People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 139: When Arms Dealers Are Arms Educated

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About ten meters away from the warship, Diamanti stood on the bow, looking at the warship in front of him.

Sure enough, it is different. Whether it is the hull design, those huge naval guns, and some unknown weapon platforms, they are all styles that I have never seen before. It seems that what Kapo said is true.

But what about the Cabo people?

Didn\'t Dover say that he took ten pirate groups and took the opportunity to sneak attack and **** the warship when Taotu and others went to the island to kill Garfield the blood wolf?

Why didn\'t you see anyone?

"I heard Lieutenant General Taotu is here, but I don\'t know where she is?"

"Lieutenant General, he is dealing with the Blood Wolf Pirates on the island, what\'s the matter with you?"

Also standing on the bow of the warship, Li Yan asked rhetorically.

As for Peach Rabbit, when she found out that Diamanti\'s ship was coming, she had already let her hide for the time being.

After all, if Taotu was there, how could he still fish?

Although he didn\'t know what Li Yan was going to do, under the threat of him giving money and not helping to rebuild the warship, Taotu still compromised.

And this answer also made Diamanti\'s heart settled.

If Taotu was there, I would be really hard to do it myself, not to mention whether I could grab the warship or not, just in a one-on-one duel, my chances of winning are definitely not high.

After all, being a general candidate is no joke.

Now, there is only one major general and dozens of sailors on the opponent\'s warship, which is not worth mentioning at all.

As long as you do it yourself quickly enough, and don\'t leave a living hole, you can steal the warship before Taotu finds it, and you won\'t know it!

"I came here to look for Kapo. I heard that you were arrested. I came to ask for someone!"

"Capo, it is indeed here with me. He led people to attack the warship. He has been detained at this moment, so people can\'t give it to you!"

After making up his mind, Diamanti wanted to find an excuse to do it.

In this case, even if Taotu returned halfway and failed to capture the warship, he would have enough reasons to let Taotu also have no choice but to take him, right?

Therefore, no matter where the Kapo people are, it is enough that they are caught by the other party anyway.

Unexpectedly, the other party admitted it directly.

"Capo is a member of our Donji Goethe family. According to the Shichibukai Agreement, the Navy has no right to arrest or imprison!"

"Even if he is from Qiwuhai, he is not allowed to attack the navy. Once he does, I have reason to arrest or even kill him!"

"It seems that this matter has nothing to talk about?"

"A matter of principle, of course, there is no need to talk about it!"

Under the bow of the warship, Li Yanyi said sternly.

However, at this moment, his heart is like this...

You stupid, the reasons are given to you, if you don\'t do it, what are you beeping there!

I don\'t know how many villains die?

Well, even if you don\'t talk much, you\'re dead today.

In short, hurry up, I can\'t wait!

"Since your navy is unreasonable and insists on violating the agreement against our Qiwuhai people, then don\'t blame me!"

"Get Capo back from me!"

Diamanti turned to Rao G and the other four and gave a wink to the four of them.

Seeing this, the four immediately understood.

For a guy like Kapo, it doesn\'t matter if he lives or dies, the key is this warship.

Therefore, once the war starts, the purpose is not to save Kapo at all, but to kill the navy on the warship as quickly as possible!

The four of them looked at each other and nodded, and then they each greeted their subordinates, ready to jump directly onto Li Yan\'s warship to fight.

Speaking of Diamanti, he is not easy.

Even under Doflamingo\'s men, he was the leader of the cube army with the strongest combat power among the four major units, and the cube army was also a fighting-type special unit with the most cadres.

Compared to the Blood Wolf Pirates, it\'s not even a single star.

But will Li Yan be afraid?

Obviously not, and don\'t look at who Li Yan is on the ship now, this is Brother Doflaming himself, he has to kneel, okay...

Of course, to deal with a Diamanti, you don\'t need Taotu and Yi Xiao to start. As for the cadres of the cube army, they are definitely a very good training object for Luffy and others.

At the same time, in a cabin of the warship, Taotu, who had listened to the conversation between the two sides, was also surprised.

Is Li Yan preparing to attack Qiwuhai?

Do you want to go out and stop it? After all, Diamanti\'s strength is not weak, and the matter of Qiwuhai is very troublesome.


After Taotu remembered the transformation of the warship, he immediately gave up the idea.

Forget it, I still think I don\'t know, anyway, there is a guy called Yixiao, and nothing can happen.


With a loud shout from Diamanti, Rao G and other four led the way, and all the dozens of pirates behind him jumped up and jumped directly to Li Yan\'s warship.

However, they were greeted by...


There are more than a dozen machine gun turrets used to attack air targets on this warship.

Although the original purpose was to target some devil fruit capable people with flying ability, it does not mean that these machine gun turrets can only attack in the sky, but they can also shoot flat.

The rate of fire of hundreds of bullets per minute directly turned the shot bullets into streamers, like whips, swept in the direction of those pirates.

Diamanti was stunned by this If you ask Don Quixote what the main business of Goethe is, of course it is arms. However, even they have never seen such a powerful machine gun. it is good.

However, the Donji Goethe family is a powerful faction in the Qiwuhai after all, and they are still in the new world, and these cadres under their command are basically domineering.

As soon as the machine gun started, Rao G and the others had already sensed it through the sense of sight.

While dodging, he also launched a domineering weapon to resist.

I thought it was just bullets, and the armed arrogance was enough to prevent them, but when these extremely powerful bullets really swept their bodies, they realized that...

It hurts so much, it hurts so much!

This should not be the power of a firearm at all.

After all, the firearms in the pirate world are still in the early stages of flintlock guns. The bullets are also round lead bullets, and there is not much feeling at all when they hit the body covered by the domineering look of the armed color.

But the bullet that was shot at the moment was too painful to hit him.

However, even if it hurts, you have to hold back. As long as you jump on the other side\'s warship and fight with those sailors, you don\'t have to worry about the other side continuing to shoot with such terrifying weapons.

With their hands crossed to protect their heads, and against the countless bullets, the four finally came to the front deck of the warship.

But when they looked back, they realized...

Of the more than 50 men who jumped over together, only 7 of them were able to reach and stand on the deck in the end.

One of them even jumped by jumping over, but he was also hit by several bullets, and it seemed that even the last half of his breath was almost gone.

These are the elites of their cube army!

Seeing this scene, Diamanti, who was still standing on his bow...

Heart is bleeding.