People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 137: When the peach rabbit is shameless

"People are pirates, build the strongest naval branch (

The three cadres of the Blood Wolf Pirates, Kapo, Bed and Ebson, were all lying on the ground at this moment, two dead and one waste.

Most of the other ordinary cadres and pirate crew members also fell down when Li Yan\'s elite marines and Usopp and other snipers came up from time to time.

As for casualties, there are indeed many injuries, and there are still quite a few. After all, there are still several pirates with tens of millions of bounties among the other party\'s small cadres, but with Nuoqi watching over them, there is still no such death.

In short, now there are only Li Yan and Garfield left on the battlefield, and they are fighting more intensely.


[Ding, the host has gained 1% proficiency in seeing and seeing domineering, the current Lv.30 (0.00%)]

[Ding, the host has gained a proficiency of 0.02% in the domineering and domineering, the current Lv.30 (0.03%)]

[Ding, the host has obtained a proficiency of 0.03% in the domineering and domineering, the current Lv.30 (0.05%)]

Li Yan\'s mouth twitched slightly as the prompt sound kept ringing in his mind.

This has just been raised by 2 levels, and the improvement in proficiency has dropped so much.

Moreover, Luffy and the others have already done it, and I, the Governor of the East China Sea, still dragging their feet, which is indeed a bit outrageous.

"Blood Wolf Garfield, it seems that all your cadres have been killed."

"Hmph, a bunch of trash, as long as I get rid of you, I can naturally slaughter the rest!"

Garfield gritted his teeth.

He himself did not expect that in only four or five minutes, all three of Kapo were defeated. This situation...

However, as long as the major general in front of him can be dealt with, and the other navies are slaughtered before Taotu returns, then he will be able to retreat completely.

As for killing Taotu, forget about it this time. After all, the three core cadres have all died and the other, and if she is singled out, she can\'t be her opponent.

"White wolf fruit, werewolf mode!"

Thinking of this, Garfield also knew that he couldn\'t delay any longer, and with a low voice, his whole body began to change.

He was getting taller, his limbs became thicker, and even a lot of thick white hair grew all over his body, just like a werewolf in some of Li Yan\'s previous works.

Looking at Garfield\'s transformation, Li Yan also immediately understood that it was actually similar to Rob Lucci\'s transformation in the original book, which could greatly improve his strength, defense, and speed.

However, the ability of the white wolf fruit is obviously more diverse than the leopard man form of Rob Lucci.

After all, even if it becomes a werewolf, it does not affect its continued control of seven wolf cubs, so as to achieve the purpose of cooperating and covering itself during the battle.

"Death Bite!"

After the transformation was completed, grabbing a gap after the wolf cubs attacked, Garfield directly joined in, and launched his special move to Li Yan.

With the addition of the Devil Fruit, his bite force at the moment can reach nearly 2,000 kilograms, plus the two rows of terrifyingly sharp teeth after the transformation. It will definitely be torn off a large piece of meat.

At this moment, after Lin Fan avoided the attack of the other seven people, his body seemed to be stiff for a moment, and he couldn\'t make an immediate evasive action. Fei sensed an opportunity.

"If that\'s the case, then I\'ll take your left hand!"

The blood-colored mouth suddenly opened, and it directly bit down on Li Yan\'s left arm.


"Armed color, hardened!"

At this time, from the point of view of bystanders, it would be that Garfield bit Li Yan\'s left arm, which made them extremely worried.

But if you stand in front of Garfield, that is, Li Yan\'s position, you can clearly see Garfield\'s increasingly distorted face, and even the two rows of sharp teeth biting Li Yan\'s left hand. ...

It won\'t bite at all, will it?

Seriously, Garfield even felt like his teeth were about to be broken, as if he was going to be on an iron block.

"Flying Slash!"

Before Garfield could let go, Li Yan\'s right hand slashed straight out with a slash, slammed into his chest, and immediately sent Garfield flying out, even breaking two large trees. Tree.

Only then did everyone see that Li Yan\'s left hand, which was bitten by Garfield just now, was pitch black at the moment, and even emitted a metallic light.


"Finger gun!"


A black finger was inserted into the chest of one of the wolf cubs before everyone could react.

Immediately, Li Yan disappeared again.

Or pointing the gun, or slashing the foot, or slashing, and sometimes it is even an ordinary punch. In less than ten seconds, the seven pirates under Garfield\'s control were all lying on the ground.

This kind of pirate with a bounty of 50 million up and down, for today\'s Li Yan, there is no difficulty at all.

On the other side, in the gradually dissipating dust, Garfield\'s figure was gradually revealed.

Instead of the high-spirited look before, it was replaced by a look of decadence.

Sitting on the ground with his back against a broken tree, the bone-deep sword wound on his chest was particularly noticeable.

When he saw that all seven of his subordinates fell to the ground, not knowing whether they were alive or dead, his face became more and more desperate.

With such strength, why did he fight with him for so long, and he was suppressed by himself to the point that he could only dodge desperately, but could not fight back?

Why is the strength of such a person only a mere major general?

I\'m afraid that even if it doesn\'t reach the level of an elite lieutenant general, the worst is the top one among ordinary lieutenant generals...

"who are you?"

"Governor of the East China Sea, Li Yan!"

"Li Yan... was it you who killed Talos before?"

"Any questions?"

Hearing this, Li Yan raised his eyebrows.

"No problem, no problem, it\'s not easy for you to be a waste Talos with your strength!"

"It\'s me. I used to laugh at Talos being killed by an unknown navy in the East China I didn\'t expect that I would follow in his footsteps in a blink of an eye."

"Even... I didn\'t even stop you from getting serious!"

"This is so ridiculous, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha..."

Just after laughing a few times at himself, Garfield spit out another mouthful of blood, along with some internal organs that were completely shattered by the Sword Intent of Destruction.

It looks like there\'s not much time left.

At this moment, a figure flew over and landed directly on Li Yan\'s side.

"This is... the end?"

The person who came was none other than Taotu, who rushed to the warship at full speed just now, and then rushed back again at full speed.

Looking at the scene in front of her, she was in a bad mood!

What was your idea before?

Taking advantage of this visit to Horqin Island this time, kill a few more pirates, and then seize their property and use it for Li Yan to transform his warship?

But the result?

Running to the warship, those pirates were already cleaned up with a smile.

Well, then come back and kill the blood wolf Garfield, but the result was a beat later, and the blood wolf pirates were also cleaned up by Li Yan.

For a long time, I was running back and forth throughout the whole process, and I didn\'t get any benefits. I ran completely lonely!

Wait, this blood wolf is still alive, right?


If I make up a knife now, then this head should also be considered mine, right?

Immediately, he pushed Li Yan to the side and shouted to be careful, as if he found out that Garfield was going to sneak a shot.

Immediately, in the stunned eyes of everyone, Jin Piluo who was at his waist quickly shot out, and directly swung a pink piece of training, heading straight for Garfield, who could no longer move.

In order to transform the Bailey needed for the warship...

Taotu is not ready to be embarrassed!