Perfect Supreme

Chapter 4927

Others are also disdainful, like the god of aloof and remote, watching the mouse in the sewer!

These words are very difficult to listen to, causing Bai Yu to raise consciousness is somewhat unbearable, but, in the thought of his own experience, he also inexplicably raised a sense of happiness!

For him, if he doesn’t know Lin Ling, Lin Ling takes action on him, he will not be so resentful. However, he really regards Lin Ling as a good friend, and his girlfriend’s betrayal is unacceptable!

“Lin Ling, tell them soon, this is a misunderstanding!”

At the end of the wind, Lin Ling’s heartache, those words are like a handle dagger, stabbed in her heart, so she is also anxious!

However, Lin Ling’s expression is very calm, his eyes sweeping all the ugly faces, and he is strange that he can’t afford any anger!

First, these people are friends at the end of the wind!

Second, these people are just the stage of the Holy Universe, like the ants!

Who will care about the ants?

He Lin Ling great war Three great protoss, who can enter his eyes except the god of the universe?

Of course, although he didn’t care, he was also impatient. In the end, his eyes fell on Bai Yusheng, and he sighed in his heart. He didn’t expect Bai Yusheng to misunderstand himself. He wanted to explain it, but he thought about it. !

He received the trust from the Master, helped Bai Yu to rise once, and the entrustment was completed. Maybe in the future, Bai Yusheng is already the Master’s discipline. At that time, any misunderstanding has long been eliminated!

And if Bai Yusheng is not qualified to be the Master’s discipline, then life may not be able to see Bai Yusheng again!

Now, misunderstanding will be misunderstood!

“I have nothing to say, the end of the wind, this tower is not easy to go, you are careful, I am gone!”

Lin Ling turned and left, the Senior Sister and the twelve wings of the sun god are not in the small town, plus Bai Yusheng has woke up, and it is useless to stay!

“Lin Ling !”

Looking at Lin Ling turned and left, the end of the wind felt heartbreaking, this is an apology suppressed in the heart, can not say for a long time!

She knew that she had hurt Lin Ling’s heart again!

Unfortunately, she did not know, Lin Ling did not care about these, as if in the chaos world, even if everyone misunderstood him, he did not care, after all, the water meets!

At the end of the wind, I want to catch up with Lin Ling and let Lin Ling not go, but in the end, she is hard to take a step!

Because she doesn’t know what identity to use to leave Lin Ling, after all, they have lifted the relationship!

“This is going to go, dirty mouse!”

Jade Senior Brother frowned, originally, he wanted to see Lin Ling for mercy, even with a smile, but Lin Ling’s reaction was too dull, as if they were a group of children, children are playing, Lord will care!

This feeling makes him very uncomfortable, a bloodline is not right, there is a fart qualification to be proud!

“Jade Senior Brother!”

Others also turned black and they noticed the emotion of Lin Ling.

“Give me a stay!”

The Jade Senior Brother stepped into a powerful imposing manner and suppressed Lin Ling!

He is the Holy Stage cosmic giant Late Stage, and from the chaos of the gods, he believes that a small tower of God, only backhand!

Do not say anything else, in the cultivation of the gods, although the slaughter is not crazy, but the strength of the promotion is extremely powerful!

“It’s just the Holy Stage of the Holy Universe. Realm is definitely unstable, and its strength is exaggerated. It can be the opponent of the Jade Senior Brother. The Jade Senior Brother is the invincible existence of the Holy Universe!”

Seeing the Jade Senior Brother take action, everyone else was happy and looked forward to seeing Lin Ling’s scene.

鈥淟in Ling 锛屽皬蹇冿紒鈥

At the end of the wind, the central government shouted anxiously because she knew the strength of the Jade Senior Brother!


In the front, Lin Ling is still moving forward, not even turning back, but a gentle sentence is like Huang’s Heaven’s Might!

A powerful imposing manner, mixed with Soul Force, the force of the fleshly body, the majesty of the power of God, hiding the sky and covering the earth, the jade of the Senior Brother, only the jade Senior Brother is just one step, the second step Next, he seems to be suppressed by the endless mountains, and the pace is hard to step out!

Cold sweat is arrogant at this moment, in a short moment, he seems to be great war for centuries!

This feeling is like fighting against the gods of the gods!

“How can it be!”

He was shouted in a low voice, and his whole body shivered like a fever. He slammed down and squatted on the floor. He was still shaking all over the body, extremely funny!

The scene is suddenly dead!

A scrolling word, the noble god from the chaos world is being smashed, this is too fast!

Everyone feels cold in the heart, especially the jade Senior Brother. His sweat is like a rain, just like walking on the cliff of death. At this moment, he finally knows how strong Lin Ling is!

Ironically, he used to think that Lin Ling was a rat in the sewer. The strength is dirty and the realm is exaggerated!

But now it seems that he is not as good as the mouse in the sewer, can only say that it is!

Lin Ling gradually went further and further, leaving a group of people to face each other!

At this time, an exclamation came: “Yu Sheng, you woke up!”

I saw a beautiful woman on the back road, and the expression was full of surprises.

When Bai Yusheng heard the familiar voice, he shuddered and turned slowly. Then he saw a silhouette of a yearn for something even in one’s dreams. He suddenly thundered!

“Hey, hey!”

His voice was shaking and he didn’t seem to believe his eyes!

Why, what will happen here? Was she not caught by the three Protoss?

Under the subconscious, Bai Yu rose to the past, then hugged white clothed female, I am afraid that all this is Illusory Realm, will disappear at any time!

And white clothed female is also very happy, clinging to Bai Yusheng, I am afraid that he will lose him again!

“You finally woke up!”

“Hey, how are you here, and, how can I be here, the three Protoss? What happened?”

“Don’t worry, I know that there are so many mysteries in your heart, I will tell you, right, have you seen Lin Ling them?”

“Lin Ling, you know Lin Ling? I saw it, I took him away!”

The two were talking, but after the white feathers were finished, the face of the cockroach changed obviously, looked towards white feathers, frowning: “You take Lin Ling? Why?”

“Hey, that small person, the face of me as a friend, is actually the running dog of the three Protoss. When I was in the volcano city, I saw him join the Nine Snails. I definitely wanted to annihilate me. At that time, because of my kindness, So there is no put aside all considerations of face!”

“But, since I was encircling to kill by countless gods, I have completely figured it out. There is no principle in this universe. Some are just interests, so I used to smash it and he was stopped, very happy!”

Bai Yusheng excitedly said with a smile, thinking of the previous things, he still feels exhausted!

But he didn’t see it. The cockroach in front of him shuddered and his face was dark. She bit her teeth and finally slap on the face of Bai Yusheng!

“You, confused!”


The crisp applause, undoubtedly hit the white feathers confused!