People Are Pirates, Build the Strongest Naval Branch

Chapter 121: Why is it disabled at 12 years?

"People are pirates, build the strongest naval branch (

Hearing Li Yan ask where Bally is, Bipley\'s application began to look strange, and his eyes drifted downward, and Li Yan couldn\'t see that position because of the desk block.

what\'s going on?

With a hint of doubt, Li Yan stood up, supported the table with both hands, and looked down at the other end of the work.

It was a very cute child, about eleven or twelve years old, and he must be a handsome guy when he grows up.

Although it was strange for such a child to appear in his office, Li Yan couldn\'t help but think so.

"This child is..."

"Major General, this is the new vice president of Carrera, Barry!"

"What, is he Barry?"

With his eyes rounded, Li Yan was stunned.

Shouldn\'t Barry be a guy in his early twenties who looks over 30 and is very sloppy?

But this lovely child in front of me...

Well, let\'s not say cute or not, just this age is not right!

and many more...

At this time, Li Yan finally remembered that the Devil Fruit ability of his adjutant immediately looked at Ain with a strange expression.

"Adjutant Ain, can you explain?"

"His mouth stinks!"

"Huh? What did he say?"

"He called me shameless and a disrespectful woman. If he insulted the Navy like this, of course I have to teach him a little lesson as punishment!"

"Shameless, dishonest?"

Hearing this, Li Yan unconsciously moved his gaze downward to see what Ain\'s lower body was wearing.

Well, it turned out to be so!

Li Yan finally understood why Barry said that to Ain, this is indeed short enough, shorter than Kalifa\'s skirt...

And Kalifa at least wears fishnet stockings. Ain is directly showing his thighs in white. With Barry\'s character, he doesn\'t scold Ain for being shameless. That would be hell.

Alas, self-inflicted this is...

"Okay, I understand the matter, but Adjutant Ain, how many days are you going to punish him?"

"How many days? Let\'s start with a month. If he admits his mistake then it\'s fine, otherwise another month will be added!"


Your adjutant is so ruthless!

But Li Yan is not incomprehensible, a good girl, who is scolded in front of her for being shameless and an indiscreet woman, who can stand this.

But the question is, in a month, will this guy really apologize for this?

"Bally, you insulted the naval officer, and there is no problem with Ain punishing you. I hope you can apologize to her in a month!"

"Hmph, apologize to this woman? Why, I\'m not wrong!"

Sitting on the ground, Bally, when he heard Li Yan say this, naturally thought that Li Yan was covering up his subordinates, and was greatly dissatisfied.

While not admitting his mistake, he raised his head and wanted to give Ain a stern look.

But due to the current height difference, this rise...

"Damn, you shameless woman, what do you want me to see!"

"It\'s just like the world is getting worse!"

This angle is really...

Bally, whose face was flushed, scolded directly, which made Li Yan beside him speechless for a while.


Almost gritted his teeth, Ain slowly spit out every word from his mouth.

oh well, do it yourself...

Hearing Ain\'s latest sentence, Li Yan looked at Barry with sympathy.


After half an hour.

Finally, the farce in the office ended. Li Yan took Bally and Bipley from Corona Island to the artificial sub-island where the captain was located through the connecting bridge.

When Li Yan took them around and introduced all the equipment and related uses in detail.

Barley and Bipley were already stunned.

Especially Bipley, at this moment, he only felt a slight heat on his face.

Slap in the face, this is really a slap in the face!

Just over an hour ago, he had sworn to say that what kind of good shipyards can these village bumpkins in the East China Sea build, wouldn\'t they all be demolished and rebuilt?

But now?

Those huge docks one after another, and those giant machines that look mighty and domineering, but they don\'t know a single one of them...

Who the **** is a hillbilly?

"Major General, is this really for us?"

Barry, who still looked like a child, asked in a trembling and somewhat immature voice.

"Yes, are you satisfied?"

"Satisfied, I can\'t be more satisfied, this is simply better than our No. 1 dock in the Capital of Seven Waters!"

"By the way, Mr. Esbagu should have told you that during the East China Sea, although the Eighteenth Branch will not interfere in the business or financial aspects of your shipyard, nominally, you will still be classified under the Eighteenth Branch. ,is that OK?"

"No problem, no problem, as long as this shipyard is used by us, even if it is not in name, but actually under the banner of the Eighteenth Branch, there will be no problem!"

"Is this really your vice president?"

Hearing this, Li Yan looked at Bipley who was on the side and asked, while Bipley covered his face with one hand, not knowing how to answer.

Shame, shame too!

"Okay, since you are I have prepared the office building and accommodation building for you here, you can just check in with your bags!"

"However, with more than 100 of you, can you operate such a large shipyard?"

Although the people in the pirate world are very cow, even one person can be used as several people in the previous life.

But after all, this is a large shipyard, Li Yan is still a little skeptical about whether Bally and the others have enough manpower.

If a shipyard of this size was replaced by his previous life, how could it take thousands of people to fully operate it?


"There is indeed a lack of preparation. After all, I didn\'t expect the Major General to provide us with such a shipyard. This can\'t be called a shipyard, it can be called a shipbuilding island. I will send an application to Mr. Esbagu in a while to mobilize more Many boatmen are coming!"

This can\'t be done. For such an awesome shipyard, if Major General Li Yan suspects that the Carrera company is not capable enough to operate, and let others take over...

If this one is not good, it may even directly pull the Carrera company from the dominance of the shipbuilding industry!

No, as the vice president, this kind of thing must not happen to him!

Barry immediately decided to call Esbagu in a while to explain the situation. At least 100 more, no, 200 excellent boatmen will be sent!

Well, the foreman has to come over a few more!


Directly set here as the global headquarters of the Carrera company, it seems...

It is not impossible to consider it!

Looking at the determined Bally, Li Yan also sighed a little.

Mingming is so cute when he was 12 years old, no matter how he looks at the future, he is a proper handsome guy, but why...

After 12 years, how can he grow up to look like that at the age of 24?