Perfect Supreme

Chapter 4928

“Hey, what do you mean by this?”

Bai Yu raised his cheek, expression is unbelievable, his favorite woman hit him? For Lin Ling, hit him?

“Bai Yusheng, I always thought that you are a man. I didn’t expect you to be so confused. You may have thought about why you are here, why I am here again, why, you have been chased by the three Protoss, It can be safe now!”

姮娥coldly said.

When Bai Yu raised his face, he frowned. This question, he has always been very confused.

“It’s Lin Ling!”

He said again: “You said that Lin Ling betrayed you. You know, when we were caught by the three Protoss, Lin Ling secretly saved us. Even he abandoned his life and death and was surrounded by the volcano. Finally face the three protoss!”


Bai Yusheng exploded!

The end of the wind is also a whole body, Lin Ling, did not sell the man?

“The battle, Lin Ling great war, the three protoss, almost died, and ultimately relying on the help of Qing Shuang Senior Sister, he survived!”

“White feathers rise, before you laugh at others, you can think about it, others just meet you, but they are willing to fight for you, do you have a face to laugh at others?”

“We can reunite, look at the help of Lin Ling, we can no longer kill in the 5th Layer, but also look at Lin Ling, because Lin Ling and the green bamboo elder sister will kill the three major protoss of 5th Layer!”

姮娥clenching one’s teeth said, in the end, she is even more excited, the scorpion is moist!

Bai Yusheng is like a thunder!

Lin Ling, who was the great benefactor who saved him, is the great benefactor to reunite their husband and wife!

And he, not only did not thank Lin Ling, but fell to the bottom of Lin Ling!

Pā pā pa!

Thinking of this, he gave himself a slap, himself, really not a person!

“Fast, find Lin Ling, apologize, Lin Ling big brother is not petty, he will forgive you!”

Hey, he is busy.

The tears that Bai Yusheng has touched can’t stop flowing. It turns out that this ruthless universe is a friend who has a principled person. He is wrong!

He took a hurry and went looking for Lin Ling!

At the end of the wind, the central government witnessed this scene, and she couldn’t help it anymore. She ignored her senior and junior brothers and went looking for Lin Ling!

The only people left behind, one by one, are silent. After learning about Bai Yusheng, they feel that they are extremely dirty at this moment. They can’t compare with Lin Ling noble!

On the other hand, Lin Ling went on his own, and he didn’t care about what happened before.

Instead, he is informing the twelve wings of the Yang God and the Green Bamboo Senior Sister!

“Lin Ling, you are back!”

The first thing that responded to Lin Ling was the twelve sacred gods. They made an appointment to meet each other. However, when she waited for the senior Sister, she seemed to be delayed!

Lin Ling is very confused, I don’t know what happened to Senior Sister!

They rushed to the place where Senior Sister was going. After a long time, under a magnificent mountain, powerful forces were hitting, flying sand running stone, two silhouettes in the huge mask!

One of them is Qingzhu, and the other is an acquaintance. It is the Young Master!

Their previous battle was interrupted, and now they meet again, naturally no one will admit defeat!

“How long have they been great war, it seems that time is not short!”

Twelve Yiyang gods frowned.

“It seems that they have to give up a high level, but I have the feeling that neither of them has a bursting trump card!” Lin Ling said.

The two watched so quietly, and did not know how long it took, a loud laugh came out: “Worthy is green bamboo, this strength is stronger than me!”

“Ming Young Master, you are very good!”

The crisp sound also floated out of the green bamboo mouth.

“I see this, the great war between us, it is estimated that there is no victory for more than ten years, this battle is temporarily stopped!”

Young master indifferently said, then looked towards towards green bamboo, and Qingzhu also noticed Lin Ling their arrival, eventually nodded!

The two looked at each other and reportedly, and after the third end, they regained their strength and retreated in the same way!

After all, their power is too strong. If one party does not regain strength, the other party must be injured!

The reason why Green Bamboo dares to recruit, mainly Lin Ling is here, even if something happens, Lin Ling will take care of themselves!

“Hahaha, Lin Ling, we met again!”

After the Young Master retreated, he looked at Lin Ling laughed.

“Ming Young Master!”

Lin Ling made a greeting.

“I see the strength of all three of you are good, are you interested in going to 6th Layer? 6th Layer is the world of the Protoss, the god of the ordinary is very difficult to go there, and I know that there is a treasure in one place, but only the people. The Protoss occupied it, but if we four people join hands, it might not be possible to get a piece of it!” The Young Master suddenly said with a smile.

Lin Ling Several people suddenly look at each other and analyze the authenticity of this news!

After all, the Young Master is mysterious, and there are not many meetings. It is normal to be cautious about him!

“Don’t worry, I have a lot of opponents in Young Master. I don’t miss a few of you. I don’t want to do it for you. What’s more, really isn’t everyone can be invited by me, at least have a certain strength, you one is It is a powerful god from the chaos world. One is the world’s will, and the other is the leader of the Sun God family. They all meet my requirements!” Young Master said with a smile.

“What treasure is it?”

Asked the green bamboo.

“6th Layer has 18 Longshan Mountains and has a dragon stone that is not weaker than Chaos Stone. This kind of treasure is rarer than Destiny. It is very suitable for our cultivation. You should also know that Destiny of 5th Layer has limitations, and a lot of refining is too much. Destiny will dissipate, the effect will be weaker than once, and you want to increase your strength again, relying only on something more valuable than Destiny!” Young Master.

“Lin Ling, what do you think?”

Qingzhu suddenly looked towards Lin Ling, and Lin Ling thought, I think the words of Young Master are correct. Now they are also comparable to 5th Layer. Destiny is not very helpful, so it is better to move forward!

“Okay, we promised!”

Green bamboo nodded.

“I know that you will agree. After all, you are no more than ordinary gods. Ordinary gods will only stick to the rules, thinking that staying in the safer 5th Layer, the strength can be slowly improved, completely do not know the higher level of the tower. The strength can be improved faster, and after a long time, the gap between them and others is even greater!”

Young Master smiles.

“Wait, I have a few friends who are coming, wait for them!”

Lin Ling suddenly noticed something and immediately suggested.

“Alright, however, their strength must be strong. If they are too weak, they can only become a burden. I have explained in advance that whoever broke the good things of everyone, I will not forgive him!” Young Master is still with a smile But the voice is a touch of coldness.

“Reassure, since they can come to the 5th Layer, their strength is definitely not weak, right, they are also the world’s will!”

Lin Ling gave the Young Master a promise, and the Young Master heard that it was the world’s will, and he relaxed the conditions. After all, the world’s willing body is a heavenly defying existence, and the strength is bound to be weak!