the window, you could see the frightened fish scurrying around. Before long, the water flooded in from everywhere.

Lu Feng stopped his frightened cry and looked at the water coming up. Suddenly, many pictures flashed in his brain. In fact, the wife who was divorcing had such sweet and romantic days. The parents who had never gone back to see them loved themselves so much when they were children, and their friends who had not been in touch for many years had been happy together in the past that he had forgotten

People say that when people are dying, things of this life will flash in their minds. At that moment, Lu Feng also flashed all his experiences in the past 45 years.

In the end, what smiled in front of him was his wife\'s yellow face, not the woman he had recently loved so much that he risked his life for her.

No, it\'s not my wife\'s face. How can my wife be so beautiful?

Rubbing his eyes, he looked out of the window and knocked on the window to signal the man to untie his seat belt. LV Feng suddenly recovered. There was someone in the water!

Ye Xi knocked impatiently on the window to ask him to untie the seat belt. It would be very troublesome to drag him before he opened the door. Seeing that he finally came to his senses, he opened the seat belt. With all his strength in his hand, the short sword stabbed into the door with great force, and with a strong stroke, he pulled the gap with both hands to tear it open, and then pulled LV Feng out with a smooth pull.

The door cracked, water poured in, and the car sank directly under the water.

Pulling LV Feng, ye Xi went up the bank, close to the bank, pushed LV Feng to the top of the water, swam up by himself, and Ying Jiuzheng picked him up on the bank with his clothes.

Night spirit pulled LV Feng\'s hand and dragged him ashore. The stones on the ground were sharp and stabbing, and it was really painful to be dragged on the ground. Night spirit dragged it so rude that LV Feng was worn out in two places.

Lying on the ground looking at the blue sky and white clouds for a long time, the pain on his body really woke him up, and Lu Feng suddenly shouted, "my suitcase, my suitcase! The suitcase in the trunk, that\'s all my property!"

Night soul glanced at him and turned to walk to the river.

"Soul!" Ling Qingyu called out and said, "we are in a hurry." Such a person, save it, there is no need to bother for him.

auzw. Ye soul smiled at her and said, "it\'s OK, it\'ll be right away." With that, he jumped into the river.

The car had sunk to the bottom of the water, and the huge pressure made the trunk closed to death. Yelu tried twice. If he insisted on opening it, it took too much effort, so he also learned from ye Xi. He poured internal force into his hand, stabbed it with a sword, cut a big hole, and then tore it apart.

There are two silver boxes in the trunk of the car. After the water rushed in, a faint white overflowed from the side of the box.

Yelu frowned, lifted the box, and walked to the bank from the bottom of the water.

Instead of going to LV Feng, he swam up and landed at the place where ye Xi landed.

"What?" Seeing him coming up, ye Xi asked with two boxes in his hand.

"You call Lu Yao and ask him to come and see what this is? Let\'s go first." Night spirit put the box on the ground, wiped a handful of white thick stuff from the mouth of the box and showed it to him. Then he stretched out his hand to wash it in the water, and then took the clothes on Ying Jiu\'s hand and walked to the picnic place while changing.

"What is it?" Shadow nine looked at Ye Xi\'s face and asked.

"Do you remember brother Lu saying that there is something we can\'t touch at the border?" Ye Xi asked Ying Jiu for his mobile phone (in his coat) and called Lu Yao directly.

Shadow nine glanced at the two boxes, took away the wet clothes and swept to the picnic.

Seeing that ye soul came down from the upstream without taking anything in his hand, Yan San directly pulled Ling Qingyu and left.

"My suitcase! All my property!" After climbing up from the ground, Lu Feng couldn\'t help sighing at the river, and his face was more pale than when he just came up from the water.

Tao Zhuo pulled Zhou Ziqing for a moment and followed the troops to the car. Such a person didn\'t say thank you after being saved. The river was fast flowing. Looking at the depth of the car, he knew it was not shallow. How dangerous it was to go on like this, and he was only worried about his box.

Such people, in fact, really do not need to be saved.

Brother Ye is kind enough to help people wherever he goes,

Yan Qi put his finger on the back of LV Feng\'s neck, and LV Feng\'s head drooped and fainted on the stone. Yan Qi kindly straightened him up, put him face up, and asked Ye soul, "is there a problem?"

"It\'s installed in the back of the car. I\'m afraid it\'s that kind of thing." Night soul nodded.

"Leave it to Lu Yao. Let\'s go. We have to hurry today."

Lu Yao was sitting on the roof, looking at the beach with a high-power telescope. His car stopped a little away from the bend of the picnic, at another corner, but he could clearly see the movement over there. He could clearly see the process of the car falling down.

"Well, you go, I\'ll deal with it." Put down the phone and watched the off-road vehicles over there drive on the road, leaving only a man who didn\'t care about himself on the beach, and even the garbage was cleared away. Lu Yao smiled and jumped off the roof, getting on the car to start the engine and calling Cheng Cheng at the same time.

Ye Xi\'s intuition has never been wrong. His sense of smell and taste are far higher than ordinary people, so he specially let him have a good look at the types of drugs. He said yes, it must not be wrong.

Two boxes

This is not a batch of decimals.