People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 136: beyond common sense

"People are pirates, build the strongest naval branch (


Centering on the collision point between the two, with a loud noise, the dust in the sky was directly stirred up, making it impossible for people to see what was going on.


Not far away, Nuo Qi Gao whispered to himself.

Although others couldn\'t see clearly, Nuo Qigao, who had seen and heard the entire battlefield, could see it very clearly.

Luffy\'s attack was blocked by Ebson in the middle, and he couldn\'t advance an inch, but in the same way, Ebson\'s single-point punch failed to completely dispel Luffy\'s offensive.

It can be said that the two sides once again showed half-hearted combat effectiveness, which surprised Nuoqigao.

Although Luffy is not a very strong existence in her eyes, in any case, his strength is among the top five of the Eighteen Branches, and Ebson is only a cadre of the Blood Wolf Pirates, not the captain.

Looking at it this way, this Ebson is really strong.

But Nuoqigao won\'t worry too much, after all, he knows very well that Luffy has not used his full strength...

"It seems that it is impossible to beat you under normal circumstances!"

"The meaning of listening to this is that you haven\'t used all your strength, it\'s not a coincidence, and neither did I!"

"Well, that\'s right, let\'s start the third round quickly!"

"Come on, don\'t hold back, go all out for the next blow!"

"I do not want it!"

For Ebson\'s proposal, Luffy didn\'t even think about rejecting it directly!

It\'s not that Luffy looks down on Ebson and isn\'t ready to use all his strength, but he was warned by Li Yan.

If it is an opponent that can be defeated under normal conditions, it is not allowed to open the second gear, and if it can be defeated in the second gear state, it is not allowed to use the third gear!

Otherwise, you will be punished for cleaning the branch toilet for one month...

You must know that the 18th branch is not the dozens of people it used to be in the past. In addition to the seamen from the various branches of the East China Sea, there are currently more than 2,000 people stationed in the 18th branch.

If this is punished to clean the toilet for a month, it will be sour...

Moreover, Li Yan is also for Luffy\'s good. Although the gravity training room and Sol\'s systematic training have made Luffy\'s strength leap forward, and developed the second gear ahead of time, the overall strength is already between the top war and the plot. between years.

However, the second, third and fourth moves can greatly improve the combat effectiveness in a short period of time, but the side effects are also very strong, and even each use will damage the life source of the user, that is, reduce the lifespan. This was mentioned in the original text.

In order to prevent Luffy from using the second gear as a regular move, Li Yan only had to limit him in this way.

After all, both Luffy and Bucky are most afraid of cleaning the toilet...

"Second gear!"

Luffy, who has confirmed that his normal state cannot defeat the opponent, directly turned on the second gear, the blood began to circulate at an accelerated rate, the problems in the body continued to rise, and even the surface of the body was steamed continuously.

Not far away, Nuo Qigao, who saw this scene, has activated the ability of the thunder fruit, and can drop the thunder penalty directly to Ebson at any time, killing him in one hit.

"Nuoqigao, if Luffy enters the second gear mode and can\'t solve the opponent for more than a minute, you should do it immediately!"

"The longer he continues to use this move, the greater the damage to the body. If it is within a controllable range within a minute, it can be adjusted back, but if it exceeds one minute, it will cause a lot of permanent damage. irreversible damage!"

Seeing the domineering lock on Ebson, and controlling the throbbing thunder, Nuo Qigao\'s words flashed through Li Yan\'s mind again.

As long as she thinks at this moment, the next second will be Ebson\'s death, and there is no negotiation.



The sudden disappearance of Luffy in front of him surprised Ebson.

He knows about the shave in the six naval styles. After all, the navy he has encountered before has also used this trick. Besides, I saw Luffy use it a lot of times just now, but the problem is...

Whether it\'s the navy they encountered before, or Luffy just now, they can still keep up with the shaving they use.

But now?

Luffy disappeared from sight with a shave, and he couldn\'t see where he was moving!

"If you can\'t see it, then don\'t watch it!"

"Ten percent of strength, whole body defense!"

Taking a deep breath, and then with a low drink, Ebson used his most proud move, a full-body defense in full state, relying solely on the physical body for defense.

The muscles of his body have been trained like steel for a long time. Once he defends with all his strength, even bullets can be spread out. Perhaps even Corona\'s 18th-style bullets can only leave traces on his body and cannot penetrate them.

However, Luffy did not rush up to output as he expected, but opened a distance of more than ten meters from Ebson.

"Rubber Jet Battle Axe Lan Foot!"

The right foot suddenly kicked up, stretched it to more than ten meters by the elasticity of the rubber, and then slammed down suddenly.

That\'s right, it\'s swinging down, not stepping down like the original move. This is a move that Luffy developed by combining his battle axe and lantern feet.

As the right leg of more than ten meters swung down, a white horse of the same ten meters was instantly released, and at a speed of a few pieces, it swept directly towards Ebson.

Compared to his ordinary slashing feet, Luffy\'s power is at least three times greater. Apart from the fact that he has no attributes, his own destructive power is almost comparable to Li Yan\'s flying slash. .

It is said that the longer the legs the more powerful the legs are, but in this world, is there anyone who can have longer legs than Luffy?

This is a rambling foot that goes beyond common sense!

Looking at the white horses rushing towards him, Ebson wanted to touch the defensive posture of his whole body, and then it was too late to avoid it, so he had to cross his hands in front of him, ready to resist the blow.

"In the next instant, this terrifying white training has already slammed up!"


The huge impact directly pushed Ebson back so quickly that he couldn\'t help shouting loudly. Even if he tried his best, he couldn\'t stop it, and he was pushed all the way back and slid at high speed for more than 20 years. Meter, until his back hit a tree with a diameter of three meters, and finally stopped.

The sturdy tree was overwhelmed and directly broke, and smashed to the ground, stirring up a large cloud of dust.

It wasn\'t until half a minute later, when the dust gradually dissipated and Abson was exposed, everyone realized that he was still maintaining a defensive posture with his arms crossed and his knees slightly bent, motionless!

"It has ended!"

A few dozen meters away, Nuo Qigao sensed it with a sense of sight, and then muttered to himself, and at the same time, the thunder that gathered in his right hand gradually dissipated.

Yep, it\'s over.

Although Ebson is still standing, although he still has a crazy look on his face, but...

The vitality has disappeared from his body.

And just when many people stopped fighting because of the scene just now, a figure suddenly flew over, and then smashed to the ground, not far from Ebson.

When those pirates saw this figure lying on the ground, rolled his eyes and lost consciousness, their eyes shrank.

This is not the staff Kapo, who else could it be?