People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 138: If you want to steal my money, there is no way!

The scene was a little quiet for a while, and everyone had the same question in their hearts.

what\'s going on?

Speaking of which, Taotu himself was a little confused at this time, why did he act so hot in his head?

How to explain it now?

No, even if you can\'t explain it, you have to force it.

Slowly put Jin Kunluo into the sheath, and turned to look at Li Yan, who was also a little stunned.

"Are you okay, I just found out that he was going to attack you?"


Looking at Taotu, who seemed to have a concerned expression on his face, Li Yan was even more stunned.

Garfield is going to attack me?

Is this really a joke?

That guy only had one breath left, he couldn\'t even lift his fingers, and he was shrouded in his own knowledge.

Why didn\'t I see that he was just about to attack me?

With the slightest suspicion in his eyes, Li Yan looked at Peach Rabbit, and then caught it very keenly. Peach Rabbit\'s eyes dodged for a moment.

What the **** is this woman doing?

Forget it, leave her alone, the matter is over anyway.

Besides, it doesn\'t matter whether it\'s just to cut down a pirate who has only half a breath left, it doesn\'t matter whether he swallows half a breath or Taotu makes up for the knife.

Anyway, before Taotu made up the knife, he had already obtained the merit points for defeating Garfield.

Sighing slightly, Li Yan thought so, and then ordered the navy to collect the property on the ships of those pirates.


Ten minutes later, the west coast of Horqin Island.

The sailors are from those pirate ships, carrying boxes one by one to register and gather.

Li Yan returned to the warship to drink tea with a smile.


"Major General!"

Just then, Vaughan trotted over, saluting and shouting.

"what\'s up?"

"Report Major General, 380 million Baileys in cash were found on the Blood Wolf Pirates, and there are also a lot of other property, worth at least 500 million Baileys!"

"Well, it seems that the Blood Wolf Pirates have done a lot of bad things."

Nodding, Li Yan said.

This is a pirate who never knew what production is. So, where did this huge finance come from?

The answer is simple

Grab it!

As for who robbed?

Either the merchant ships encountered at sea, or the civilians, in short, the probability of being a navy or a pirate is extremely small.

However, Li Yan found out that Vaughn was still standing by the side and didn\'t leave, with a twisted look on his face, as if he had something to say?

"What else?"


"Don\'t say anything you don\'t want to say!"

"No, no, Major General. Regarding the property of the Blood Wolf Pirates, Lieutenant General Taotu detained them all because she was the one who killed the Blood Wolf Garfield."


Hearing Vaughn\'s words, Li Yan almost spit out the tea he just drank.

That\'s what happened.

what do i say

Why did she have to make up for a knife before Garfield died? It\'s been like this for a long time!

This woman is really stupid enough to think of such a shameless method.

But it\'s alright

Anyway, she asked for this money just to let me refit the warship. The refit fee is not as much as she said.

At that time, just give her more and let her spit out the money with interest.

Hehe, if you want to steal my money, there is no way!

"This major general, what are we going to do with it?"

"Don\'t worry, she will give it to her if she wants!"


"Ah what, hurry up to work, finish the aftermath work as soon as possible, and let\'s set sail earlier!"

"Yes, Major General!"

Although I was a little confused, I didn\'t understand why my major general admitted his defeat without even resisting, but after all, this is a problem between the officers. .

"Major General, there is a group of pirates approaching, and one of them is still very strong!"

Just when Li Yan was about to continue drinking tea, Nuo Qigao, who had been standing behind him, suddenly spoke up.

"The little girl\'s sight is very impressive, and the range that she can cover is almost no worse than that of the old man!"

Li Yan hadn\'t spoken yet, but the smile on the side was the first to speak.

He was really surprised. Although his sight was not at the peak, he was already at the top. He was just aware of this distance, but Nuoqigao noticed it too.

This shows what?

It shows that this little girl\'s knowledge and knowledge are almost no worse than her own!

"Mr. Yixiao is too modest. Nuoqigao is because the thunder fruit has a bonus effect on seeing and hearing, so her coverage is much farther than that of the same level."

"If you really want to say it, Nuoqigao\'s knowledge is actually not even at the intermediate level!"

Hearing this, the smile was also a little stunned.

Does the Thunder Fruit have this function?

Well, after all, the thundering fruit has not appeared in the sea for hundreds of years. Apart from some ancient records, most of them are actually very unfamiliar with this natural fruit, which is said to be the most aggressive.

After explaining a little to Yixiao, Li Yan stood up and looked in the direction Nuo Qigao said. Sure enough, there was a ship heading towards him from a few kilometers away.

However, the pirate flag was not hoisted on this ship, but Li Yan would not question Nuo Qigao\'s words.

After all, the pirate flag may not be hoisted, but the people on board cannot escape Nuoqigao\'s inspection.

Picking up the binoculars, Li Yan looked towards the other party\'s boat, and then frowned slightly.

"How could it be this guy?"

"Li Yan, do you know who it is?"

"Well, one of the top cadres of Doflamingo\'s Shichibukai, Diamanti!"


After hearing Li Yan\'s words, Yi Xiao\'s face changed slightly.

After all, Qiwuhai has always been a deformed force in his heart. UU Reading

In the original work, one of the reasons why Yixiao joined the navy as a general was to ban Qibuhai.

It can be seen how much he hates seeing this force.

"By the way, Li Yan, I seem to have some clues about what the cadres of Qiwuhai are doing here."

"Mr. Smile mean?"

"Among the pirates who tried to **** the warship before, one of them claimed to be Doflamingo\'s subordinate, and even threatened Brother Vaughn to let him go!"

"Huo still has such a thing!"

"Li Yan, what are you going to do, let go?"

A grin grinned and asked with a smile.

Obviously, this question also has the intention of Li Yan to test the school.

After all, he and Li Yan had an agreement to observe what Li Yan did to finally decide whether to join the Donghai Eighteen Branch.

And Li Yan naturally understood that he was testing himself with a smile.

"Stop joking, attacking a naval warship and wanting me to release people, this is impossible!"

"What if the opponent forces a move?"

"That\'s right. Even the top cadre was arrested and sent back to the undersea prison. Even if this matter goes to the marshal\'s side, I\'m justified!"

Li Yan said with a look of disdain.

To tell the truth, he really hoped Diamanti would go crazy, so that he would have the opportunity, and more reason, to capture him directly or kill him.

After all, even Shichibukai is not allowed to attack the navy.

If in the end, Doflamingo could lead someone to attack the Eighteen Branch in order to save Diamanti, then that would be the case.

Even better!