People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 135: Luffy vs Ebson

"People are pirates, build the strongest naval branch (

After thinking about it for a long time, Bucky finally gave up, not daring to try whether the so-called decomposition of all things can decompose toxins...

"Since this is the case, then I have to use Profound Truth!"

Looking at the poisonous Bader in front of him, Bucky\'s expression became very serious.

In fact, Nuoqigao has been paying attention to this side from the very beginning of Bucky\'s fight with Bader, and is ready at any time. If Bucky can\'t do anything, she will solve it.

After all, as a person with the ability of the Thunder Fruit, this kind of thing is meaningless to her.

At this moment, when Nuoqigao saw Bucky\'s serious expression and said that he was going to use Profound Truth, he was also interested.

She knows the trick of breaking apart and decomposing all things, and she is indeed worthy of the name of mystery, but she really doesn\'t know that Bucky has other mystery...

But in the next second, Bucky\'s action made everyone a little stunned.

He stretched out his hands to the sides and threw off the cloak that wrapped him, revealing what was hidden inside the cloak.

It was one after another pistol, which was also trial-produced by Levin of the Science Department, but it has not been officially mass-produced, and only ten have been produced.

But I counted the number of pistols hidden in Bucky\'s navy cape. Isn\'t that ten? Emotional guy asked for all ten pistols in the laboratory.


Seeing this scene, Bader was also very confused.

"I thought you were talking about the profound meaning. Could it be that you thought a gun would be useful to a pirate like me who offered hundreds of millions of bounties?"

Do not make jokes.

Although I admit that these navy firearms are very strong, they are crushing on ordinary pirates, and they can even pose a sufficient threat to tens of millions of pirates.

But who is he, he is the supernova of this year, one of only eight pirates with a reward of over 100 million.

Not to mention hard-attached bullets, but as long as it is not concentrated fire from all directions, at least dodging is completely fine.

Looking at the ten pistols in the cloak that Bucky revealed, Bader looked disdainful.


"The whole body is split!"

As Bucky drank lowly, the split fruit instantly activated the basic ability, dividing the user\'s body into dozens of pieces, except for the feet, the rest were suspended in the air.

And the split this time was a little different from Bucky\'s past. It didn\'t simply disassemble the body by part, but divided it into dozens of parts according to shape.

For example, the body part is divided into 20 full pieces by cross-section, which looks like a large piece of meat.

Well, it must be very tempting to put these meat slices on an iron plate...

Then the ten fingers of both hands were split one by one, and the other parts were also split in some strange ways, with a total number of close to 40.

Just when Nuoqigao didn\'t understand what he was going to do, in the next instant, his eyes widened.

Those split body parts are in groups of four, holding up the pistols in the cloak one by one.

How did you get it up, you ask?

Very simple, the "meat" split from the body clamps the pistol from both sides, and then uses a split body from other parts to support it from the bottom of the pistol to maintain the stability of the muzzle, and finally, a finger is pulled from the trigger. Wear it over there.

This operation simply stunned everyone. It was just a stunned time, and ten pistols had already surrounded Bader from ten different directions.

"Fractured, Crossfire!"

The preparations were completed, Bucky snorted again, and immediately the ten fingers that were on the triggers of the ten pistols slammed down.

blah blah blah blah...

And that\'s not all, this new pistol holds eight rounds per magazine.

So, ten fingers continued to frantically pull the trigger.

blah blah blah blah...

In three seconds, eight rounds and eighty rounds of bullets were shot from ten different angles. The crossfire formed by them made Bader unavoidable, and he was directly beaten into a hornet\'s nest.

Although Bader\'s physique was fine, evading frontal shots wasn\'t a problem.

But this came from the crossfire from different directions, and he really couldn\'t dodge.

Coupled with his physique and devil fruit ability, he can\'t resist bullets, so the end of the hornet\'s nest is the inevitable ending.

"That\'s okay too?"

Not far away, Nuo Qigao, who has been watching the battle here, has opened his eyes.

She really didn\'t expect that such a speechless way of using the fruit ability would actually work...

In this way, Bader became the first supernova to die in the Blood Wolf Pirates.

At the same time, in another part of the battlefield, Luffy was also constantly fighting with a pirate.

His opponent is Ebson, who has a bounty of 162 million.

Unlike the other three, Ebson is not a devil fruit person, but a guy who specializes in physique.

If it\'s just a single round of physical art, he is definitely the strongest among the eight supernovas, and even Garfield is one step behind him.

At the same time, it is precisely because of his strong physical skills and physique that he fought back and forth with Luffy, and it was difficult to tell the winner for a while.

"You guy, you are really strong!"

"You\'re not too bad. Although you have the ability bonus of Devil Fruit, you are really powerful in physical skills!"

"I have to be serious next Otherwise, I will be fined and practiced again when I go back!"

"That\'s right, the warm-up is over!"

Nodding, Ebson also said in agreement.

Speaking of which, although the two fought for a while, neither of them did their best.

Take Luffy as an example, the sixth style has only been used a few times, and the domineering armament that was awakened just before the voyage has not been used.


"Rubber, finger gun, cannon!"

In just an instant, Luffy had appeared not far from Ebson. Using the resilience and stretch characteristics of the rubber fruit, combined with the six naval moves he had learned, he used an upgraded version of the cannon.

Under the premise of maintaining the original quick punch and range attack, the penetration power of the finger gun is integrated, making the power of the entire move even more terrifying.

However, Ebson, who can be rewarded with a bounty of 162 million by physical skills alone, is also not easy.

Since you\'re going to hit with a face, I\'ll break it with a point.

"Eighty percent of the power, a burst punch!"

Concentrating the power on the right arm, the muscles suddenly continued to bulge, so that Ebson\'s right arm almost doubled in size, which was extremely incongruent with his body, but some of Luffy\'s visual sense when he used third gear, but Not as exaggerated as the third block.

after all...

Ebson had no rubber fruit.

But even so, it was already terrifying.

With a punch, the air seemed to be torn apart, and there was even a sound like an explosion.

No wonder it was called a burst punch by Ebson.

One has a wide attack surface and strong piercing power, and the other is a single-point attack with terrifying power.

Just the next moment...

The attacks of the two collided fiercely!