Perfect Supreme

Chapter 4926

Lin Ling did not intend to explain anything after leaving the chaotic world, and at the beginning of the chaos, the wind has always been misunderstanding himself, so no big deal!

Unfortunately, he did not know that the wind has already knew everything!

“Yes, Lin Ling is a small person!”

But at this time, a thick voice suddenly came, only to see that there was a silhouette in front of it, and it was a white feather that rose!

After Bai Yusheng saw Lin Ling, expression was extremely indifferent and even disgusted. He just woke up and didn’t know what happened. He just remembered that Lin Ling joined the Nine Spiders and was one of them. !

He and Lin Ling are friends, but Lin Ling betrayed him, which makes him extremely annoying Lin Ling!

“This lord, what do you mean by this?”

Seeing the white feathers rising, the jade Senior Brother was curious.

Jade Senior Brother is Yulin Real, from Kunlun Yuqingjing, one of the chaotic circles, and he was born in the chaos world, has not experienced any world will Great Tribulation, but is a descendant of the gods, but even so Because he was born in the most powerful generation, he is cultivation very fast!

Therefore, in his heart, he has always looked down on the gods of the Taoist tower. He thinks that people from the chaotic world are the real gods!

The gods in the Tao are just the next three streams, the bloodline impure gods!

And he knows the origins of the end of the wind, is also a descendant of the gods, most important, such a noble Priestess, actually associated with a Taoist god, he is naturally uncomfortable!

“It must be a misunderstanding, this is not the case!”

The end of the wind suddenly said, originally, she is very good to see Lin Ling again, but Lin Ling’s cold attitude makes her very unhappy, watched her as if looking at strangers.

Therefore, she did not speak to Lin Ling before!

But she still knows that Lin Ling really isn’t such a person, she owes Lin Ling an apology!

Anyway, she feels that no one can say Lin Ling!

“Wind Junior Sister?”

Jade Senior Brother accidentally looked at the end of the wind, the end of the wind to actively defend this man?

“Wind Junior Sister, you don’t want to be fooled by these dirty gods. People who are not in the chaos are not proud of their temper, blood is dirty!” Jade Senior Brother frowned.

Listening to this, Lin Ling complexion sank, he had seen friends at the end of the wind, so he also said hello, but this person is very rude!

“No, no!”

The end of the wind is still explaining.

“Wind Junior Sister, listen to the Jade Senior Brother, he has been in the tower for a long time, knowing that the tower’s gods, mostly the sewer mice, are really dirty!”

“Yes, you see that he is only the Holy Stage of the Holy Universe. The strength is definitely not strong. For more treasure cultivation, this is naturally a lie!”

“In any case, I think the god of Daota, because of the humble origins, the temper is not very good, and the gods of the chaos world, mostly clean and self-satisfied, noble and noble, will not do anything ugly!”

Others have also said one after another, watched Lin Ling, the scorpion is full of disdain.

At the end of the wind, I was in a hurry, but it was useless to explain. When people saw her young, they thought she didn’t know much and was deceived by Lin Ling!

The Senior Sisters who followed the end of the wind, they also defended Lin Ling, but no one listened to them!

“This lord, it’s still for you!”

The jade Senior Brother looked at Lin Ling with contempt, and said to Bai Yusheng.

Since their words are not convincing, it is best to export this god!

Bai Yusheng still looked at Lin Ling, and he couldn’t bear it. After all, he and Lin Ling knew each other and they were tempered. But when they thought of the battle of the volcano city, countless gods besieged him so that he could only see him. The favorite woman, but can’t get close!

At this moment, his heart is cold!

In his opinion, among those who besieged him, there must be Lin Ling!

Of course, he didn’t think much about why he appeared here. After all, he just walked up and walked freely, and then he saw Lin Ling!

“I saw him as a friend, but a friend!”

Bai Yusheng looked coldly at Lin Ling and vented his dissatisfaction and anger against the three Protoss on Lin Ling. It was as if Lin Ling was their accomplice and the three protoss!

“I thought that he was my only friend in the Taoist Tower. Our friendship will last forever. Unfortunately, the treasure is touching, and the best friendship will also be overturned under the interests. When I was besieged, Instead of helping me, he joined the enemy camp. Lin Ling, I ask you, have you joined the Nine Snails!”

Bai Yusheng said that the louder, and Lin Ling looked at him faintly, did not speak.

“Good demeaning, the strength of this holy universe giant, estimated by the betrayal of friends, I really want to teach him a point!”

“No, it’s a pity, even if it is a holy giant of the universe, it is not our opponent. It is not strong by the means of the next three methods.”

“Ask you, answer!”

All around’s gods sneer and sneer, completely look down on Lin Ling, it seems to see a liar, no matter how to lie, how to improve the strength, but still a liar, that strength is still so weak!

Lin Ling ignored everyone, still looked at Bai Yusheng, and finally nodded: “Yes, I did join the Nine Snails!”

When this came out, Bai Yusheng heart trembled, although he saw Lin Ling join the Nine Snails, but he would like to hear Lin Ling say that it was his eyes, Lin Ling did not join the Nine Snails!

Unfortunately, Lin Ling’s answer broke the illusion of his heart!

Lin Ling, she sold out him!

“Lin Ling, you are very good!”

Bai Yusheng smiled miserably, and it was rare to meet like-minded friends. The result was like this. It seems that he can’t have friends at all!

“This lord, you mean that he is your friend, because you are greedy for your treasure, so take action on you and encircle you with others?”

The jade Senior Brother sneered, asked, then saw Bai Yusheng nodded, he laughed heartily said: “Wind Junior Sister, have you seen it, this person is from Dota, the temper is so dirty, you have to take your eyes Know people!”

“No, no, he is not such a person!”

At the end of the wind, she was constantly shaking her head. She once misunderstood Lin Ling. This time, she did not believe that Lin Ling was such a person!

Of course, she personally believes that it is useless, she is most afraid that Lin Ling is misunderstanding her!

“Wind Junior Sister, you, the temper is kindness, you don’t know how hard the road is, the gods here are going to be stronger, what means will be used, murdering to seize the treasures, scamming, he and you Come together, it must be greedy for your treasure!”

“It’s a pity that the dirty is still dirty. I don’t know at all. The improvement of strength is on my own. By illegitimate means, the eternal heart has also been affected. Now it is only the Holy Stage of the Holy Universe. It is proof!”

“This strength is as humble as a temper!”

Jade Senior Brother keeps saying, the more you say, the more you look down on Lin Ling!