People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 120: Barry can't be this cute

"People are pirates, build the strongest naval branch (

That\'s not a naturally formed island!

This sentence exploded in Bipley\'s mind like a thunderbolt.

"Barry, what do you mean?"

"Literally, I knew about Corona Island before I came here, and I also saw the photos of this island, so I\'m pretty sure that there is no sub-island on the side of Corona Island!"

Hearing this, Bipley also widened his eyes.

He did not doubt what Bally said. If it was understood from the textual information, it might be an error in the record, but the photo...

"However, if this natural island is..."

"I don\'t know. Maybe it used the ability of some kind of devil fruit to transport islands from other places, or it is possible that an island was built artificially?"

"The former is still possible, the latter is impossible!"

Glancing at his mouth, Bipley said with great certainty.

Although this is just a small island, it is still too exaggerated to build something artificially.

"Okay, guessing is meaningless now. In short, after we got to the eighteenth branch, we asked the Governor of the East China Sea, and we would naturally know the answer!"


More than half an hour later, Bally and the others finally arrived at the 18th branch. The branch\'s military port at this moment is no longer the small and simple military port of the past. There is no problem in berthing such an oversized ship.

"Hello, I\'m Major General Li Yan\'s adjutant Ai En. Major General is already waiting in the office, please come with me!"

When Barry and Bipley got off the boat, Ain immediately greeted him.


"you you you......"

"What\'s wrong with me?"

Seeing Barry pointing at himself with an exaggerated look, Ain was very puzzled.

"What\'s wrong with a woman like you, so shameless."

"I, shameless?"

Pointing at himself, Ain looked bewildered.

"Isn\'t it, look at what you are wearing on the lower part of your body, Kalifa is already short enough, and you are even shorter than her. Isn\'t that shameless?"

"Hey, what are you doing, don\'t come near me, you indiscreet woman, don\'t touch me with your hands, stop!"

That being said, Barry did resist very stubbornly and earnestly, but...

After all, the strength gap is a bit big, and Ain put his hand on his keyboard very easily.


The moment Ain touched Barry, the power of the Devil Fruit was activated.

In just a moment, the cigar in Barry\'s mouth had fallen from the air, and when everyone looked at Barry again, the others were gone, and only the clothes he was wearing were left on the ground.

"Where did you get Barry?"

Seeing this scene, Bipley was also anxious.

However, Ain still looked cold as if he didn\'t hear what he said.

Not checking yourself?

Are you not ashamed?

It\'s the first time I\'ve heard someone say that about me when I\'ve grown up so much!

This doesn\'t give a little "small" penalty, so how can it be...

Just when Bipley saw that Ain didn\'t speak and wanted to speak again, Barry\'s clothes that fell on the ground suddenly moved, and immediately...

A small hand sticks out from under the clothes.

Seeing this scene, Billip hurriedly stepped forward and lifted the Lance of the Barry set on the ground, but the next moment, a child in his early ten years came into view, with an unusually cute appearance.

Boy, why are you here?

To tell the truth, the entire pier, including Bipley, and more than 100 people from the Carrera Company were a little confused at the moment.

Confused by the disappearance of Vice President Bally...

Confused by this suddenly appearing child...

"Asshole Bipley, let me down, I\'m Barry!"

"You said you were the vice president of Barry?"

Looking at the cute boy who was held up in the air by himself, Bipley was stunned.

This way of speaking is quite similar, but this is obviously a child!

"What are you saying, bastard, you don\'t know me in a few seconds?"

"Wait, how did you get so tall?"

"Ah, my hand, why is my hand so small?"

It was only then that Barry finally realized that he was being held in the air by Bipley, and the weightlessness of the double bottom made him very puzzled.

After all, how could Bipley keep his hands so far off the ground?

More importantly, when Barry looked at his palm, where was the rough and powerful palm of a boatman?

It\'s obviously a child\'s little hand, and it\'s pink and tender.

Just licking the dog!

" he really the vice president of Barry?"

Like a robot, with his neck turning one by one, Billip looked at Ain, who still had a cold face, and asked, there was even a hint of trembling in his voice.

"This guy\'s mouth is too stinky. I\'ll give him a little punishment. Is there a problem?"

"Of course there is a problem, there is a problem too!"

"Well, it seems that you have an opinion, then you have to..."

Just when Ain was about to give Bipley a shot, the next moment, what Bipley said caused Ain to stumble and almost fell to the ground.

"Just tell me, did you take Vice President Barry away?"

"If you want to use a kid to fool you, are we so easy to be deceived!"

"And Even if you want to lie to us, please find a similar one!"

"After all, how can Vice President Barry be so cute?"

At the port, apart from the people from the Carrera Company, the rest of the people, whether they were the seamen of the Eighteenth Branch, or the workers of the Roland Company who happened to be here, were all shocked at this moment, if it weren\'t for the physical limitations of the human body , I\'m afraid my jaw will fall to the ground.

But looking at the people from Carrera, they all nodded their heads in agreement, and didn\'t feel that there was anything wrong with the words of their foreman, Bipley.

Good guy, just good guy, this group of people from Carrera is simply not human!

"Bipley, what are you talking about, bastard?"

"Okay, kid, don\'t act anymore, we\'ve all seen it through, and said, where did you and that female sailor hide our vice president?"



After half an hour, Ain finally brought Barry and Bipley to Li Yan\'s office.

"Major General, this is Barry, the vice president of Carrera, and Bipley, the foreman of the first dock!"

After Ain\'s introduction, Li Yan was also a little confused.

Bipley, the foreman of the first dock, still had the impression that he was the guy in front of him who was shirtless and wearing a pair of sunglasses.

But Barry, I didn\'t see it!

And when did Barry become the vice president? Didn\'t he become the vice president after the Seven Waters Incident in the original book?

Is it because Carrera was asked to open a branch in the East China Sea, which led to the advance of this process?


I know it\'s possible too!

Wait, the key now is not this, where are the Pali people?

"Ain, where is the vice president of Barry?"